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Report Comments posted by MisterT

  1. I think so too, I am trying to copy only with cp not with rsync (coz of cp working slower) maybe it helps :)

    Sorry for reporting this issue - didnt know kernel bugs (with backtraces) can also be produced due to faulty hardware.


    But one question about the array before topic get closed - lets say I have 4 drives (3x data drives)...

    I know how the filesystem in unraid works (/mnt/disks and /mnt/user) but does it make any difference if I copy files directly to /mnt/user/share instead of /mnt/disk1/share ?


    If I got it correct: when I copy files to /mnt/user/share/ -> unraid will balance files auto (due to high-water ?)

    if I copy files to /mnt/disk1/share -> files wont be balanced coz copied directly to disk1 - right ?

  2. Yes :) its a fresh install


    no not sure, cp wasnt a option for me for transferring large amout of files - but I will test this later when I am home.


    The usb devices is formatted in ext4 and I hope not :D (this is my only available backup at the moment)

    EDIT: The first 2 rsync trys I got error code 12 from rsync and 2nd time error code 20 - but dont have any additional info about it and also no logs :(