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Everything posted by esto

  1. What worked for me; I switched from an .ovpn which connected over TCP to an .ovpn which connects over UDP. Does PIA support UDP? Give it a try.
  2. Nevermind! I've found a workaround. I'm connecting to my VPN-provider over udp in stead of tcp.
  3. I found out what was wrong. With the manual method you have to start a script (make_bootable_linux or make_bootable_mac). Off course you should give this script the attribute +x, so it can be executed. The script does some checks and then copies files to the USB-drive. One of the last steps in the script is a 'call' to an other script: /tmp/UNRAID/syslinux/make_bootable_linux.sh. The problem with this is, that the script is just copied and does not have an execution flag (+x). After I've added the command "sudo chmod +x /tmp/UNRAID/syslinux/make_bootable_linux.sh" it works if I start the script with an unmounted (but plugged in) USB.
  4. On MacOS I did. The script ends with some errors that the device is locked so it can't be unmounted right before the message that creation was succesfull. I tried several times. I started the script both with a mounted and unmounted USB at start. Waited more than 20 minutes before unplugging the USB, but after a while I decided to force-unmount the USB. The script keeps the USB 'busy'. On the targetmachine the USB is not bootable.
  5. I'm having the same issue. I've tried to create an USB on both MacOS and Linux. The GUI-application on MacOS generates pasteboard errors. The scripts to make the USB bootable also generates errors both on Linux and MacOS. I'm not having a Windows computer around, so I'm out of options. Too bad, I wanted to try Unraid on my new server.
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