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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Have you found that kodi-headless will return errors (path does not exist) when scanning if you reference the hostname vs the ip address? Not a big deal, but will have to reconfigure couch and sonarr... Or is it something else in the network settings for the container? Job for tomorrow.
  2. fair enough... I'll play with it. I'll know in the morning if it worked.
  3. Just starting to play around with this, and have a stupid question My existing database was scraped using Universal Movie Scraper. I know that if I setup Kodi on my desktop and try to scan for new movies it won't pick anything up at all because MariaDB knows I'm supposed to be using Universal Movie Scraper and its not installed. Once I install it everything scans fine. To setup Universal Movie Scraper, is all I have to do is copy ...addons/metadata.universal to the addons folder in appdata? Too late right now to exercise my google-fu.
  4. lol ok... Was worried that I missed something big.
  5. This one? : Have I missed something here? What plug-in is that?
  6. Create a repository containing an XML to ease the setup for new users. Then it'll get linked into my sticky
  7. Disk 2 has been mounted as read-only because the file system is corrupted. You should run reiserfsck as per this: http://lime-technology.com/wiki/index.php/Check_Disk_Filesystems The smart report on disk 2 looks ok...
  8. When you setup SAB with docker, there's going to be a /downloads and a /config container path which are "mapped" to a host path of /mnt/user/downloads and /mnt/user/appdata/sabnzbd on the array. You tell SAB to download to /downloads, and it will appear on your array at /mnt/user/downloads. (ie - not stored within docker.img) This is how you want it. If you tell SAB to download to another folder other than what your passing through with container and host paths, then it will wind up within docker.img. I hope that kinda makes sense. EDIT: Had a couple of beers watching the game (well, more than a couple) so that might not have made alot of sense. Here's another post which I think did better: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=37457.msg346442#msg346442
  9. Docker.img stores all of the programs, and the OS they are running on. 15 Gig is as good a size as any other to start with, (I'm running 7 docker containers, have a 10 Gig image size, and still have 3 Gig free) - But, your mileage will vary depending upon which containers, etc you are using. You can always expand the size of the image file down the road if it runs out of room
  10. lol - Really!?! I'd actually prefer not to clear the cache, as this is better
  11. I stopped when I realized that I could do a RAID 1 of every hard drive cheaper than buying disks.
  12. I have ~2000 DVD-R's which I used to backup prior to using unRaid. BD's are stored on multiple disks. It was a painful experience
  13. Has anyone ever tried flashing a BR10i with IBM's updated firmware? They are up to 2.75, and the release notes imply that support over 2tb works since 2.72 Of course, I would think that the card would wind up being back in IR mode. Has anyone seen firmware from LSI for the 1068 that supports over 2.2tb? Version 2.72 - Suggested ------------ Contains: - BIOS Version: - Firmware Version: - BSD Version: Enhancement - Support 2TB LUNS and greater Fixes: - Addressed issue with SATA devices where the drive could go missing for several minutes. - Fixed issue where incorrect release of scatter gather list could cause issues with pending IO to missing devices. - Addressed issue where IOs to a host with a bad drive could fail.
  14. You can do that now, and have two options for settting that up: Option 1 - Under notification settings, you can setup the Email Subject Prefix. ie: Unraid Server #1 Status Option 2 - Under user accounts, change the description of the root account to be Server_1, Server_2, etc. The FROM line in the email will reflect this change
  15. === START OF INFORMATION SECTION === Model Family: Western Digital Caviar Green (AF, SATA 6Gb/s) Device Model: WDC WD30EZRX-00MMMB0 Firmware Version: 80.00A80 Conveyance Self-test supported
  16. If the firmware is still stock and not customized, smartctl should tell you the actual manufacturer and model #
  17. Myself however, I would like to see the "i" button be active whether or not there is an update available. Just so after I install an update, I can still go back and look at the changelog
  18. Not sure why you think that. 24TB isn't really all that much these days ... on 4 6TB drives. A small 2nd UnRAID server with that much (or more capacity); and it takes ~ 5 minutes of "your time" to backup your entire collection [Clearly the copy would take a few days cross the network, but that doesn't require any action on your part except to initiate the copy.] He's talking about backing up onto actual DVD's. Would take forever. Beyond that, its actually cheaper to back it up onto other hard drives.
  19. Great idea. Especially since I don't think "idle" works. (At least it never came out of idle for me - I think because according to the wiki, its looking for the screensaver to come on)
  20. Just keep in mind that since they are an OEM unit, the warranty is with the reseller, NOT WD. Under specifications, it outright says 1 Year Warranty from Reseller. WD / Seagate both will sell high volume resellers drives with NO warranty at a reduced price, and then let the OEM slap whatever warranty they feel like. (I had a HD pull from a Lacie box that was like that)
  21. To use the new mapping, you will also have to re-add the container using the FoldingAtHome Template. Not the My-FoldingAtHome Template
  22. Go to bed then... BTW, I do love this docker. Been waiting for it for a bit.
  23. Here's my problems: - Start the container. Everything is good. Change the user from the UI. Stop the container. Config.XML does not get updated with the new user information. - Restart the container. UI shows the user I changed it to (config.xml does not) Whats the point of the config.xml if it doesn't reflect the most up to date information available? - Stop the container. Change the user via the config.xml. Restart the container. UI says its still the old user Once again, what's the point? - Delete config.xml. Remove the container and image. Re-add the container. Stop The container. Modify config.xml for a different user. Restart. UI shows the updated user. - Change the user via the UI. Stop container. config.xml doesn't reflect the change. Restart container, and UI still shows the changed user. Its messed up that any change in the UI overrides the config.xml, and could cause alot of confusion as to why things aren't working the way they should be. I would think (not sure however) that all of the settings operate like this, not just the username. Why not just hide the config.xml completely and do all of the basic config via the UI, or for the more advanced settings through the FAH Client Advanced settings? But then again as the previous poster stated, the 'allow v' setting might need to change depending upon your network settings. EDIT: On second thought, since only the team and username are accessible via the UI, just add a comment to the xml that any changes made via the UI override these settings
  24. Completely virgin install: root@localhost:# /usr/bin/docker logs --tail=350 FoldingAtHome *** Running /etc/my_init.d/firstrun.sh... /etc/my_init.d/firstrun.sh: line 7: syntax error near unexpected token `done' /etc/my_init.d/firstrun.sh: line 7: ` done' *** /etc/my_init.d/firstrun.sh failed with status 2 *** Killing all processes... *** Running /etc/my_init.d/firstrun.sh... /etc/my_init.d/firstrun.sh: line 7: syntax error near unexpected token `done' /etc/my_init.d/firstrun.sh: line 7: ` done' *** /etc/my_init.d/firstrun.sh failed with status 2 *** Killing all processes...
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