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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/23/22 in all areas

  1. An interesting read regards THP, which looks to be triggering the crash:- https://blog.nelhage.com/post/transparent-hugepages/ if you are feeling brave then you can try the following to disable THP which SHOUILD then prevent the crash without the need to downgrade libtorrent:- drop to 'terminal' for unraid (not the containers console) and copy and paste the following:- echo '# temporarily disable hugepages to prevent libtorrent crash with unraid 6.11.x' >> /boot/config/go echo 'echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled' >> /boot/config/go echo 'echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag' >> /boot/config/go then reboot your system, and then run the following to confirm THP is disabled:- grep -i HugePages_Total /proc/meminfo # output should be 0 cat /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages # output should be 0 from the article linked above this MAY actually increase your performance!, or at the very worst you may see a 10% drop in performance (depends on usage). keep in mind the above is a temporary hack, libtorrent/kernel/app will no doubt resolve this issue at some point, im simply posting this as a workaround for now, so you will then need to remove the above from your go file and reboot to reverse this hack.
    4 points
  2. @SimonF Okay, the reason the iGPU was kicked was because of the Guacamole Docker. This was running without special rights. I have been using this for several years. I don't know now if it's the new hardware environment or Unraid 6.11. I have now uninstalled Guacamole and the iGPU remains in the system. Greetings
    2 points
  3. @ich777 大佬帮忙做了r8125和r8152, r8168网卡的Unraid v6.11.5以上的plugin. R8125 和 R8156的驱动都可以在应用市场搜索到了。 各位可以不用下面的补丁了,重复的,建议多用plugin,除非有IOMMU的需求再用下面的补丁。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 由于最近Unraid出版本太频繁了,为各种不稳定的发布版本做补丁,太负担了。以后有觉得稳定的版本再做补丁。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unraid貌似用了r8169这个驱动来驱r8125,比较老。r8152也是很老的1.12版本,好像驱不动R8156。 以下补丁基于Unraid原版定制,加了最新的V9.013.02的r8125 2.5G PCI网卡驱动和V2.17.1的r8156 2.5G USB 网卡驱动。解压后把所有文件覆盖到U盘根目录重启即可。覆盖前记得备份原始文件。 默认自带r8169的驱动,支持板载网卡r8169和USB网卡r8156共存的情况。 如果不需要r8169,需要r8125 PCI网卡的驱动,可以靠如下blacklist屏蔽掉。命令行跑一次,会存到U盘,重启试试。 从6.12.5开始, cdc_ncm会影响r8156驱动,也需要屏蔽掉,r8156才能正常工作。 echo "blacklist r8169" > /boot/config/modprobe.d/r8169.conf echo "blacklist cdc_ncm" > /boot/config/modprobe.d/cdc_ncm.conf 如果想去掉blacklist,去U盘里面删掉上面的这些文件 /config/modprobe.d/*.conf ,重启就行了。 原生Unraid内核之外的补丁修改部分: 1. 修改了ACS Override补丁,支持某些主板的IOMMU分组补丁。 2. 增加R8125驱动,修改打开了队列支持和关闭了ASPM节能。 3. 增加R8156驱动,修改了支持最新的Unraid的Linux6.1内核。 4. 增加R8168/8111驱动,修改了支持最新的Unraid的Linux6.1内核。 只是供测试,如果感觉不稳定,用原始文件覆盖回来,重启就能恢复原状了。 免责声明: 补丁只是用于测试,请勿使用于重要的数据服务器,如果出现数据丢失等情况概不负责。谢谢。 下载链接在: 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1987agT_JHTv6QT3ds1olqg?pwd=zapu Mirror (Google Drive): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1wA9UNejVllZfBTjDQ-pquJ-Bx4Tlqluk?usp=sharing 里面还有Unraid老版本的补丁,都是加了类似的驱动。有兴趣也可以使用。6.12之前补丁都没有R8168驱动。 已知问题1: Unraid内部似乎加了些版本检查的限制,新版本的补丁无法新建队列配置文件,会出现Stale Configuration的提示。有个妥协的办法就是先在原始文件里面将阵列启动好,生成阵列配置文件之后,再替换补丁重启。除非换硬盘,一般阵列配置也不会重新配置。 已知问题2: 某些r8125网卡在Unraid的共享目录拷贝速度跑不满280MB,只有140MB左右,可能跟主板设计或配置或桥接有关。有网友发现关掉Unraid网络配置的br0桥接,使用macvtap,可以跑满速度。推荐使用这种办法,虽然麻烦一些,但是速度确实不受影响了。 例如虚拟群晖,推荐第一个macvtap网卡使用群辉的MAC地址,第二个网卡随意MAC地址,参考本帖第三页 @benwwchen 网友的帖子。
    1 point
  4. hi just wanted to x-post from to put it in the appropriate section, in the hopes of limetech putting priority towards fixing this bug. I could copy / paste all the messages I wrote from the thread above but it seems needlessly redundant. In summary SMB performance on unraid sucks, is significantly worse than any other implementation by any other provider and all the tests mentioned in that thread can be repeated / are easily verifiable. SMB to unraid on the left SFTP to unraid on the right I think its clear to see this isn't made up - SMB is a huge portion of a large swath of unraid users ecosystems. The SFTP workaround detailed in the thread is viable, but not nearly as desired as a native fix.
    1 point
  5. [Template only, I am not the container author/maintainer] Template: https://github.com/kilrah/unraid-docker-templates/raw/main/templates/libretranslate.xml Project: https://github.com/LibreTranslate/LibreTranslate Registry: https://hub.docker.com/r/libretranslate/libretranslate Free and Open Source Machine Translation API, entirely self-hosted. First start takes a while as models are being downloaded. Warning: This container is very big, expect about 12GB of Docker image usage.
    1 point
  6. Let the parity check finished, rebooted, and disabled SMT. Less than a day later, complete server crash again..... trying to disable VT-x / VT-d now..... not looking promising.
    1 point
  7. Ok, that is what i figured - Good ole Samsung.. Hopefully I will be ok from this point - it's going to take 18hours to rebuild but thanks for the assistance
    1 point
  8. Wow, I restarted and it all popped up normally. I was afraid to restart.. or do anything- without confirming I wasn't going to make things worse. Thanks so much, you actually have no idea what a relief this is. Treating this as a wakeup call for backups. Regards,
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. @kricker I'm glad you got it working. 😀 The number of ports in the range should match the range of ports opened in your router. Of course it would be possible to open more ports than proftpd needs, but that wouldn't really make sense. And going the other way round and declaring ports as open, that really are not, is not advised either. It increases the chance the connection fails, as AFAIK the passive ports are opened randomly and not in order starting with the lowest one.
    1 point
  11. correct, and without dns you would also be unable to resolve any vpn endpoint hostname and thus unable to connect to your vpn provider.
    1 point
  12. I think those are related to ZFS. https://github.com/openzfs/zfs/issues/11691
    1 point
  13. Bezüglich der von dir genannten Optionen kann ich dir leider nicht weiterhelfen möchte dir aber noch eine dritte Möglichkeit aufzeigen, die ich für meine Backup-Jobs nutze. @mgutt hat sich die Mühe gemacht ein Script für rsync Backups zu erstellen, dass auch stetig erweitert/verbessert wird:
    1 point
  14. this is expected, privoxy is a http(s) proxy only it will not proxy dns requests so dns requests will go over your ISP not via the VPN tunnel, this is NOT the case for torrent clients as they do not use privoxy, they simply use the VPN tunnel directly setup inside of the container.
    1 point
  15. Thanks ill try downgrading 1 step coz the one im on now have this in description: “Before BIOS update, please download Intel ME update tool from ASUS support site, and update ME firmware to Version to ensure optimized system settings.”" and i dont know how to do that step Thanks for pointing me in direction
    1 point
  16. Hi everyone, I have great news !!! There's a #CyberMonday sale 2022 !! This November 28th, the ControlR app is only $2.99 Check it out https://apertoire.com/controlr/ Make sure to get your copy
    1 point
  17. I will have to look into this, but please keep in mind I really don't know if I have enough time this week. This can take some time since I have think about how to implement this in the existing plugin because I don't think that it would be beneficial if a new plugin is created. Please write me a short PM so that I don't forget about that...
    1 point
  18. Hi Zusammen Nun melde ich mich mal wieder XD (oh nein nicht der schon wieder :P) Nach etlichen Abklärungen mit div. Lieferanten für den MW34-SP0, habe ich die Suche danach aufgegeben. Ich hätte eine Bestellung bei Dalco.ch platzieren können, nachdem ich etwas Druck bei Gigabyte ausgeübt habe. Aber die ungenaue Lieferzeit hat mich gezwungen mich umzuschauen Nach kurzer Zeit stoss ich auf folgendes Mainboard: X13SAE-F was mir persönlich etwas besser gefiel als den MW34-SP0 Dazu gepairt mit ECC DDR5 und einem i7-12700. Kann ich nur weiter empfehlen. Aktuell wurde nur der Backup Server mal damit bestückt und kann nicht zufriedener sein. Selbe konfig mit anderem MoBo, CPU und Ram verbraucht das ganze gem. USV die hälfte vom letzten
    1 point
  19. Will jump in here and say "Me too". From my research, it's possible that this is a known issue with libvirt library, but nothing definitive to support that.
    1 point
  20. As you need, with ipvlan it should not cause issues either way.
    1 point
  21. @DanielPT @zero_koop I could not get syncthing to work outside LAN so i tried 'resilio' and it works very well over WAN without opening ports on your router. It's running fine on my android Mi 9T but on my samsung i have to manually open the 'resilio' app to trigger the sync so i don't think it's resilio problem.
    1 point
  22. There was a cybermonday last year, maybe this year also ?
    1 point
  23. I think it should be: -beta experimental from what I see in the Wiki here: Click But also keep in mind that you have to turn on validation too, let the container fully start/pull the update, then shut it down again and turn validation off.
    1 point
  24. Hello Everyone, I wanted to give a big thanks to all that are involved with Unraid. I have been running a Plex server since Plex started back in 2008. I used Windows Server to start with. Then migrated to Ubuntu, the back to Windows Server. Been doing a lot of reading on Unraid. I have to said Unraid is well worth the money. It just works. The migration from Windows Server to Unraid was very painless and quicker than I had planned. Everyone's had work on this product is very much appreciated. I love it.
    1 point
  25. may upgrade to 6.11.5 which is the latest, actually shouldnt be the issue but who knows and yes, looks like some memory write error, as afaik nothing changed kernel wise from 6.11.2 > 6.11.4(5) ... last change was to 6.11.2 but as its been working until there ... hard to say ...
    1 point
  26. Hi @JorgeB, I appreciate the explanations! So far everything is working normally. I recreated all of my dockers using the Previous Apps feature and selecting all at once. I had a backup of libvirt,img file. I put in your recommendationsa and all is good. Syslog looks OK. A btrfs dev stats -c /mnt/cache renders no errors: [/dev/nvme1n1p1].write_io_errs 0 [/dev/nvme1n1p1].read_io_errs 0 [/dev/nvme1n1p1].flush_io_errs 0 [/dev/nvme1n1p1].corruption_errs 0 [/dev/nvme1n1p1].generation_errs 0 [/dev/nvme0n1p1].write_io_errs 0 [/dev/nvme0n1p1].read_io_errs 0 [/dev/nvme0n1p1].flush_io_errs 0 [/dev/nvme0n1p1].corruption_errs 0 [/dev/nvme0n1p1].generation_errs 0
    1 point
  27. I just wanted to update my thread with some thoughts for anyone else who is looking for this solution. I used NextcloudPi for about 1.5 years and I was not ever really comfortable with it. The app is very unstable, prone to breaking upon updates (I never learned the lesson of just leaving the app alone when it is working and avoid updating), and just generally required a lot of babysitting to keep working on everyone's phones. Keep in mind I am referring only to NextcloudPi and not regular Nextcloud which looked too complex for me to setup. Honestly, the main reason I went with Nextcloud to begin with was because it offered the possibility of syncing photos while outside of my LAN. But I never really tried to get that portion of it working anyway. After having to reinstall the docker a few times over the past 1.5 years I started getting a weird file permission issue that never affected me before and I couldn't fix it so I had to move on (reinstalling didn't work). I have now been using Syncthing for the past month or so and I really love this app (thanks to @Aran for the suggestion). It was pretty simple to get running, is a super lightweight app, seems really stable, and the Android app just works without the need to babysit it. Honestly this is exactly what I was looking for as a replacement to Plex Camera Upload. The only downside is that I cannot upload outside of my network (only really an issue when I'm on vacation) but the stability of the app more than makes of for that. When I'm on vacation I just temporarily turn on uploading to Google Photos.
    1 point
  28. That worked perfectly. Thank you ich777 for all you do once again!
    1 point
  29. There is an internal version available, reviewed below a couple of months ago: https://www.jeffgeerling.com/blog/2022/blikvm-pcie-puts-computer-your-computer I've only looked on AliExpress, but you can get the whole thing for about £190 ($210) including the RPi Compute Module. Can even be powered by PoE if you have it available.
    1 point
  30. Bestell noch mal neu. Bei mir hing auch mal eine fest.
    1 point
  31. So far, no issues reported with 6.11.5 but there has been a run of releases with issues leading up to it. Fortunately, they were identified and resolved quickly. 11.2 - can't format drives larger than 2TB 11.3 - can't autostart the array with a trial license 11.4 - ipvlan/macvlan display issues when attempting to switch between network types. 11.5 - so far all the above appear to be fixed and 11.5 is settling in for a longer shelf life than its predecessors. When the 11.x branch becomes "stable" for you is, of course, up to you to decide. "Stable" really means "I want everything I commonly do to work and not be annoyed by things I don't do often that don't work." For me, all of the above releases were "stable" since I was not adding drives to the array, was not running a trial license and had switched to ipvlan many months ago. I never would have noticed any of those problems but I dutifully upgraded to each new release then watched the bug reports. 😁
    1 point
  32. Let me know when the 11 branch reaches stable
    1 point
  33. Just wanted to update Since i discovered that I did not have a transacode path setup once created I have not gotten any notifications that my docker is running out of space. so user error.
    1 point
  34. If you are re-cycling Netapp or some other modified sector size drives, then you will need the same process each time. If you are buying new drives, the sector size should be fine as Unraid handles most standard sector sizes out of the box.
    1 point
  35. Might I suggest adding a setting to UnRAID where users can be part of Release Candidates or Stable releases. And all new releases have to stay as Release Candidates for 14 days before becoming Stable so issues like what this release fixes can be found by users who want the bleeding edge and so forth.
    1 point
  36. I wanted to put this out there since coral is very hard to get, and impossible at retail price today. This is my current server CPU usage (not using unRaid yet). i5-8400, 4k cameras x2, and 1080p camera x1, running frigate, home assistant, and a dozen other things. I will eventually get the coral, only because it will save me money in the long run. I used to run blue iris. For my use case I LOVE frigate, and home assistant. Having tried both ways... It is also my opinion that docker/bare metal is much preferred over a vm.
    1 point
  37. There are different apps crashing and btrfs detecting data corruption, start by running memtest.
    1 point
  38. What I like to see in a future release: 1.) The breadcrumbs disallows copy&pasting the path: Without plugin: Maybe you could add a "copy to clipboard" feature or simply use the old design, but link the dir parts. 2.) Renaming or moving dirs on the same partition uses rsync. Instead it should use the much faster mv. By that it won't kill reflink copies of files (rsync does not understand them and copies them 1:1), too. 3.) The transfer popup should allow minimizing. I don't want to wait for the transfer being finished. Maybe it should minimize as a "progress bar" to the bottom status line and can be opened through a click on it again. 4.) Typing the target path should automatically update the dropdown accordingly 5.) Typing a path should auto-complete (TAB would be a dream to confirm) 6.) Add --sparse or -S to rsync so sparse files are copied efficiently (at the moment vdisks are copied 1:1 and aren't sparse anymore). Example:
    1 point
  39. I notice NZBGet is not on the binhex readme page. Does this mean the unpacking bug is still lingering in binhex-nzbget and that this project is slightly broken and unsupported?
    1 point
  40. Really enjoying this app. My one request could we move the 'view' icon to show up next to the name of shares & disks? If its a problem to put it in the middle of unraid's native table then maybe in-front of the share name? so columns would be view, share name, etc Thanks
    1 point
  41. Hi, I have been a very satisfied user of Unraid for almost two years. There are quite a lot of different interesting tutorials on the Internet, especially on YouTube. However, recently I had the pleasure of setting up a Synology NAS with my friend, and I am impressed by the intuitiveness of the solution and the large amount of auxiliary materials created by the manufacturer. A great Quickconnect service that provides secure external access to our resources on the NAS (photos, file access, plex, emby, etc.) UnRAID about a lot of materials on the Internet, but there is no tutorial that would lead beginner users step by step, so that someone could start with Unraid's server with safe access from the Internet, e.g. to NextCloud, Emby, etc. I believe that such comprehensively prepared materials would popularize UnRAID a lot. Because UnRAID is not popular, among my friends I don't have anyone who knows UnRAID, which is a pity. I looked for a longer solution myself, FreeNAS is out, OMV is out. Only UnRAID made a huge impression on me. This is my suggestion.
    1 point
  42. wanted to add my thanks as well. love the new version and the my server feature! THANKS
    1 point
  43. Ohne Kommandozeile: - Container über das Menü > remove inkl Images entfernen - mit dem appdata clean up plugin den Plex Ordner löschen (alternativ ab unRAID 6.11: File Manager Plugin und den entsprechenden Unterordner von allen Disks und Pools entfernen) - über add Container den Eintrag im Dropdown auswählen und mit dem X löschen (das löscht die XML vom Stick)
    1 point
  44. I was able to get it added to the app store. Search for nordlynx.
    1 point
  45. I already have Elasticsearch and Redis on my server for other reasons. I see no easy way to point Tubearchivist to where they are at. I tried symlinking but that isn't working. It would be nice if I could set the redis and ES directories as environment variables within the container.
    1 point
  46. Yeah, it would be so nice. I was heartbroken when I discovered this was missing. Had already installed it on two servers and really was falling in love with the overall UX and of course UI. I'm actually rather sick over this right now. TrueNAS SCALE is pretty sexy and I like their Chia functionality and integration setup, but man, it's just overkill for my budget in terms of the expandability of drives. I think the only reasonable solution for the time being is going to be Proxmox + OpenMediaVault (maybe LXC or just VM depending on if I can get bindmounts to work for LXC) + SnapRAID + MergerFS. I'm scared just typing all of these strung together since I really wanted a cohesive UI to minimize config and headaches, but that's where we're at... 😭
    1 point
  47. Same here. Nextcloud + mariadb + swag + nginx proxy manager. I think these are the basic docker containers you need to be able to connect outside LAN safely. If you only need to sync inside your LAN network then there are other (maybe more simple) solutions like eg. syncthing. Browsing images can be a bit slow but the Nextcloud mobile app works very well. It never missed an upload and it syncs a second after a picture is taken. No complaints there.
    1 point
  48. Automating mounting disk images would be a nice addition to a plugin like Unassigned Devices... @dlandon
    1 point