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Posts posted by 9smtm6

  1. I hear all the people claim docker-compose is available persistently in nerd-tools, and maybe I'm just blind but I cant find it there (or in the dev tools pack) for my live.


    According to what I see my Nerdtools plugin is up to date.


    I guess I can live with an Install script running every start, but I'm all for not needing to do that unless really necessary.


    Also, that aside, IMAO its time that unraid supports docker-compose. Because as it is the Unraid UI promotes bad practices because of lack of integration. To give an example, many containers require a seperate mysql instance, and people thus get the Template from Community application that exposes its interface on the host. Thats both bloating up the ports already in use and a security risk.


    Docker-Compose with its file-defined networks meanwhile allows you to not expose any ports to the mysql container at all.


    Yeah you can work around the issues, but as a matter of fact its not easy to do and comes with other headaches, and thus people generally dont do it.

    • Like 2
  2. Whether I try the config from Spaceinvader or the LSIO config, I cant reach bitwarden over letsencrypt reverse proxy, it just shows the default letsencrypt page "The website is currently being setup under this address." etc. In the LSIO file I exchanged ALL locations to

    set $upstream_app bitwardenrc;
    set $upstream_port 8086;

    of course, also tried with port 80.


    Both letsencrypt as well as bitwardenrc are running on a custom net `localproxy`, the port passed to bitwardenrc is 8086, I can reach bitwardenrc over [serverip]:8086 just fine, other containers work just fine reverse-proxied by letsencrypt (i.e. gitlab, code-server).


    The one thing that doesnt work with other containers either is having them either on localproxy or on the macvlan driver (br0) with independent ip and using letsencrypt to forward to them. So this option, which is suggested in the file from spaceinvader, doesnt work either.

  3. image.thumb.png.171e5a085ccebb8f86402b72688ffd48.png

    Have most likely the same issue as @jmonteiro, @ndaringer, @Hendricks,@GitBoxer and @Jidovu Marius Adrian.


    OnlyOffice CommunityServer wont start successfully from a clean slate. Repeatedly tried a fresh start (btw tricky cleaning up there, with the cleanup plugin you have to run cleanup twice so all remaints are gone), but always the same thing, an infinite initialization screen (as shown elsewhere), with errors in the log and eventually infinite starts of mysqld failing again and again.


    Attached is a screen of the log where I think its going wrong (screen because of the colorcoding). What is the purpose of the line

    myisamchk -q -r /var/lib/mysql/mysql/proc

    and could mysqld fail to start because that command failed? it is the first error in this log, earlier there are just a few warnings:

    rsyslogd: activation of module imklog failed


    + service nginx restart
    * Restarting nginx nginx
    start-stop-daemon: warning: failed to kill 21157: No such process


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