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Everything posted by Mor9oth

  1. Alright, so I need a dedicated GPU just for VM too. I guess I will add this later. Maybe I do add a gaming GPU instead of the P 2000. I don't need hardware acceleration in the VMs at all.
  2. 1.) It is at the moment in the living room because we don't have a dry basement and my girlfriend originally didn't want to have it in her workspace. Since the server is sometimes too loud, this will change in the future. 2.) Not at all. I have 4 fans from Noctua in my case. All of them are temperature controlled. Super silent in idle - only loud if I do transcode. Here my setup btw: (So Maybe I was a bit too dramatic with the Jet engine comparison ... 🙈 It is only loud while transcoding - but this is also unpleasant in the living room)
  3. Thank you @Hoopster! IPMI sounds great! When I purchased my current build I wanted to have IPMI as an Option. But I never used it and to be honest - I do not really know how to set it up correctly - or in the best way - Which software to use, what possibilities etc. I began with the Dynamix Sleep Plugin - but when the sleep started it never stopped. The server didn't wake up in the morning. I needed to press the Power Button to wake it up. I guess this happened because the IPMI wasn't installed/setup at all. At this point I stopped bothering with it. But what would be very nice is to access and edit the Bios. @Hoopster What is your opinion in my unlucky situation? Just adding a P2000 (Just using Unraid Nvidia Plugin) or replacing the Motherboard for getting the iGPU run? Kind Regards!
  4. So ... one more argument for just add a GPU to my current setting: I use Handbrake and all transcodes from that also make my server sound like a Jet engine. Because of the load my Fans spin up too ... Something I don't like and wanted to change anyway. There is a Handbrake Container with GPU addition (Handbrake with Nvidia NVENC) that would solve this problem by remove the load to the GPU (That is hopefully quiet then ...). Thinking further - The Nvidia Plugin allows me to use the GPU in every Container - but what about the iGPU? Is it also versatile enough? I mean in Handbrake it is not possible ... Is the iGPU even usable in VMs? ... So isn't it easier and more versatile to just add a GPU.
  5. @mgutt: thank you for your tips and the recommendation! The Gigabyte C246M-WU4 looks actually pretty nice! 😊 I guess i simple add a 10G nic for my Network. Can you recommend one with rj45? What about the Asus XG-C100C 10G? Since I dont need remote management, i guess i dont need IPMI.
  6. Well, now I am pretty jealous! 😆 This is how it looks on my Dashboard: while transcoding: Alright, so I do need a new Motherboard for my GPU ... Damn! Can't believe it! Any recommendations? At the moment I do have a double 10 G Connector, on the board, so this to have would be nice. Thought an extra 10 GB PCI-E Card would suck too much energy .... I need Micro-ATX because of my case (Silverstone CS381)
  7. What does it even mean for the CPU workload to transcode with CPU only compared to iGPU (Quick Sync)? Example: Here I transcode a 4K Movie to 1080P without Hardware acceleration: My CPU sounds like a Jet engine and is super high in load and temperature: (An notion: Since the server is in the living room - this isn't really a thing I can live with) If I used the iGPU (UHD P630) for the same transcode how would this look like? I mean the iGPU is on the CPU. Would I have better temperatures and lower load? Resulting in quieter server? And what if I transcode with the P2000? The GPU should be quieter than my 4 Fans spinning up under load, right?
  8. Hmm ... is it even possible to change the motherboard easily? I mean sure rebuilding isn't convenient at all. But what I mean is the license of unraid and that everything works as before in unraid (Settings (Network?), Docker, Shares, Array, etc.). This is of course the most important thing.
  9. what i originally meant (power consumption) was the choice between Ryzen with p2000 and Xeon with Quick Sync. The choice fell on Xeon because it consumes less electricity in idle and overall. Anyways ... Now i am in a pretty unhappy situation - chosing either new motherboard or GPU. What is wrong with an server board in a server? CEC looks like it is not jet a thing. is it even usable in unraid?
  10. Omg! That is not what i thought would be any answer. Thought the gpu would be the reco. Hmm but the savings in power consumtion is a good point. Also the original focus of the build...
  11. Other Option could be to sell my motherboard: E3C242D4U2-2T and buy the 246 Version of the Board: E3C246D4U2-2L2T. Then i could use my igpu - but how does it even perform compared to a dedicated GPU? P2000 should be stronger anyway, right? Selling my Board would also probably mean losing Money too ... and the boards are quite simular too ... damn ... what would you do?
  12. Thank you @Hoopster for your reply! If you are right - that would be really sad - because i bought this CPU because of Quick Sync. So does this issue also mean that the iGPU works nowhere in the unraid enviorment (Docker, VMs, etc.)? 😵 I ask because this iGPU is also not selectable in my VM. Is this for the same reason? Is there a way to get it work - maybe without IPMI ... So it seems that the only solution is to buy a dedicated GPU for Hardware Acceleration. For this i would choose the Quadro P2200. Since i also want to use the GPU for VMs i would be happy for any recommendations. Something like a GPU for VMs, transcoding (Plex, Handbrake) and maybe gaming.
  13. This is my Bios version: So the fix (Support Intel Mehlow Refresh CPU (E-2200 Series) should be already in, right?
  14. Hello folks! Since i could not get plex Hardware Acceleration running i really could need some help. I tried to execute this guide but get errors right from the start. Checked my setup with: cd /dev/dri gives me already this error in the unraid terminal: since i could not see card0 i typed modprobe i915 followed by again: cd /dev/dri and again got the same message: Since i feel like i have all requirements, i have no idea what could be the mistake - or missing. Quick overview for your help guys: Plex Pass and Plex Hardware Acceleration enabled Intel CPU with Quick Sync (Intel Xeon E-2278G) Motherboard Setting: Primary Graphics Adapter: Onboard VGA (VGA is plugged to TV to see boot screen etc.) - i dont have hdmi on the MB. Is this already a problem? I also do not see the iGPU in my VM - i only can choose ASPEES AST2500 (BMC Controller) - Is having this a problem? I heared something about headless ... ? Unraid need my iGPU? Now i am afraid about this comment: 👇 So is this maybe the reason for no iGPU passthrough and the aspeed Graphics output in my VM instead? So do i need a graphics card? Any recomendations? Quadro P2000 - or is a gaming GPU better if i want to use it too in a Windows 10 VM? Guys i really appreciate your help! Thank you so much! Kind Regards!
  15. Thank you for your advice! Since I really want ECC-RAM in my Server, the i9 is unfortunatelly out of my decission. I also didn’t realise that it doesnt support ECC at all (can’t understand why Intel took that decision ...) so I guess i keep on hunting for a E-2278G or E-2288G. If neither of them should be available I guess I will pick the smaller E-2286G.
  16. Hey Folks! Since I can't find any Intel Xeon E-2278G or E-2288G CPU I'm rethinking my choose and if I would go with Ryzen 3700x (+GPU) or maybe something completely else ... So I started again comparing the Intel CPUs which include Quick-Sync and found something maybe very interesting for my build. One of my requirements was to have low power consumption but enough hardware-power for a storage and Plex Server that runs also some Dockers/Containers. My Comparison brought me to the Intel Core i9 9900T. It has a super low TDP of 35 Watt, so it should be in idle even lower, that is a great thing. The base clock is “only” 2.10 GHz but the boost clock is 4.40 GHz. Am I right that, that's enough power for my requirements? I mean the server will mostly run in idle anyway and if trans codes or other CPU powered stuff is running, 4.4 GHz should be enough, right? Any experience with it? Since the i 9900T has the same socket (1151), it should work with the motherboards of my choice: Asrock E3C246D4U2-2L2T or E3C246D4U2-2T or E3C242D4U2-2T ... Or are there any downsides to put a desktop CPU on a Server board? I would appreciate your advice!
  17. As far as I know they put only white drives in it. I shucked one of my four drives and i got as well a white one with the number: WD140EMFZ. On Reddit someone had the same drives 7 times so it seems to be true that they but meanwhile only white drives in the package. Link
  18. Thank you! I will contact them too. Yeah, I think too it's the best to get the bios direct from AsRock. however, I am surprised they gave you an dropbox download link ...
  19. Thank you for that information! 😀 So I will definitely need this Bios-Update too. Do you know what Version Number that Bios has? Could you maybe attach it here for everybody who will need it?
  20. Yes, it seems so ... Let's hope it doesn't take too long. I want to start the build actually not later than April or Mai. Alternatively I pick the slightly worse Motherboard: E3C242D4U2-2T. At least that's currently available ...
  21. Thanks a lot! 👍 I also wrote to support staff yesterday, let's see if I will get an answer ... What does this Bios "thing" mean? Is the goal to run the AST2500 graphics output simultaneously to the iGPU transcoding? Or do both not work without that Bios-Update (in Unraid)?
  22. Since I have not found a single AsRock E3C246D4U2-2L2T motherboard worldwide, I wonder if it has ever been released. Ever seen somewhere to buy? I've written to the AsRock team several times, but I don't get an answer ...
  23. I found this awesome deal on Amazon UK and would like to share it with you guys! 14 TB WD My Book for: 200.99 £ 237,06 € 260.03 $ I bought already 4 of them! 😁 Check it out:👇 Link
  24. Wow, that sounds like a good deal! May I ask you who this this OEM vendor is and if they ship hardware as well?
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