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Posts posted by donatom3

  1. Just an update. I'm sitting on over 4 days uptime, keeping my fingers crossed but I feel good about this. Thanks Hoopster for pointing out MacVlan. I thought it wasn't in effect since I wasn't using a custom ip or br0 on any docker, but just having the br0 option checked in docker was enough to add it.

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  2. On 1/4/2021 at 9:10 AM, Hoopster said:

    Docker containers running in host or bridge mode are not known to cause macvlan call traces.


    As noted, it is usually those containers that have their own IP address that cause macvlan call traces.  Have you assigned IP address to any containers on a custom network?


    What you said got me thinking. I did not have any dockers with a custom IP set but macvlan was still loaded like you said. So I just went into the docker settings and saw I still had custom br0 enabled. I disabled that and lsmod no longer shows macvlan loaded. I'll try for a few days like this.


    Would the macvlan module being loaded be enough to cause the issue even if no docker was using a custom IP?

  3. 12 hours ago, trurl said:

    Just thought I would comment on using the forum. The reason I said

    is because when you edit a previous post, the thread doesn't show anyone that there is new content. 

    Thanks I realized I should have done that afterwards. I do have an update.

    Crashed again. I could ping it but couldn't access ssh, web, or direct console.


    I had the attachment on the screen. I decided to swap out the sata cable on dm-02.

    Also noticed in the bios that the time was off and showing UTC time in bios.


    I couldn't grab these diagnostics before the power down of course.

    screenshot crash 1-5-21.png


  4. 30 minutes ago, Hoopster said:

    Docker containers running in host or bridge mode are not known to cause macvlan call traces.


    As noted, it is usually those containers that have their own IP address that cause macvlan call traces.  Have you assigned IP address to any containers on a custom network?


    I used to have Nginx Proxy Manager running with it's own IP address on br0, it's not back to Bridged.. That was changed over 2 weeks ago. That should have been the only docker using it's own IP address.

  5. 6 hours ago, JorgeB said:

    Various call traces, including macvlan, those are usually the result of having dockers with a custom IP address:

    I only had Plex using host. Had an issue when I first set it up a couple of months ago where using bridged wasn't determing local vs remote users well. Changed it to Bridge and it seems to work fine now (probably because I switched to linuxserver container).


  6. All new hardware was used for this. I have a random crash anywhere from 24 hours to 72 hours.


    I lose all network connectivity to the unit and have to force reboot it


    Looking at the time stamps I think this is the kick off of when it starts.


    Jan  3 06:02:09 Park-NAS1 kernel: rcu: INFO: rcu_sched self-detected stall on CPU



    Intel i3-10100

    16gb ddr4 non ecc

    intel x520-da2 nic.



    Edit: I added a diagnostics file while running. I'll try to capture one when it crashes but I lose all network connectivity when it does.

    I'm looking at some of the settings in tips and tweaks and since it appears I lose network but the machine is still running and capture logs during that time, I'm going to turn off nic offload and see what that does.




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