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Posts posted by HannesDi

  1. Hallo,


    ich such jetzt schon seit 2 Tagen eine lösung für mein Problem, dass ich manche Container aus innerhalb Unraid nicht erreichen kann.


    Ich hab mir einen Reverse Proxy wie von SpaceinvaderOne mit den Videos:


    How to Use DNS Verification with your Reverse Proxy & use a Wildcard SSL Certificate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AS0HydTEuA4
    How to Setup and Configure a Reverse Proxy on unRAID with LetsEncrypt & NGINX: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0lhZc25Sro&t=608s


    gebaut aber bin direkt auf den SWAG Container....


    Das funktioniert eigentlich auch soweit...


    Dann kam noch:

    Securely Access any PC or VM Remotely using only a Web Browser with Guacamole: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTFB2XEQQUU

    dazu und die Sache mit den eigenen IP Adressen für Docker Container mittels der "BR0"
    und damit ging gefühlt ein problem los...


    Mein Netzwerk läuft auf 192.168.222.x 


    z.B. Unraid:
    z.B. Guacamole:
    des weiteren noch verschiedene andere Docker Container und VMs auch in dem IP Range: 192.168.222.xyz


    z.B. meine Gaming-VM:


    -> SSH auf Unraid und in der Konsole ping auf:

    unraid -> geht 
    unraid -> geht 
    unraid -> geht nicht


    -> Konsole in der VM ping auf:

    GamingPC VM -> geht 
    GamingPC VM -> geht 
    GamingPC VM -> geht


    Von den VM´s aus kann ich alle IP-Adressen im Range: 192.168.222.xyz anpingen

    Aber unter Unraid (zum gleichen Zeitpunkt) nicht. 

    Kann mir jemand sagen wo ich drehen muss dass unraid auch die anpingen kann und mir nicht sagt "unreachable" ?




  2. On 3/8/2020 at 8:38 PM, Decto said:

    The problem with the AM4 platform is a lack of PCI-E lanes to support what you want.  .......

    Thank you for this very detailed Information, i dont have fully understood this for weeks. but after weeks of checking testing reading and crying... i makes really sense now. i have shrinked my 'project vision' down to 1 GPU and upgraded the processor to a Ryzen 7 3700X but made a big mistake i bought a X470 Taichi ... nice mainboard but big mistake for me.

    I run into huge problems... Running the RTX 2060 Super along with LSI Controller works fine and passthrough works fine. But then i would also passthrough one of the onboard USB controllers. Everytime it ends in a Server crash. So i bought a separate usb card and run into other problems. I think this problems is the "lack of PCI-E lanes" i have changed every possible position of slots but allways end up the same IOMMU group and this group looks like is not splitable and i cant isolate this card.

    So today i have ordered a another board.. a Gigabyte X570 Aorus Pro as used in other threads here and send the Taichi back.


    Thank you Again

  3. Hello,

    now that I have seen some videos of Spaceinvader One and read a lot on the pages here...


    The question is which board and processor should I buy to reach my goals?


    Since the financial means are limited, the desired processor is already almost certain. It should be a: Ryzen 7 2700.


    2 or 3 graphics cards are Avail and could / should be used, in conjunction with 3 VM's but only a maximum of two of them will run  the same Time.


    1. an NVIDIA RTX 2060 Super
    should be used for the Gaming PC VM.


    2. a Radeon R9 280x
    for a MacOS Catalina VM.


    3. an Nvidia GT630 1GB
    for an Allways ON - Windows 10 machine for surfing the net and similar
    alternatively a Linux desktop instead of Windows 10.


    The Mainboard should have as many SATA connectors as possible to complement or eliminate the currently used LSI controller.


    Does anyone have a suggestion or experience with which board this is possible?


    Thanks a lot
    Greetings Hannes



  4. 6 hours ago, testdasi said:

    + a bash script to install mergerfs and run commands.

    It's quite straight-forward actually. That's how I utilised by external USB SSD's for offline backup.

    would and could you share your script with me? that would be really nice ;-)

  5. 8 minutes ago, testdasi said:

    why don't you just add all of them to the array?

    The Answer is Simple:

    1. having the two hard disk sets for "main data" and the "backup data" in the same enclosure is not a backup for me.


    In case of fire or water damage, burglary or vandalism all data is lost.


    I want a real Backup because after the backup is finished, the hard drives will be detached and taken out of the office.

  6. Hello,

    after setting up my complete system with 6 hard disks + ssd, and installed all stuff the question: "how to backup ALL data?" comes up.

    I have 4 hard disks (2x 8tb + 2x 3tb) in a separate housing that can be connected via usb3 or sata. 

    All of these are recognized as single hard disks and appears in the area of unassigned devices and of course i can mount them manually so that they are available
    as single backup storage targets.

    But i want them as "one big" storage target with 22 tb. call it 1 big logical volume... 

    Any Idea how this could be managed? Is UNRAID cappable to do this? 

    Sure from nerdpack i could install unionfs and try this.. but is there not a easy way i could not see ?

    Or is it needed to install a Linux VM and setup there a lvm?


    Best Regards

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