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Posts posted by Normand_Nadon

  1. Hello there!

    First-off, I know that on the UNRAID side of things is okay as I have successfully created and managed a GPU passthrough on an Ubuntu 18.04 desktop VM, with GUI. (this VM is not running right now, don't worry).


    GPU is an AMD RX580 4gb (Sapphire Nitro Plus)


    I tried to do the same on an Ubuntu-server 16.04 VM but I get stuck every time...

    1. Steps I have followed:
    2. Create VM without GPU passthrough
    3. Install Ubuntu-server 16.04 from VNC window
    4. Configure and test ssh, works
    5. Turn-off VM
    6. Restart VM and test ssh for sanity check
    7. Turn-off VM again
    8. Activate gpu and audio Passthrough
    9. Restart VM... Nothing... Can't ssh neither.
    10. Reset video to vnc and audio to none, VM is still unresponsive.
    11. Try different variant of reinstall and retry
    12. Ask for help on UNRAID forum
    13. Wait for response while I try a million different things and mess things up even more (in progress!)


    What did I miss?

  2. 6 hours ago, AgentXXL said:


    Not necessarily. If the room temperature of the space where your computer/servers reside is high, it makes it harder for the system to keep internal components cool. In cases with a proper push-pull airflow scenario, pulling the warmer room air into the case provides reduced cooling.


    I've even installed air-conditioning in my computer/server room for this reason.

    The "rule of thumb" in heat exchanges, is that you need around 12 degrees Celsius of differential to start to have an appreciable heat transfer with air. It varies with humidity levels and some other things, but that is a good starting point.
    One thing to remember in cooling (and in physics): Cold is not a physical thing ! Cold is a relation, an interpretation...
    Heat is a thing, and you can have more or less of it. You do not displace cold... you move heat from one place to another (you dissipate the energy in a medium containing less of it)... Knowing this changes perspective when designing cooling solution in my opinion ! :) 

  3. By the way, I am amazed that computer still use those cheap MOLEX adapters after all these years... You pay a lot of money for a high quality PSU to have it end with one of the cheapest connector there is! These connectors have poor contacts for their given size... But hey, they are the industry standard and will probably not be replaced in the near future! Maybe in 40 years! :D

  4. 19 hours ago, AgentXXL said:


    I suspect it's more likely that the old splitters and cabling were restricting some of the airflow


    This was proven, times and times again that it has no significant impact on temperatures (unless you would make a tight-sealed wall of wires!)

    (don't mean to offend here :) )


    An underpowered PSU, or an overloaded PSU rail will result in overheating in few possible ways:

    1- The PSU will go beyond it's efficiency curve and put out more heat

    2- The wire itself will heat-up if overloaded (that is less likely because something would shut down before you get there!)

    3- If the PSU provides less than the required 5V or 12V due to overloading, components could still work, but will pull more current as the tension lowers (and it is a vicious circle!). More current = more heat.


    People sometimes find it stupid to get a high quality, high power PSU, but it makes a ton of sense in the end... The important thing is to look at the efficiency curve of said PSU... If your usage is in the sweet spot of efficiency, the expense will pay for itself over time, especially on a 24/7 setup! You can look at the attached image for a general sense of what efficiency ratings mean for computer PSUs.

    By the way, I stopped using cooler master branded PSUs because they are, to me, inferior products... I had many issues with this brand. Their cooling solutions are excellent though. For good PSUs, I prefer Seasonic and I've had a good (single!) experience with EVGA too.



  5. Thanks for the answers!


    I read the bit on Windows caching credentials last week, and did clear them (a dozen times!)


    I will follow the links you posted and report with the results. (for the SMB access and for the governor)


    I mostly want to make my NextCloud Instance available from the Internet, but I am terrified to do so!

    Some of my shares will remain in UnRAID and won't be shared with the NextCloud Instance, but the media, photos and document shares would need to be accessed at a distance from the Internet...


    Space Invader seems to be THE reference on UNRAID! Does he work on the project?

  6. Does your Motherboard have a seperate SATA controller you could migrate your connexion to? This looks a lot like a failing of badly behaving SATA controller....


    You could also confirm if it is a controller issue by popping in a linux live disk and check the state of the drives... (I suggest using Pop!OS 18.04 as it runs great and has all the tools you need pre-installed). DON'T INSTALL Linux, just chose "try without installing"... This way you can navigate the content of you drives without modifying them.

  7. Hello there, I am new here and I spent the last week reading and working on my new (old) UNRAID server... First time I use this tool and I love it.

    I have few questions though, and googling (ducking also!) did not yield result for me...

    Please, if there is an obvious answer to my question, don't throw rocks at me, just point to it... I looked, I did not find. (99% of what I achieved was through tedious reading and tutorial watching, mostly late at night!).


    First off, here is my setup:

    UNRAID version 6.8.3

    AMD 8350 on an ASUS Crosshair V Formula-Z Mobo.

    16gb DDR3 RAM (4x4gb) at 1600Mhz
    (2x) 4Gb NAS Hard drives (1 drive and 1 parity)

    (2x) 240gb SATA SSDs in a pool for cache

    And many unrelated old, but good stuff!


    I Installed many plugins to get going (such as "Fix Common Problems" per example)


    Here are my three major issues today, while working on building this server:


    1- There is no governor driver... I just don't understand how to install one for my board... I added some Dynamix plugins and more, but this does not seem to be installed in the kernel... How does one achieve his goal of saving energy with cpu scaling on his server? (BTW, "Fix Common Problems" also reports a "no driver found" issue for that)

    2- Share security...

    • By default, all my shares are visible on the network. If I make them private, I can't find a way to log into them that works (on SMB that is) It always refuses my credentials (created users and gave them access, no luck)
    • Also, my flash drive is shared on the network... I absolutely do not want that!  Just found the solution for that one !


    3- There are plenty of guides on how to make my UNRAID server safe before I give access to some parts of it via the Internet (if that even is possible!). Those guides are often going in opposite directions and that leaves me unsure about what I should do... Can you point me to the best in the west, one pager check list to make my UNRAID server as secure as can be ?


    Thanks for your time and devotion to this incredible project!

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