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  1. Hey guys, after 2 years, unraid server is full. OLD config: NZXT H440 2x parity wd red 4TB 4x data wd red 4TB 1x ssd cache 500GB 1x ssd for VM 256GB I have successfully installed microsemi 11008i8e (couldn't find without external ports), cooling it with side mounted 120 mm fan (attached photo), plugged and precleared 4x new wd golds 12TB. Serves is running like this for two weeks new golds not added to array. Now the not funny part for me. I want it to work like this: 2x parity wd gold 12TB 2x data wd gold 12TB 6x data wd red 4TB 1x ssd cache 500GB 1x ssd for VM 256GB I can`t decide how to add them to array. If I should do new config with keep data option, or parity sync or what. I can`t be without server access too long. Can anyone help me please? Thanks a lot.
  2. Another thing to add: after restart, my bios had scrambled boot order, so it was trying to boot the windows VM and it froze the same way (only with ASRock logo instead of Tianocore) Lastly, yesterday before it all went to s***, unassigned devices had new update = maybe this could be it... Help please
  3. Hey guys, im starting to be really sad about this. My unraid server, with one VM (for couple of license servers) was working for 2 years with no problem. No gpu, just bunch of disks. VM installed on unassigned ssd. It was all done at once on 6.3.5 i think. Two weeks ago, before holiday i updated unraid to 6.8.3. All was working just fine (traditional parity checks, VM working) but with no real usage of whole server. Yesterday VM windows 10 showed some red error regarding disk. There was some windows update so i restarted windows. After that it dropped to automatic repair cycle. I browsed the forum, tried everything (one core, new template etc), nothing helped. I lost my patience, reinstalled windows (on old template with the same windows.iso). It was working, i`ve installed couple of things, windows requested restart for updates aaaaand here we are back again....hanging on Tianocore with 100% cpu usage on one core... Help me please - attached latest diagnostics - i have diagnostics from yesterday, but that`s history (if anyone wants it for research, i`ll post it) tower-diagnostics-20200917-1036.zip
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