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Posts posted by jowi

  1. Oh, i did not know you could install plugins from CA as well... i assumed CA was all about dockers. I was doing it the hard way from the plugins menu and then try to find a working git repo... which is a pain btw.

    So i finally by accident found the nerd 'tools' and installed that. 

  2. The python docker is of no use; i want to run python scripts on unraid itself, not in a docker.

    I've installed nerd TOOLS (i guess that is the proper nerd plugin for 6.12? because i had to uninstall nerd PACK since it was obsolete).

    It looks like python is working. Allthough for some reason i can only get python 2 to work, not python 3.


    Any ideas on why heimdall is complaining?

    *edit* removed the port 443 from the container and now heimdall is running again.

  3. Installing and rebooting was fast and smooth (coming from 6.9).

    Only issue so far; Heimdall won't start, it throws an execution error/server error. Nothing in the heimdall logs.


    Also, the update wizard advised me to uninstall the nerd pack and the devpack since they were obsolete, but now i don't have python anymore?


    The https://github.com/UnRAID/NerdPack/raw/master/plugins/NerdPack.plg repository is gone?

    How do i get python back? I need that for some custom scripts.

  4. Found a way to change the root password. 

    The whole parameter thing mentioned above doesnt work for me.


    Open a putty or ssh connection to unraid, go to the app data folder for mariadb.

    Edit the custom.conf file, add the entry 'skip-grant-tables' to the [mysqld] block.

    Save the file & restart the container.

    Open a console in unraid, enter: mysql

    enter: use mysql;

    then: UPDATE user SET `authentication_string` = PASSWORD('myNewPassword') WHERE `User` = 'root';

    enter: exit

    close the console

    remove the line 'skip-grant-tables' from the custom.conf file, save it.

    and restart the container

    Open a new console, now you can enter mysql using:

    mysql -u root -p

    enter your password... voila.

    • Like 1
  5. Same here. Lost my pwd and no luck trying the steps provided here.

    If i add --skip-grant-tables to the parameters, the container is restarted but mariadb itself won't start. Red square.

    If i DO start it and start the console, the console is immediatly disconnected. I can not do anything.

  6. Ok, fixed. There were 2 things wrong. First, for some reason the container port (should point to internal 80) was the same as the external port, so e.g. external port 6262 should point to container port 80, but pointed to internal 6262 as well. Could not change it in the docker port settings (greyed out, also after stopping the container), so i had to delete the 'container port' setting and add it again but now properly.


    Now, the 502 error was gone, but wp showed an error 'something is wrong' and a white screen.

    Some googling suggested to rename the plugin folder and try to start the site. That worked :) after that 1 enabled every plugin one by one until i found the culprint, some email form plugin. Deleted it. Site works fine again.

  7. I have 2 wordpress sites, and had some issues with nginx and certificates, but that is now solved.

    One of the wordpress sites functions fine (https://hallum.20ten.nl/), the other one (https://dehef.20ten.nl/) i get a 502 error... they are basically configured the same in nginx and also have the correct A records. Both sites worked fine until the certificate issues started, but these are now renewed, but still, the 2nd site looks like it died?


    I have no clue how to fix this or what is wrong. Normally, the ONLY way to get into the site (using /wp-admin) was over the actual url https://dehef.20ten.nl/. I can not show the site on my unraid server? Not even when i change to Bridge etc.


    The only thing i can do is check what is in /mnt/appdata/ for this site.

    How can i determine what is wrong? 

    What is the actual way to start and run a wordpress site locally?


  8. ok, looks like it is working, be it not very well. Nginx is crashing constantly, had to restart it a few times. Suddenly i could add a new certificate. After that... all errors and nginx crashing again. After restarting, same errors. "certbot is already running"... and indeed it was. I have to restart nginx, kill the certbot process and then i can renew a certificate or add a new one... bonkers... but ok, i have some new certs until march 2023... so in a few months this will probably start all over again... 


    *edit* now nginx is crashing randomly... even when i'm not actively using it. Weird.

  9. How do i confirm that it works? My wordpress website on unraid is up and running through nginx. 

    I can access https://hallum.20ten.nl from anywhere, and it works. So nginx is redirecting it from hallum.20ten.nl to unraids internals right? My A record at my provider is also correct (otherwise the site wont work). So what else is there to check or confirm? The website is up and running and accesible, i just can't get $%%$^ nginx to renew the certificate.

  10. 14 minutes ago, mattie112 said:

    That folder is used by certbot. Somewhere in the nginx config it is defined. But the message is clear: a timeout while trying to connect to unsecured http on port 80. It could be as simple as restarting your modem. Or try to do an external port scan for example to verify / test. 

    But surely you don't want me to open up port 80 on my router to my unraid server? 

    Port 80 is now routed to port 180 on nginx. That is how it should work right?

  11. If i try to renew one of the certificates (for my wordpress site at hallum.20ten.nl ) i get the error in the letsencrypt.log in the docker folder:




    Certbot failed to authenticate some domains (authenticator: webroot). The Certificate Authority reported these problems:
      Domain: hallum.20ten.nl
      Type:   connection
      Detail: Fetching http://hallum.20ten.nl/.well-known/acme-challenge/DxI-bYapBi4sKZnlq18715wXLypfnvQ0VHwzh8lMqgY: Timeout during connect (likely firewall problem)

    Hint: The Certificate Authority failed to download the temporary challenge files created by Certbot. Ensure that the listed domains serve their content from the provided --webroot-path/-w and that files created there can be downloaded from the internet.



    I do have port 80 and 443 forwared in my router to the nginx containers 180 and 1443 ports on unraid. This has always worked the last 2 years since i've been using it. The ISP ip address ( is correct as well.


    I do NOT know what the mentioned '.well-known' folder in the error msg is? Where should this be? In the wordpress container?

  12. I need to renew some certificates, but i just can't nginx to renew or even create new letsencrypt certificates. It complains about 'another intance of certbot is running' which is NOT the case, not in the docker nor in unraid. Rebooted docker, rebooted unraid, same message.


    It has worked fine for the last year for a couple of wordpress sites and nextcloud. But now it just wont renew. All ports 80/443 are forwarded to the nginx container etc, like i said, it was and is working fine, except for renewing letsencrypt certificates.


    Is there a way to use other free certificates besides the builtin letsencrypt stuff?

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