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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/21 in Posts

  1. @TGFNAS Das Gehampel ist nicht das Problem. Der Witz usw ist auch alles fein. Aber die Übermittlung der Informationen... Nerd pur, dazu teilweise Infos verdreht und alles nur sehr kurz angerissen. Ich mein, für mich kein Problem, aber wie viele kommen da mit. Das ist so als würde Albert Einstein in einem TikTok Video die Relativitätstheorie erklären und am Ende einen Mic Drop machen 🤯
    6 points
  2. My response, not the official Limetech response. Every single user of CA has had to acknowledge two distinct popups regarding applications prior to any installation being allowed. A general one and also another specifically geared towards plugins, which link to https://forums.unraid.net/topic/87144-ca-application-policies-notes/?tab=comments#comment-809115 and https://forums.unraid.net/topic/87144-ca-application-policies-notes/?tab=comments#comment-817555 respectively, which also detail some (but nowhere near all) of the security procedures in place. The lists within CA are not just a compendium of "applications at large". They are moderated, and constantly being reviewed. Great pains are also taken to have the ability to notify users of any malicious software installed, either through FCP or CA's own emergency notification system (opt-in). Now, if you do decide to go and install an app that is outside of CA's control, then you are on your own. But to directly answer your question, all plugins and many containers are code reviewed when being added into CA. ALL plugins MUST be open source except in exceptional circumstances. Provisions exist for removal / notification to the user if anything malicious happens after the fact. (To be quite honest though, I would worry far far more about a docker container being installed via the command line (or a dockerHub search) that's not listed within CA rather than a plugin. eg: How many examples are there already of mining software being embedded in a random container on dockerHub?)
    3 points
  3. Ich bin, kurz nachdem ich zu unRaid kam, auf den Kanal von TGF aufmerksam geworden. Wohl dem YouTube-Algorithmus geschuldet. 😉 Meiner Meinung nach machen die Videos auf unRaid und seine Funktionen aufmerksam/neugierig. Die fundierten Infos dazu habe ich mir dann anderweitig besorgt. Ich denke aber, das genau das beabsichtigt ist. Die Videos sollen unterhalten. Und das tun sie.
    2 points
  4. Another option is /boot/extra folder on boot drive
    2 points
  5. fand ich das Video an sich gut, Nope, find ich das Video ganz "interessant" um mal neugierig zu werden, klar ... und besser so eine Unraid Werbung als gar keine Unraid Werbung und man muss "provokant" sein um Interesse zu wecken ... gehört einfach dazu, leider ... so rein sachlich, fachlich, .... kommt man heute nicht weit ... Und ja, das mit den Array Pools ist halt daneben gewesen, zu schnell ohne ... aber hey, es gibt schlimmeres
    2 points
  6. Klar versuche ich, wenn die Zeit es zulässt mitzulesen und zu schreiben! Welche Aussage ist denn falsch? XFS Arrays haben noch keinen Raid (btrfs würde ich nicht anfassen hab ich deswegen auch nicht weiter ausgearbeitet). Ah habs gefunden! Ja war missverständlich ausgedrückt geht auf meine Kappe. Da man HDDs in einen Pool schmeissen kann und Multipools anlegen, kann haette ich einfach nur Multipools auch mit HDDs sagen sollen... *hatofshame*
    2 points
  7. We will be making a bigger announcement soon, but for now 🔊
    2 points
  8. I've created the first beta of a web-based array capacity calculator. I have no idea if such a thing already exists, but as a coder, I don't mind just making one myself. unraid.category5.tv <-- Click that link to launch the calculator. The system allows you to enter up to 21 drive capacities (based on the "fake" capacity shown by your drive manufacturer on the label - eg. 500 GB) and will tell you how much data storage space you'll have on your unRAID array. Currently, Parity is forced. However, as Parity is in fact optional for unRAID, I will inevitably add an ability to remove Parity. The calculator supports addition of a cache drive, and does all the math to give you real numbers with regards to your potential capacity (not the fake manufacturer numbers). While seasoned unRAID users understand the capacity, I thought this would be a great tool for people who are curious about unRAID, as it shows how much capacity you'll get (in reality) if you build an array with whatever hard drive specifications you provide. Hope you all enjoy. If you have feature requests, just let me know. I'm also perfectly happy to share the code if someone wants to play with it, although I'll keep hosting the "official" program at the url listed above, indefinitely. Regards, Robbie
    1 point
  9. Hello, I've had a disk from my array pop up as disabled and is showing 2048 errors on the main page. Smart Report shows passed (attached with full diag) I've had this happen before since then I've changed the SATA cable although I realise now not the power cable for the drive so perhaps I'll try that next (assuming this drive is OK to rebuild on?) Do I need to considering replacing the disk or is it worth another try with a different power cable? Many thanks in advance! furnnet-servur-diagnostics-20210504-2056.zip furnnet-servur-smart-20210504-2055.zip
    1 point
  10. Witzigerweise sehe ich es genau andersherum. Wozu mit einem RAID Pool alle SSDs gleichzeitig abnutzen, wenn man mit SSDs den einzigen Nachteil des Arrays, nämlich die geringe Geschwindigkeit, kompensieren kann. Ich sehe die Zukunft daher eher in einem reinen SSD Array ohne jegliche Pools. Gerade PCIe 4.0 x4 NVMe sind übrigens Stromschlucker. Für einen sparsamen Storage müssen die mal von den hohen Geschwindigkeiten abkommen. Ich hätte jedenfalls lieber 8x x1 NVMe mit 2000 MB/s statt zwei mit 8000 MB/s. Wenn ich 8000 MB/s haben wollte, könnte ich die immer noch in ein ZFS RAID packen. Allerdings bezweifle ich, dass die SSDs noch nennenswert günstiger werden. Wir sehen doch wie verzweifelt die die Kosten drücken, in dem sie immer schlechtere Konzepte umsetzen (QLC, kein DRAM, kein dedizierter SLC Cache, usw.). Im Gegensatz zu den Anfangszeiten fällt der Preis also nur noch durch Minderung der Qualität. Ich denke daher nicht, dass wir die 50 € pro TB jemals sehen werden, außer vielleicht mit OLC Zellen und entsprechend geringer Geschwindigkeit, wenn man die SSD voll macht (weil dann kein SLC Cache mehr übrig ist). Allerdings sind HDDs auch am Ende. Ich will jedenfalls keine 40TB HDD, die 3 Tage braucht um die Parität zu berechnen. Und bei der Doppelarm Technik von Seagate bin ich mal gespannt wie der Stromverbrauch aussieht. Nutzt ja nichts, wenn die 40TB zwar doppelt so schnell, aber auch doppelt so viel Strom verbraucht. Aber warten wir mal ab wie schnell die HAMR und MAMR Platten werden. Wenn es keine Verdoppelung bei der Geschwindigkeit gibt, sehe ich schwarz. Es gibt nach meiner Recherche nur ein Modell, das negativ aufgefallen ist. Seitdem ist es nicht offiziell unterstützt. Finde ich auch was albern. Ich verbaue auch SSDs (Samsung Enterprise) in den Arrays meiner Kunden und da gibt es auch keine Probleme.
    1 point
  11. You can do both at once. Rebuilding parity is just like rebuilding data, it is the same parity calculation.
    1 point
  12. Hallo liebe Leute, ich möchte an dieser Stelle gerne eine Lanze für Alex brechen... Die Videos sind unterhaltsam, ansprechend und machen neugierig. Craaaaassss, was alles mit unRAID geht!. Danke für den Einblick! Wenn man sich in letzter Konsequenz dann für die Benutzung dieses Systems entscheidet, wird man (so nehme ich an) noch weitere Quellen lesen wollen (z.B. sie unRaid-Doku). Die punktuelle "Unschärfe" ist insofern aus meiner Sicht vernachlässigbar, zumal unbeabsichtigt. Ich für mich kann zumindest sagen, dass ich ohne die Videos von "The Geek Freak" nicht so schnell auf unRaid gestoßen wäre. Ohne es zu wissen, würde mir etwas fehlen. Beste Grüße Nebrius
    1 point
  13. You can force the WebUI option to appear by adding a port parameter e.g. -p '80:80/tcp' to the extra parameters field in advanced settings. Just put in whatever port the container's webui is using.
    1 point
  14. Are you able to get the docker logs also? I had a quick look and it looks like Unmanic has encountered some exception that it could not handle. I'll take a closer look tonight since you sent me the DB also, I may be able to reproduce the issue...
    1 point
  15. Awesome! I want to say that I really appreciate these videos that you have made. I know that they will be helpful to a lot of users of Unmanic. Thanks!
    1 point
  16. No they are automatically installed at boot from this dir.
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. ICH GLAUBE ES NICHT ! Nichts hat geholfen... das hilft endlich DANKE DANKE DANKE
    1 point
  19. Alternativ kann man unter Windows auch Anmeldedaten für einen SMB-Share hinterlegen.
    1 point
  20. Hi everyone! Over the past few months i've put together a "how-to" playlist for the different functions of Unmanic. For anyone that hasn't seen it, you can find that playlist here. More to my point: to wrap up the playlist, I thought it would be neat to visit with @Josh.5 for a few minutes over Zoom and he kindly obliged. If you'd like to see our short conversation, you can check that out here. Hope you enjoy
    1 point
  21. Have you even thought about putting the Slackware packages onto your USB Boot device for example /boot/custompackages and then write a small install routine in the go file that installs them on every start/reboot, this would be way easier and also is how packages should be installed on Unraid. Your method is way too complicated because you have to do a custom build on every update from Unraid for a few slackware packages. What do you thing about that?
    1 point
  22. Absolut richtig, was viele hier meinen. Parityprotrction im Array macht Sinn! Ich fahre dann aber lieber die Möglichkeit, mir mit syncthing oder r-sync raid 10 im Pool zu basteln. Von der Uasfallsicherheit sind wir da schon sehr kompetitiv und dir Performance ist allemal überlegen. Ich mag da immer sehr gefärbt antworten, das tut mir leid. Aber wenn mein Schnittarchiv pro folge mal locker 800GB hat... dann ist der Aufwand des umschichtens oder den Cache vollbomben... naja aus dieser sicht ist das Array oft mals nutzlos für mich. Selbst bei mittlerweile 90TB... oft ein Ärgerniss. Mir ist bewusst, dass das ein Randfall ist, aber das machen wir ja auch, Rnadfälle ausloten. Muss mich da aber auch outen, hatte Unraid jetzt ein Jahre Parityless. Hatte auch gewisse Performancevorteile, auf Kosten der Sicherheit natürlich. Kann gerne versuchen die Themen spezifischer und langsamer zu erarbeiten, aber hab öfters schon Gegenwind bekommen, selbst ich sei zu langsam (siehe Lukas aus dem Team). Einige User würden sich meine Videos nur auf 2x ansehen oder durchskippem. Frage ist wie ichs Allen recht machen kann... Im Endeffekt gibts keine eierlegende Eollmilchsau. Aber für Alle dies genauer haben wollen, machen wir ja wöchentliche Livestreams mit Fragerunden, vielleicht ist das ein Wehrmutstropfen?
    1 point
  23. Identity crisis. I was looking for My Servers on the plugin page but there it's called Unraid.net. It would be nice to settle on one name. Also, the App store has a link to the Support thread which goes to a general category.
    1 point
  24. The reason behind my question is because the plugin tries to download a newer version if a newer version is found on boot and the boot can take longer than usual if that happens. Oh then this seems some other kind of problem not strictly related to the plugin. Also seen that from your Diagnostics otherwise the plugin can't detect your card. Legacy often helps. I don't think that this will solve the issue and a beta BIOS is never really the way to go. I don't completely understand what you mean exactly with this. Have you set the VM to autostart?
    1 point
  25. It could be circumstantial, but going to Mullvad's site, deleting the port forward I had and downloading the Wireguard config files again resolved the issue for both containers.
    1 point
  26. Thanks for the suggestions! Yes, it was active SSH was disabled so didn't check - I did hook up an external monitor and it was booted and could logon there. Yes, incl vbios. Its not bound to VFIO at boot. Not sure how its booting, I think it accepts both- I'll change it in the bios to legacy. If that doesn't work, there is a beta bios available for this board: I'll update that if the above doesn't work out. One thing I'll say is that it's weird that the problem of the GPU not being recognized after reboot only seems to happen with the drivers installed..
    1 point
  27. Den Thread habe ich gesehen. War jedoch auch unter Windows wenn ich mich recht entsinne. Muss man noch mehr lesen Mit 23W also gar nicht so viel höher als bei mir. Ich glaube ich hätte noch eine NIC irgendwo oder könnte eine auftreiben. Bei Gelegenheit... Ach ist der TV im Wohnzimmer, ist das OS von LG. Die Leute von Jellyfin sind aber bereits dran so wie ich das herauslese Dein eigener ist ja Closed Ich schreib mal unter dem anderen was zu. Spätestens wenn zwei DIMMs verbaut sind sollte ja genug Kapazität da sein
    1 point
  28. Ich finde das auch oft anstrengend dem zuzuhören
    1 point
  29. Wie immer ziemlich wirr was er da zusammenschneidet.
    1 point
  30. Thank you Dmitry! That's fixed my connectivity issue. Hint for those who are having similar issues: Stop the new Zerotier container and empty the peers.d directory (/mnt/user/appdata/zerotier/zerotier-one/peers.d in the Unraid command window). Once restarted, Zerotier will repopulate this directory. The same thing may be necessary at the other end(s) too. In my instance, success was indicated by my peers no longer appearing as RELAY hosts, but as DIRECT. 1ffxxxx11d 1.6.5 LEAF -1 RELAY becomes: ddfxxxxc57 1.6.5 LEAF -1 DIRECT 6090 16835 192.168.1.xxx/20052 Happy sailing, Russell.
    1 point
  31. If you're using breakout cabling, make sure everything is sitting properly.
    1 point
  32. Plex currently has issues with HW decoding, especially with HDR (their forums are full with it). They are aware and working on it. But nothing that can be done on the docker, Plex has to solve it. Rolling back to older versions like you did, often solves it.
    1 point
  33. Depends. Remember the cardinal rule that the *.key file is paired with the specific USB stick, so if you get the new box up and running exactly the way you like it all things included on a trial key, then you would copy the config folder from the trial key, delete the *.key file that goes with that trial stick, delete the config folder on your current licensed stick making sure to keep a backup, restore the new server config folder to your licensed key, copy the *.key file that goes with that stick back into the config folder, done. The config folder holds all your customizations, and 99% of the files in there are text files, so browse around and get familiar, you might figure some stuff out.
    1 point
  34. You should create a new peer config for each device. That will allow all of the devices to connect at the same time, and in the event that one device is lost or stolen, you only have to delete that one config from the server and the rest of the devices will continue to work.
    1 point
  35. After a lot of restores i found it was an issue with network.cfg or network rules so i used fresh cfg files and reconfigured network and all good. Thanks all
    1 point
  36. Make sure mover logging is enable, run the mover then grab and post diags.
    1 point
  37. These things are always much easier when you already know the answer There are continual improvements being made to the online documentation so always worth checking there. Often the Help built into the GUI helps as well.
    1 point
  38. It's case sensitive, try /photos in the container, no capital.
    1 point
  39. Hello, the first place to start would be there : Your memory should be set lower (4 DIMM, Dual rank = 2667 MT/s) and you should check your C-State.
    1 point
  40. While I agree with you that the security in UnRAID seems pretty weak at default settings, your router admin page should not be accessible from the outside if you configure it correctly and keep it up to date. You highlight a big problem though, default settings in all these docker containers we pull, and I think that boils down to the individual user and the software being used. Your friend is tech savvy enough to setup his own OMV on UnRAID so he should definitely be techy enough to know to change the default admin password. And the software should be made in such a way that default passwords are a major error event that fires warnings everytime you log in to it. 2FA is in my opinion a complementary security feature that should not keep a software secure on its own. But I hope some big steps are taken in regards to security by the UnRAID team going forwards. I'm still on my trial period with 12 days left and I really love UnRAID but I keep being scared on some security defaults (SSH enabled with password even though the keys are generated and stored on flash, no simple switch in UI to disable PW logons, why???). Root as default user, major functionality put in the hands of the community (Fix Common Problems etc) which is a huge attack surface because I guess these plugins in UnRAID run as root? It only takes one big community addon to be hit and a lot of servers will be infected, and I guess UnRAIDs stance on this issue will be something along the lines of "you used community addons on your own risk", which is true. Sorry if I'm ranting in an somewhat unrelated thread as this post is more about general security on UnRAID.
    1 point
  41. I am using flash drives that I have had for 5 years plus with no problems. My experience is that if you stick with USB2 drives and avoid the tiny form factor ones they DO tend to be reliable.
    1 point
  42. Yup, and flash drives aren't very reliable in 24/7 operation, I've tried plenty of makes and models and anytime I get 300+ days of uptime, I need to change the flash drive since it's corrupted and won't even properly reformat (sometimes it does but I don't trust it anymore). So I definitely don't want to duplicate that problem. You need to have a different flash drive model than the one running on your hardware as well. I guess I will wait for Limetech to come up with a solution that doesn't involve having a flash drive.
    1 point
  43. Not sure what tutorial you are talking about? I think it might be worth getting the steps involved in setting up such a VM into the VM section of the official documentation? The one thing there is no workaround that I know of is the requirement to use a genuine (licenced) flash drive for each running VM.
    1 point
  44. Please tell me more how I do this? /Söder
    1 point
  45. This is NOT working for me, stopping container, medifying file, and starting again just turns auth back to false and clears out my RPC-username
    1 point
  46. The problem was that in 6.8.0-rc1 I could not access the the Flash Drive ( boot drive) from Krusader. The reason being that Limetech has changed the permission to the flash drive when it is mounted in the version. The only way in this version (and all future versions) to access the drive is through SMB or as user 'root'. (Understand that they are insistent that they are not going to change.) Currently, Krusader is being run as user 'nobody'. For anyone else looking for an answer, the answer is "YES". All you have to do is edit the Krusader Docker and change the PUID and PGID to that for the 'root' user. It is currently set for the 'nobody' user. On my system, the 'root' PUID is 0 and PGID is 0. I did run some tests and I did not find any problems after making the changes. EDIT: 2021-05-05 I wanted add a cautionary security notice to this post. There is a possibility that someone could access Krusader via a webrowser from any computer that has LAN access. (If you made these changes, that person will have root privileges and can do a lot of mischief! Of course, even without the changes, they could trash a lot of data files stored on the array because the possibility is still there to gain access.) To prevent this from happening, you should 'Stop' Krusader from running except when you are actually using it. This is not that much of usage issue as Krusader starts in a very few seconds when you want to use it.
    1 point
  47. That's fine IF you know how to use a voltmeter, and confirm pinout consistency. I'm replying here just to warn off folks who might happen on this post and think all modular power supplies with the same connectors are compatible. THEY ARE NOT! If you don't know how to check cables with a voltmeter or power supply tester, DON'T RISK IT. You can easily burn out parts if the harnesses aren't pinned identically.
    1 point