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Posts posted by archduke

  1. I've been running 6.12.3 with 2 1tb ssd's and would like to replace them with a single 2TB ssd. All the guides and forum posting's I've seen seem to be from before the 6.12 changes to the way cache is configured.

    In order to move files off of my existing cache drives, do I need to set secondary storage to none, primary to array, and trigger the mover?


    Assuming that's what I need to do, I'd just reverse those steps after setting up the new cache drive?




    Screenshot 2023-08-30 at 16-13-50 Sanctum_Shares.png

  2. Thanks for the directions @JorgeB


    I got things working, but not sure if I did it the best/right way. (Although if it's working, it can't be wrong, right?)


    I tried flashing a new install to the usb key from the r710 that was tied to my Unraid license, but no matter what combination of uefi support I chose in the creator tool, or uefi support I enabled/disabled in the bios of the r720xd, I could not get it to boot from that usb key.


    I was getting frustrated, so on a whim, I took the usb key I'd been using for the trial on the r720xd, and copied my key file over from the r710's flash backup. The r720xd booted off of that flash drive, it gave me warnings about the license, I went the replace key route, and everything is just working.


    Thanks again!

  3. Hi everyone,

    I've been running Unraid on a Dell r710 server for a couple of years now. I've been using the 6 drives configured as 6 virtual drives since the h710 perc controller is running stock firmware.

    I recently purchased a Dell r720xd that holds 12 3.5 inch drives in the front. I purchased the addon backplane to support 2 2.5 inch drives in the back that I'm running 2 1tb ssd's in a cache pool. I also purchased a flashed raid controller from Art of Server so the drives are simply passed through.


    I used a trial key on the r720xd to setup the cache and data arrays. I've copied over the data from the r710, and would now like to swap the license from the r710 into the r720xd.


    Can I simply move the usb key from the r710 to the r720xd? I'm hoping that at that point I can create an array with the existing data drives that I copied data to. If that's not an option, can I simply mount the drives as unassigned devices and copy the data over?


    Any help is appreciated.



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