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Everything posted by zeddles

  1. I have a drive in my array that has been disabled and seems to be passing the smart test, but I am a bit of a noob at this and I am probably missing something so any help would be appreciated. A little back story - about a week ago this drive was put in "disabled" status. I stopped the array, removed the drive from the array, started the array, then stopped and re-added the drive again. that worked for a little bit but then the drive went back to being disabled again. I have checked cables to make sure they are all properly connected but that doesn't seem to help the drive from being disabled. I thought I would check in the forums here before I went out and bought a new drive. WDC_WD40EFRX-68N32N0_WD-WCC7K6VNN8P2-20191231-1728.txt
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