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  • disk spinup since ~ 6.6.x

    • Retest Minor

    currently on 6.6.3, but this behavior is propaby since a few versions already here


    array disks keep not down even when they are not accessed.


    i cant get any reason (checked with several plugins to find reason, active streams, open files, file activity, cache directories)


    i have alot of spinups even there should be 0 activity, also, accessing a file on disk 3 for example (starting a old movie)

    all disks spinup meanwhile here, before i only had the used disk spinned up ...


    could it be together with smb 3.1.1 maybe ?


    what i just tried, killed all smbd processes


    root@AlsServer:~# smbstatus -u

    Samba version 4.8.6
    PID     Username     Group        Machine                                   Protocol Version  Encryption           Signing

    Service      pid     Machine       Connected at                     Encryption   Signing

    Locked files:
    Pid          Uid        DenyMode   Access      R/W        Oplock           SharePath   Name   Time



    again 2 disks spinning up here, disk2 + 3 actually, smbstatus still empty ...


    here from the system log, i killed the last smbd process, made a manual spindown


    Oct 28 10:00:54 AlsServer emhttpd: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/open.files/scripts/killprocess 30702 Oct 28 10:01:06 AlsServer emhttpd: req (100): cmdSpindownAll=true&startState=STARTED&csrf_token=**************** Oct 28 10:01:06 AlsServer emhttpd: Spinning down all drives... Oct 28 10:01:06 AlsServer kernel: mdcmd (765): spindown 1 Oct 28 10:01:07 AlsServer kernel: mdcmd (766): spindown 2 Oct 28 10:01:09 AlsServer kernel: mdcmd (767): spindown 3 Oct 28 10:01:10 AlsServer emhttpd: shcmd (526): /usr/sbin/hdparm -y /dev/nvme1n1 Oct 28 10:01:10 AlsServer kernel: mdcmd (768): spindown 4 Oct 28 10:01:10 AlsServer root: HDIO_DRIVE_CMD(standby) failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device Oct 28 10:01:10 AlsServer root: Oct 28 10:01:10 AlsServer root: /dev/nvme1n1: Oct 28 10:01:10 AlsServer root: issuing standby command Oct 28 10:01:10 AlsServer emhttpd: shcmd (526): exit status: 25 Oct 28 10:01:54 AlsServer emhttpd: req (101): csrf_token=****************&title=System+Log&cmd=%2FwebGui%2Fscripts%2Ftail_log&arg1=syslog Oct 28 10:01:54 AlsServer emhttpd: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/tail_log syslog Oct 28 10:04:01 AlsServer emhttpd: req (102): csrf_token=****************&title=System+Log&cmd=%2FwebGui%2Fscripts%2Ftail_log&arg1=syslog Oct 28 10:04:01 AlsServer emhttpd: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/tail_log syslog


    directly after that disks 2 and 3 are up ... im pretty stuck here.



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    well, when u mean safe mode from boot on, i never tested this yet.


    or do you mean by disabling all plugins, dockers and vm´s ?

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    and some more tests, when i playback files in plex or kodi for example wich are definately on the cache drive,

    also all disks spinup before the playback starts ...


    im pretty sure this behavior wasnt before, before when i played "actual current media" it started instantly (from cache), when i started playback after the mover turned in (was once a week) i could here playback started after the disk spinup like it should be ...


    now i always have disk spinups, nevermind where the media file is located ...


    just tested 10 files and always disks spinned up while all files where located at /cache ...


    i ll test some more, sadly i cant see anything accessing those disks in any logs ...

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    7 hours ago, alturismo said:

    well, when u mean safe mode from boot on, i never tested this yet.


    or do you mean by disabling all plugins, dockers and vm´s ?


    When you power on your unraid server, there are several menu options, one of which is labeled as "Safe Mode". This allows your server to start up but without any plugins, docker containers, or virtual machines running. Choose this option and see if it resolves your spinup / spindown issues.

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    ok, so on boot, i know that option.


    may will look on this tomorrow when i get some more time, but actually some other behaviors


    from my win10 VM


    accessing the same video files directly from win 10 with open in VLC


    /server/cache/Media/.... -> no spinups

    /server/Media/... -> disks will spinup after 2 or 3 files ...


    ALL tested files are physically in /cache, just accessing them differently ...


    now, im considering to split my Media Points so i always have 2 sub dirs, /mnt/cache/Media... AND /mnt/Media ....

    or even /mnt/cache... /mnt/disk1/... and so on, would need some scraping again ;)

    then at least media access should be solved (wich is a workaround and no solution in my oppinion)


    same behavior also with other "apps", sample, yesterday recorded Walking Dead, opening AviSynth for cutting, disk spin up ... also in cache, the complete season 9 yet ;) but i ll take a look tomorrow in safe mode.


    i just dont like to reboot cause boot time from my 10G NIC is insane long (2,30 min)

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    I am seeing this issue as well.  I am on 6.6.3 and the disks never spin down on their own.  I have installed the File Activity plugin to try and get an idea but the only items that return are on my disk5 (not including cache) which should be the only disk that never spins down cause it is where I have all of my dockers at and they are always working.  All of my other drives only contain my movie media and should spin down when no one is watching anything.  Something in the recent updates have caused issue where they no longer spin down on their own.


    Edited by mace5805
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    45 minutes ago, mace5805 said:

    I am seeing this issue as well.  I am on 6.6.3 and the disks never spin down.  Even when I manually spin them down, they never go into a spin down mode.  I have installed the File Activity plugin to try and get an idea but the only items that return are on my disk5 (not including cache) which should be the only disk that never spins down cause it is where I have all of my dockers at and they are always working.  All of my other drives only contain my movie media and should spin down when no one is watching anything.  Something in the recent updates have caused issue where they no longer spin down.

    PLEASE include diagnostics.zip.  Maybe capture right after manually spinning down and they don't spin down.

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    ok, made a safe mode test now


    started with GUI safe mode, started the array, stopped all dockers, no plugins where running.

    spinned down the drives so only cache (NVME) and UA (NVME) was active.


    then started my laptop wich has the shares mounted.


    2 of 3 times by only opening the explorer on the smb client the disks starts to spin up ...

    when it kept calm, entering the network share 1 of 2 will spinup the drives


    accessing media wich is in /mnt/user/Media/test ... and is physically on the /mnt/cache/Media/test ...

    will sometimes spinup the drives.


    so i NEVER executed or touched (opened) any file wich is really on one of my disks (disk 1 - 4).


    i guess that the smb accesses (even when "sleeping") from clients (VM´s, Dockers, Shield TV, Kodi, ...)

    are resulting in spinups, even there are no files executed or touched.

    and even when a file is executed from cache inside the same share where disk files are ..



    /Media/Show/Season1/Episode1.mkv   <-- is physically on /server/disk1/Media/Season1/Episode1.mkv

    /Media/Show/Season1/Episode8.mkv   <-- is physically on /server/cache/Media/Season1/Episode8.mkv


    when i now start Episode8.mkv on an plex client or kodi client, disk1 will most likely spinup ...

    so unraid (smb) doesnt really know where the file is in 1st case and look in all disks ...

    wich im pretty sure wasnt like that ... and shouldnt be like that.


    i think when i browse the shares in the webui from unraid i never get any spinups ...

    only when i really hit the file and a download or whatever starts then the disk will get spinup, wich is correct.

    thats just my thoughts.


    as i never saw any entries in syslog, file activities plugin, open files plugin wich could explain what is happening ...

    i made a diagnostic from the last test today morning, but i cant see anything, hopefully u can tell what could be the reason ...




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    On 10/31/2018 at 3:46 PM, mace5805 said:

    I am seeing this issue as well.  I am on 6.6.3 and the disks never spin down on their own.  I have installed the File Activity plugin to try and get an idea but the only items that return are on my disk5 (not including cache) which should be the only disk that never spins down cause it is where I have all of my dockers at and they are always working.  All of my other drives only contain my movie media and should spin down when no one is watching anything.  Something in the recent updates have caused issue where they no longer spin down on their own.


    Okay, it seems that using the manual spin down they will spin down but they are not spinning down on their own.  I even tried setting the spin down manually from Default to 30 min and they never spun down.  I show no activity on any disk except Parity, Disk5, and Cache which is expected and should be the only drives that never spin down.  I used the File Activity plugin as well as watched the main page and the reads/writes never moved except for the disks mentioned.  When I manually spin down the disks, they will stay spun down until they are used which is rarely since they are for movies but once spun up they will not spin down by themselves. 


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    I am seeing this as well in 6.6.3. Even in safe mode, and disconnected from the network entirely.

    • Set vfs_cache_pressure to 0 ("sysctl vm.vfs_cache_pressure=0")
    • Execute find /mnt/user/SHARENAME of a fairly large share periodically for a while (I used the watch command)
    • Eventually (sometimes it's more or less immediately, sometimes it takes a few hours) the find command will spin up and read some/all disks that share is on even though the dentries should be cached permanently. This will then proceed to happen more and more often, until it happens every find command issued.


    This does not happen on 6.6.1, I don't have to install files to test on 6.6.2.

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    ok, some othe tests i made


    i record tv shows with plex, all files are physically in cache


    when i now open Avisynth to cut my commercials


    by just starting webui of avisynth and accessing a folder ALL disks spinup without touching any file,

    tis happens when using /mnt/user/Media as start folder, and im pretty sure Avisynth also doesnt read all files ...

    also in this folder there definately no files from ALL disks, usually files are in /cache or /disk4, im ONLY working

    with the files on /cache, but ALL disks get active ...


    when i use /mnt/cache/Media im good of course, so i still believe (cause i dunno better) that unraid has some issue

    when accessing /mnt/user/... to recognize there are cache files, also here im pretty sure that wasnt like this before.


    and again, NO activity in open files, in active streams or any other log ...


    so even IF in this case Avysynth would look for the files in the directory im currently in, it shouldnt fire up ALL disks, at least in my understanding of cache and disks ...


    media access by plex server btw got almost 0 activities now by using the plugin cache_dir with fixed value und pressure 1, so here i have a workaround wich helps alot, but other access is still ... lets say depends on server mood ;) sometimes ok, sometimes just starts all up with no (known) reason.

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    17 minutes ago, alturismo said:

    by just starting webui of avisynth and accessing a folder ALL disks spinup without touching any file,

    tis happens when using /mnt/user/Media as start folder, and im pretty sure Avisynth also doesnt read all files ...

    Does that user share include all disks?

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    just wanted to add to this aswell. Updated from 6.6.1 to 6.6.3 and now no drive other than the parity will ever go to sleep. Something is borked with the update

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    3 hours ago, Draic said:

    just wanted to add to this aswell. Updated from 6.6.1 to 6.6.3 and now no drive other than the parity will ever go to sleep. Something is borked with the update

    Thank our for your insightful comment!  Who needs diagnostics?  Who needs use cases?  Who needs any simplified configs to pinpoint how this happens?  I just need to search for the string "borked" in the source code!  Why didn't I think of that?

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    Found it 😁

    if unraid_version > 6.6.1 then
      spinup (all_disks)
      sleep (never)
      invoke (bork_system)
      spindown (all_disks)


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    i increeased now the following in the plugin cache_dir, cache pressure 0, ulimit (memory) 0 ...


    wich also improves the behavior of silent disk usage.


    may anything to provide wich could be helpful ? could it be the smb 3.1.1 update ?

    i mean all is running smooth here, just disk behavior changed ...


    and maybe (just a feeling), when starting media´s in clients, the startup takes longer .... even now when the disks

    does not all spinup (due cache_dir plugin), like it would take longer to server the data ... from the cache,

    specially the 1st playback, sample user case, i start a show, it takes about 5 - 10 seconds to startup wich has been faster before when coming from cache ...

    when i know use /mnt/cache instead the media starts instantly ... same file, same location.

    i just try to figure where to look for cause, in my eyes i cant find anything what could be the reason, no log or any watch plugin (active streams, file activity, open files) shows a reason why a disk is now starting up ...


    so in combination with "feeled" access times i think about the access behavior to /mnt/user ... specially on files wich are in physically in /mnt/cache/...


    so if theres any usercase u need logs, i ll try to provide them, i cant find anything and i dont know how to describe it better ;)

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    after 2 days usage with plugin cache_dir and pressure 0 im there where i can say its normal like before ...


    drives only come up when they should, no more spinups by laptop booting, no more spinups by access media files from cache ... like it was before latest updates ...


    i hope that this "workaround" wont break other things, but now im good atm.


    i only have one spinup @ nite ~ 2am without my personal use, but i guess it has something todo with plex, wich was also before latest updates ... so no change here but also doesnt matter.


    just as note if that may points in the direction what could have changed and causing disk spinups.

    Edited by alturismo
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    after some tests with disabling cache_dir plugin i can confirm its back to normal again.


    What i didnt test yet is a reboot without cache_dir plugin (uninstall, reboot, check ...), only disabled now ...


    as there where no changes still a myst what made this happen ;)

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    Anecdote, simply because I didn't do any rigorous testing, but just noticed it from my typical usage patterns - after 6.6.4/6.6.5 updates (not sure which because I applied them only 12 hours apart), spin down behavior seems like expected behavior.

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