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  1. The thing I like most about UnRAID is how easy it is to manage growing/evolving storage (i.e. swap drives out of/into the array, grow my storage over time without worrying about losing anything!) My 2020 top feature request - GUI support for Docker Networking, i.e. a page to create docker networks in the GUI, then go into an app and be able to select which of those docker networks each app is part of - similar to what is typically done in a single docker compose file that contains for example, web, app and db docker images. My ultimate implementation of this would be to merge dockerman with docker compose so that docker compose is "how" you do docker on UnRAID but the most important part for me is sane, gui-based management of docker networks. I'd also be happy to see this implemented as Docker Swarm instead, but... baby steps. Note: I'm fully aware of the ability to run docker compose after installing the nerd pack, I'm working on that now. It's the GUI/native integration that I'm after like a lot of users. It's in big part what draws us to UnRAID in the first place. Once this is implemented in 2020, lets make 2021 the year of HA between multiple UnRAID boxes with support for an overlay k8s management suite for the docker/apps portion! I own a pro license. I'd happily buy 2 more tomorrow if I could easily cluster the 3 for redundancy for all of my apps (VMs and storage would be great, too). Keep up the awesome work, guys & happy new year!
  2. And... it does! In case anyone else runs into this, I did have to manually add the path when I rebuilt the docker container. Just mapped "/config" to a host folder, built a "dnscrypt-proxy.toml" file in the folder that did NOT include an IPv6 address in the "listen_addresses" line, restarted the DNScrypt docker and I'm up and running. I had mentioned that the UnRAID docker page was reporting this container's IP address as even though I had specified I added the on the "listen_addresses" line in my config and now the UnRAID docker page shows this container's address as - and it is pingable and listening on port 53. Thanks, rix!! Off to get my pihole container connected to this one...
  3. The only image I've installed was the one from the community apps yesterday. No previous versions...unless I tried it months/years ago and forgot - but I doubt it I'll try to fix the IPv6 issue and set the path and report back, thanks for the quick reply (and for building these in the first place!!)
  4. Rix, should your DNScrypt image be working in its current iteration? I've been trying to get it up and running and am failing. My docker command: "root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='DNScrypt' --net='br0' --ip='' -e TZ="America/Chicago" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" 'rix1337/docker-dnscrypt' d83f66ba992b89a43c0f84de97672609eeb68187efe120cacdb182d4ab92b3d8" Log output... Looks like it is having an issue binding port 53 and looking for the config file. Note: during install (and I've edited the setup to check that this wasn't a typo) I set "Fixed IP address (optional):" to, however, when I look at my port mappings on my docker page in UnRAID, it shows this: "" is my UnRAID IP. Is the container ignoring the IP and that's what's causing the problem? I also noticed that this doesn't map a folder for /config during setup. Should I do that manually so that I can customize this? Am I missing something else? Thanks in advance!
  5. Correct. If I start the VM and immediately start VNC, this is all I see (and it sits here indefinitely): ... And I can't interact with this at all (enter, esc, ctrl+c, etc.) I tried changing the CPU section of the XML but the results are the same. I'll try to rebuild my image without the kexts file, with my OSX key in the XML but it sounds like that's more preference than anything that might fix my issue. Thanks much for the suggestions! ... have any others?
  6. So... I've been trying to get this working since the new video came out. I'm running 6.4.0-rc9f, Latest High Sierra from the App Store, latest Clover (4243) and I've tried Q35-2.9 and 2.10. I'm following the video instructions verbatim (including copying the FakeSMC.kext into my image). Should I NOT be using the FakeSMC.kext at this point? If not, what should I be doing with my XML or config.plist instead? At this point, when I start my VM I see "Welcome to Clover 4243 .... scan entries ...." and it hangs. I am using a Ryzen 1700x if that matters. Just trying a plain install, access via VNC, no GPU passthrough or anything crazy at this point. Any thoughts on how to get past this? Thanks in advance!!
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