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Report Comments posted by ChatNoir

  1. This is not a bug, it's the way it is designed.

    The configuration is stored in a cookie on your browser. So a different browser can be configured differently depending on your use case or resolution.

  2. Not sure to see a significant improvement from 6.12.2.

    It seems that some containers are more impacted than others (Plex, Jellyfin for example for me)




    On the other end, I am wondering it is an actual RAM usage problem or an issue of reporting from docker and/or kernel interpretation. (my table above uses 'docker_container_mem' )


    On the same time period than the image above (15 days), my system RAM usage does not seem to be fluctuating much while docker is supposed to have reached ~27GB from an average of 8-9GB on 6.11.

    My total RAM is 64GB, so going from 9 to 27 should be clearly visible on the system.




    The Unraid Dashboard is consistant with my Grafana dashboard.


  3. 2 hours ago, Octalbush said:

    This is the rc2 thread... Is there an rc3 thread I'm not seeing?

    He means a thread about this specific issue like :

       [6.12 RC2] ZFS default SPA slop space


    Discussing many issues in the release thread is not the best way to have good follow up.