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Report Comments posted by CallOneTech


    A value of Forced lower is special: the case of all incoming client filenames, not just new filenames, will be set to lower-case. In other words, no matter what mixed case name is created on the Windows side, it will be stored and accessed in all lower-case. This ensures all Windows apps will properly find any file regardless of case, but case will not be preserved in folder listings. Note this setting should only be configured for new shares.


    If it doesn't actually write everything as lowercase then that tooltip needs a rewrite. I may be having a brain cramp, but it sounds like setting everything to lowercase is exactly what it does.


    With that said, I'm willing to test it on a new share if I am mistaken.

  2. 7 hours ago, itimpi said:

    @CallOneTech  have you tried switching to using case sensitive file names?   This made a big difference for me in folders with lots of files in them.


    I have not. Also, the prospect of making EVERYTHING lowercase makes my soul hurt.


    Sure, there are Samba limitations with huge folders and I get that. However, unraid's implementation of SMB shares benchmarks at the bottom of the barrel every time it is compared against a similar system.


    If every other device or storage OS had the same trash performance that would be one thing, but clearly they don't because people keep switching to them and getting better results.


    The nuclear option is a pass from me until everything else has been explored.

  3. Trying my best to be constructive here, but sadly, the devs don't care about the AD issue or the ungodly poor SMB performance.  @nedbrew99 try opening a video inside a folder with 1,000-2,000+ other files in it over SMB.  You will have a fresh issue to be sad about after losing your access control options. This is another extremely well documented bug that gets ignored... 

    The goal seems to be piling on new and exciting features that barely work and ignore the past. Before long, the list of broken things will probably be longer than the news of shiny new features.


    It's a shame that quality support is a thing of the past. I wanted to believe they would fix these issues, but it's been ages since I started shaking trees over it.


    I wouldn't write them off completely... but it's looking MIGHTY pathetic at the moment. 


    I wonder if creating a public outcry with YouTubers is the better way to get this fixed. No one is willing to do the right thing anymore until they are publicly shamed into acting. Food for thought...


  4. On 12/22/2022 at 12:20 PM, dlandon said:

    Looks like your problem is solved.  This is from 6.11.5 (testparm):

            idmap config * : range = 3000-7999
            idmap config * : backend = tdb



    So did this change make it into the latest version or not? Looks like we are getting conflicting reports...

    Hell, I'm still on 6.10.3 because it FINALLY works and I'm afraid to piss it off, so I'd be the last person to know. Although, it would be nice if it was safe to finally update without fear.

  5. That is a terrible cop-out proving once again that the interest of paying customers doesn't matter until it reaches angry mob status. The official response after an update broke this essential feature to almost everyone running MS systems shouldn't be "Sucks to suck... deal with it".


    We should not have to start a change.org petition, or get a hoard of twitter and YouTube people to whip the community into a frenzy to get you to do the right thing.


    You have a 4 page forum post about an issue right in front of you and a bunch more threads elsewhere. That is just the people that actually brought it to your attention. This works like polling, multiply each of our voices by at least 10x and you will start to scratch the surface about how many users are having this issue.


    Finally, AD is the only way to get proper permissions for any windows based network. It may be an "enterprise feature"... but so was DHCP. That makes your reasoning a very strange excuse to ignore a VERY known (AND FIXABLE) bug in unraid.


    @dlandon I hope you change your mind of this issue quickly, because your above response is beyond unacceptable and I would expect ALOT of community fallout if that becomes the official hill you folks want to die on.


    P.S. We can start knocking out the rest of the SAMBA issues that cause terrible overall user quality of life once we get you folks warmed up fixing this mess.



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  6. Whoops... Looks like I kicked off yet another firestorm of replies.


    As a long standing IT veteran (like many of you)  I always say, passing the buck to another vendor is the most toxic thing that happens in this industry.


    We routinely deal with problems that are super complex, and that speck of doubt provides enough cover to yell "NOT MY JOB!!!" from the rooftops. It's annoying when my vendors still do it to me 30 years into the game and it really sucks for end-users, because they don't know any better.


    I don't think it needs to be repeated that this is a problem with unraid's implementation, and not windows. We can quickly prove that statement by looking at the similar storage solutions out there that work perfectly fine. 


    Here is to hoping we can keep this alive until we get a proper fix that gets merged into future unraid updates.

  7. I just want to chime in and say thank you @Geoff Bland for carrying the ball as far as you did 👍

    Back when I started rattling cages about this issues ages ago I didn't think we would get a workaround/semi-fix like we have now (2 months, 8 hours and 26mins of uptime as I type this).


    Thanks to everyone else on the unraid side for finally taking this serious as well. I really wish more was done MUCH sooner, but I'm just happy to get any dev eyeballs at this point.


    Here is to hoping for an official patch in a future build, so I won't be terrified to upgrade sometime down the road.

  8. @Geoff


    I gave it a shot because it's been 7 days and 1 hour of uptime and unraid started throwing "check_account: Failed to convert SID" errors right in the middle of watching a show off a share. It seems to happen every 7 days or less, it's like unraid just forgets it joined AD.


    I wasn't able to replicate your issue completely, but I did get a ton of errors while adding the user. It threw a bunch of:

    auth3_generate_session_info_pac: winbindd not running - but required as domain member: NT_STATUS_NO_LOGON_SERVERS 


    Then it started streaming more of the  "check_account: Failed to convert SID" errors. I assume the Failed to convert SID was triggered by all the active sessions that got knocked off when unraid deiced it couldn't see the domain controller anymore.


    It did create the tester user, but it took about 30-40 seconds to create the account (probably due to the background errors).


    This is even more annoying for me because my unraid server runs as an esxi vm and usually crashed the esxi host when I reboot it(8 out of 10 times)... but that's a problem for another another day.


    I'm currently booting my host back up and going through the worlds most awesome workaround to make my unraid server hopefully work for 7 more days 🤢🤮 


  9. Dlandon, thank you for jumping in to this thread, it's great to have you here.


    It would be awesome if samba (4.15.8) was a magic bullet, but please keep in mind that the slow transfer issue mentioned by Steve-UnraidUser doesn't have anything to do with the original bug that the rest of us are trying to resolve.


    I'm sure you noticed that, but I assume your extremely busy and the last thing I want is for us to miss our chance at a fix because the thread got mixed up with multiple bug reports.


    Also, thank you Geoff Bland, for offering up the speedy logs and TeamViewer access (when needed).

  10. Frank1940, not an attack against you, and that is a fair point, but it feels like something is broken with unraid itself. My primary evidence to support this claim is that the Join and Leave domain buttons in the web GUI stopped working at some point after 6.8.x too.
    The only workaround I'm aware of is to shutdown (reboot sometimes doesn't solve it), startup, leave and finally rejoin AD, which seems to refresh whatever keeps spoiling like a jug of milk. However, with the leave & join buttons being broken, you must reboot the server repeatedly to "fix" them.
    That means you need to do a restart every 3-6 days and then leave/rejoin your domain to keep it working.
    I understand what you're saying, and I'm happy for any efforts to help with this... but MANY folks from the unraid community are IT veterans. They can all see this is clearly a pass-the-buck type play rather than deep diving into the genuine issue inside unraid.
    We have all seen it before, anytime you call retail support for anything and everything. The fix is always oddly found by leaving the current support team you're dealing with alone and bugging someone else 🙄
    As sad as it is, it seems these days that the only way to get a proper resolution is to shame a person/company into doing what they are supposed to do. It takes a constant pressure campaign that most people don't have the stomach for (and companies know this!). It shouldn't work that way, but it's just how it is.

    I'm 110% positive that if the talented unraid devs got serious about this issue, they could either resolve it or explain it well enough for the Samba devs to make a patch (if that's the root cause).

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  11. Windows server 2019 Standard Fully patched (VM on ESXi) over here. This all started somewhere between 6.8.x and now.

    Geoff summarized this issue very well, but I'm more than happy to do any testing or give over any info that will lead to this getting patched.


    Hopefully we can finally get an official response to this... I have been rattling cages, resurrecting threads and asking on the discord. So far all I have founds is that everyone using AD is suffering from the same issue and crickets from support. It's a bit frustrating to not at least get a "sucks to suck, deal with it" message after all this time.

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