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Everything posted by bling

  1. FYI you can run both the web server and consumer in a single docker container by using a bash script: #! /bin/bash /sbin/ document_consumer & /sbin/ runserver --insecure --noreload & wait save this file into a volume that's mounted in the container. i just put this in the appdata directory. then turn on advanced view and override the entry point, e.g. --entrypoint /usr/src/paperless/data/ clear out the 'post arguments', since you're doing that in the bash script now.
  2. is an example where something is not supported. the workaround is a hack.
  3. i recently moved most of my containers to docker-compose+portainer, and it works great. did i have to? no. but like everything else unraid, tinkering around is itself enough of a reason. nonetheless, using docker-compose is more than just having a CLI. some other benefits: you can configure multiple images holistically. instead of individually configuring telegraf, influxdb, grafana, you could do all 3 in a single YAML file. you can spin up/down the whole "stack" (as portainer calls it) together. less restrictions. dockerMan only lets you configure a subset of available features. it's standard. you can share your YAML file with others, and vice-versa with or without unraid. and since this comes from docker itself, it will be supported well into the future. the only downside i've seen so far in this setup, is that obviously a lot of things assume you only configure docker containers with dockerMan. yesterday i got a warning from "fix common problems" that my templates for some containers were wrong -- well that's because i deleted them since they were no longer needed. edit 1: another downside...if you restart the docker service (reboot, restart array, etc), all the containers will use the settings defined in dockerMan. this means volume mounts, environment variables, could be wrong/missing. edit 2: if you use dockerMan to pull down new images and restart the container, it will use what's defined in the template and "detach" it from the compose configuration. if you try to apply the docker-compose.yml afterwards, it'll complain that one of the services already exist. you have to delete it from dockerMan, and then docker-compose can recreate it.
  4. FYI there's a workaround. I found it via Basically, you create a network named "container:foo". This network isn't actually used though. However, it will appear in the network dropdown, which when you select will generate "--net=container:foo" in the command line. So, create another docker container named "foo" and you're all set.
  5. got the same issue, searched for an answer and found this thread. i fixed it by updating telegraf.conf and putting in the static IP of my server.
  6. i left it at the default, which is,,,,,,, changing it just now has the same effect. edit: i've tried other docker containers that do similar things, and all of that have the same problem. some will download ovpn files correctly, authenticate, set up the tunnel, and once that's done everything is dead. not only is DNS not working, i can't ping those servers either. is there anything on unRAID itself that might conflict with setting up the VPN? i diffed /boot from a backup a couple days ago and there's nothing related to networking.... edit2: argh!! it magically worked today with no action on my own. looks like some of the servers are working and others aren't.
  7. i'm having problems getting NordVPN working and i have no idea why. i had it running a 2-3 days ago and then all of a sudden, it stopped working. the only thing i recall playing around with was docker-compose. i've deleted any containers created from that. i've deleted binhex-delugevpn, and re-added. i left all variables default, except for custom, user/pass, disable port forwarding, and enabling privoxy. as far as i can tell, i'm connected to NordVPN because there are no errors. however, DNS is busted... 2020-01-23 20:35:33,373 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output: [info] Checking we can resolve name '' to address... 2020-01-23 20:37:33,493 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output: [debug] Having issues resolving name '', sleeping before retry... 2020-01-23 20:39:38,619 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output: [debug] Having issues resolving name '', sleeping before retry... 2020-01-23 20:39:38,619 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output: [debug] Having issues resolving name '', sleeping before retry... any ideas of what i should look for next? the only way i can get it working now is by running the nordvpn CLI from an ubuntu VM. thanks.
  8. +1 I'm currently going through the trial and this is the first thing I haven't been able to do so far. This would be immensely useful, especially if you want a bunch of containers funnel through a single VPN container, rather than having each of those containers create their own VPN connections.