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Everything posted by Z3RO

  1. Greetings, Please could you help in solving this docker/WireGuard/hardware issue. I have moved my array to new hardware (CPU, Ram, Mobo, PSU and GPU) in the hopes of adding some pep to its step. Unraid booted fine on the new hardware. I just added a rule in the router to make its IP the same as what it used to be - new mac address with the new hardware of course. I had done this previously with the old hardware too. All fine. Problem: Found that my Vaultwarden, Nextcloud and Swag dockers stopped working. All on a custom network with reverse proxy. The dockers would start as per normal and show the green "play" triangle, but by clicking on the dropdown "WebUI" of the VW and NC dockers, the website does not load. "Secure Connection Failed" - "Error code: PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR" Looking at the logs of each docker, nothing seems out of place. Swag logs says "Server ready". I use Duckdns and my own domain. WireGuard also stopped - no handshake. All other dockers work fine. Jellyfin, Grafana etc. All local. Testing the original old hardware: (Sanity check) I pulled the drives out of the new system and put them back on the old hardware and everything works again as expected. I can access Nextcloud from outside the local network and WireGuard works etc. Put the drives back on the new hardware and the problem above occurs again. I ran a memtest on the new system before committing the drives and all passed with zero errors. I am sure I am missing something obvious. My thoughts were a DDNS issue, but really not sure. The systems: Unraid OS: Version: 6.12.4 All dockers up-to-date. Original old hardware: i5 4th gen CPU 8gb ram MSi H81I motherboard 3 x wd 4tb HDD 1 x Samsung 512gb SSD New hardware: (new to server) i5 10400 CPU 4 x 16gb XPG Ram ASUS H470-plus motherboard (LGA1200) 3 x wd 4tb HDD (NO CHANGE) 1 x Samsung 512gb SSD (NO CHANGE) RTX 3060 GPU If you need any images of specific logs/template settings, please direct me. Thank you. Z
  2. Also looking to update to R1295. Seems to be the latest verified release.
  3. Double check your database settings (db name, user and privileges) in the container and in your database. I had accidentally granted privileges to the wrong user and also got a blank white screen. I cleared the privileges on the incorrect user and then granted to the correct user and it worked.
  4. Thank you for all your effort so far!! I would be very keen on using it!
  5. Unfortunately never got it working either. Hoping that the community will getting it going soon enough though. Definitely a program I want to use.
  6. I managed to get it up and running on the VM, just had to change the listen port in the below settings from 80 to 443. _____________________________________________ server { listen 80; listen [::]:80; root /var/www/html/invoiceninja/public; index index.php index.html index.htm; server_name example.com www.example.com; client_max_body_size 100M; location / { try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string; } location ~ \.php$ { include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf; fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php7.2-fpm.sock; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name; include fastcgi_params; } } ________________________________________________ Still have not got the letsencrypt part sorted as yet.
  7. Hi SRB, Since you got Invoiceninja running using that guide, I would appreciate if you could at all assist. I have finished the guide but get the following screen when I go to the domain I placed in step 6: In step 6, I was not quite sure what they meant by replace directory root location, however I did replace example.com www.example.com with my subdomains. This Is the VM setup: The VM seems to be working as it should. I would like to get to the point where I can ask your help to get the Letsencrypt part setup (I do have Letsencrypt docker working well with some dockers but not with any VMs). If you are able to help and need any logs etc, please tell me where to go to find the logs. Thank you.
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