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Posts posted by blu3_v2

  1. I have a HP N40L Microserver running 6.7.2 with no issues.


    After installing the 6.8.0 Update via Update OS and rebooting, my Array Devices in the Unraid GUI are all missing/blank - even my boot USB. Strangely the GUI reported Configuration Valid, however, instead of attempting to Start the Array I captured Diagnositics and downgraded back to 6.7.2 until this Issue can be explained/resolved.











    This is the first time I have had an unsuccessful Update using Unraid, and would like to update to the current stable version rather than remain on a deprecated release. Could someone please take a look and provide some advice.

  2. I also tried downgrading due to the previously mentioned CPU usage issue, however, since doing so my RSS Feeds no longer automatically update and files/folders are no longer automatically moved to their Tagged Directory (ie. TV/Movies) once downloads complete. I can manually Refresh Feed and downloads start fine.


    I have so far tried restarting the Docker and returned to the latest build and these problems persist. I am guessing it is a permissions issue - could someone please some advice on what to check or how to fix permissions (I thought this was performed automatically on Docker start).


    Update: Deleted Docker and reloaded from template (Latest) and the issues seem to have been resolved for now.

  3. 54 minutes ago, johnnie.black said:


    Disk dropped offline, it's on a Marvell controller and these are know to drop disks in some cases, disk4 is on the same controller, has it been there for long and without issues?

    Disk 4 has been on the same controller for a few weeks and has undergone a change from ReiserFS to XFS, as well as a complete Parity Check without issues. I set Disk 5 as No Device rather than attempt to add the old Parity back to the Array for now as it was giving errors while trying to Spin Down, and even now when Unassigned. I will unplug it until I can source a new SATA card and/or cabling.

  4. 47 minutes ago, blu3_v2 said:

    My old Parity Drive was perfectly healthy, and I can now report that it was correctly recognised as an Unassigned Device once I shutdown the server and triple-checked all cabling (turns out it must have a loose/intermittent connection to my PCIe SATA card). It is now undergoing a Preclear just to be safe before being added as an Array Disk.

    Looks like I spoke too soon. Shortly after starting the Clearing process I received Read errors and the Process Aborted. Have posted in General Support section as unrelated to this plugin.

  5. On 2 April 2018 at 7:27 PM, hawihoney said:

    I'm not sure if my failing drive was a parity drive before. But as it's SMART values are ok I bet it was.


    I don't swap data drives if SMART values are ok. But I swap parity drives with perfect SMART values if I need a bigger one.


    My old Parity Drive was perfectly healthy, and I can now report that it was correctly recognised as an Unassigned Device once I shutdown the server and triple-checked all cabling (turns out it must have a loose/intermittent connection to my PCIe SATA card). It is now undergoing a Preclear just to be safe before being added as an Array Disk.

  6. 2 hours ago, hawihoney said:



    Yes, wipefs did the trick. Double check that this drive is not part of the array. Double check the correct device name. Issue "wipefs /dev/xxx" (replace xxx by correct device) without any additional parameters to check the current FS. This step is not necessary. It's just to check if it gives a non-unRAID-FS output. Finally "wipefs --all /dev/xxx" to wipe the disk. Lasts a second or so. After that I could attach the disk immediately to UD.


    Thanks for the tip.


    I just shutdown my server to check that it was not a cabling issue, and now when I boot the drive is not recognised at all. Looks like I will have to shutdown and recheck cabling again or remove the drive and see if I can format it from another system before adding to the array. I find it strange that the drive had previously been functioning perfectly in unRAID as a Parity drive, then when installed back into the same system it is not recognised. Maybe it has to do with the fact the the Parity drive contains data without a file-system or partition structure as such.

  7. On 26 March 2018 at 8:29 AM, hawihoney said:

    This is the output of wipefs. DOS? On a 3TB drive? Last time I used DOS was when using 1,44MB diskettes.


    Really weird. 

    Linux 4.14.26-unRAID.
    root@Tower:~# wipefs /dev/sdg
    sdg    0x1fe  dos



    Did you ever get this issue sorted out and your disk recognised?


    I have a similar problem, having just completed a Parity Disk Upgrade (4 > 8Tb). When I plugged my old Parity Drive in it is not recognised as an Unassigned Device (from the unRAID Main Tab or when using the Unassigned Devices Plugin). It was seen as an output when I ran ls -l /dev/disk/by-id from the terminal and also showed up in the recently updated Preclear Disks Plugin screen (as device sdh), however, there is no drive/model info attached to the drive and when I attempted a Preclear it failed.

  8. Hi,

    My unRAID server (WATCHTOWER) has been running flawlessly and is currently on Version 6.3.2, however, I have just noticed the following error being repeated in the syslog since my last reboot:

    Watchtower ntpd[1454]: receive: Unexpected origin timestamp 0xdc894add.aeb536f1 does not match aorg 0xdc894b20.ae287975 from [email protected] xmt 0xdc894add.cfcfe1a9

    This is the first time I have seen this error, so I have attached the diagnostic.zip to this post. Could anyone suggest a fix, or at least let me know if it is anything to worry about.
    Thanks in advance

    P.S. A bit of background. I have just moved house and plugged into the ADSL modem prior to booting up the server on this occasion. Could this be the cause or contributing to the problem?


  9. I apologise if this has come up earlier but I could not find a definitive answer to this question for Tom (or any of the Limetech staff really) - what owner/user should the official LT Plex Docker use?


    According to this thread https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=41562.0 it is 99:users, however, on the Plex Forums here http://forums.plex.tv/discussion/comment/987463/#Comment_987463 they say it should be unraid-plex:users.


    To further confuse matters, after updating Plex to the most recent public version (9.12.8 ) using the Docker Tab in unRAID, my Preferences.xml is changed to nobody:users (even after I did a chown unraid-plex:users and chmod 777 to this file prior to the update following some permission issues).


    I am still trying to get to the bottom of some weird Plex behaviour and want to find out the correct information regarding Plex and updates on unRAID. Thanks

  10. Plex notified me that a manual upgrade is required to get the latest version.  Is this something I need to wait for a docker update to receive?


    Sorry, new to dockers.


    I think you will need to wait for Limetech to update their docker.


    When I updated last time I clicked on 'Check for updates' on the Docker tab, then clicked on the Plex icon and selected 'Update' and unRAID took care of the rest.

  11. Can someone please offer some advice on how permissions should be set for Plex config folders, how to check my permissions and then correct them if needed.


    Using putty I have logged onto my server and checked folder/file permissions using the ls -l command.


    It appears that the official Limetech Plex is setup with owner unraid-plex and group users (unraid-plex:users). However, a couple of folders and files had been changed to nobody:users during the recent update.


    To restore permissions I did the following after navigating to the Plex folder:


    chown -R unraid-plex:users <folder/file name>
    chmod -R 777 <folder/file name>


    I hope this is the correct procedure, however, it appears to have fixed some of my issues caused by the last update. I can now access the server settings from other devices, access the server from iOS devices and view thumbnails for content.


    Hope this helps anyone else having permissions issues with Plex caused by updates. Can anyone suggest how these permissions may have been broken during the update?



  12. Can someone please offer some advice on how permissions should be set for Plex config folders, how to check my permissions and then correct them if needed.


    From a post on the Plex forums I have been told I have some permission errors (see below)


    I can see some permission errors in other log messages in the log and may be there is a permissions issue - you need to check that for all directories below.


    /config/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/


    Aug 03, 2015 19:24:17 [0x2b7a7bc01700] ERROR - Error opening file '/config/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/PhotoTranscoder/bd/bd6fef76ab2f479a36eb2084ab42a2c129a44ae4.jpg' - 13

    Aug 03, 2015 19:24:17 [0x2b7a7bc01700] ERROR - Failed to open file for streaming: /config/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/PhotoTranscoder/bd/bd6fef76ab2f479a36eb2084ab42a2c129a44ae4.jpg


    Error 13 I believe is this error


    #define EACCES          13      /* Permission denied */


  13. I recently updated my Plex docker using Limetech's Official Repo and have noticed some strange behaviour and was wondering if anyone else has noticed these issues or have any suggestions.


    NB.Everything was working perfectly prior to updating.


    Following the update I can still scan and update with new metadata for new items but after updating I notice the following:

    - TV Show & Movie thumbnails are all blank on Home screen/On deck/Recently added and when browsing individual libraries. However, when I enter a TV Show Season folder I see thumbs for the last couple of episodes (some scanned prior to update)

    - New items added to library correctly and can be browsed/watched fine

    - Unable to find server using iOS app. Can browse using PlexWeb using the same device but within the app nothing shows up

    - Unable to access server settings from any device 'Server settings are unavailable' message displayed


    From reading the Plex Forum https://forums.plex.tv/discussion/170436/server-settings-are-unavailable I gather I may need to delete some bundles from the Plug-Ins folder, however, my symptoms don't seem to match those described in the support article https://support.plex.tv/hc/en-us/articles/201119258-Resetting-System-and-Framework-bundles


    Has anyone else had these problems and offer any advice?

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