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Everything posted by monarc

  1. Unfortunately it looks like I have a problem with the backups, they keep failing. I'll have to look into this. Thanks for the quick explanation.
  2. Hey all. I just noticed that failed backup jobs won't be deleted if they are older than specified in the configuration. Is this an expected or unexpected behaviour?
  3. Hi all, last night my Unraid server froze or crashed or I don't know, anyway it was unreachable and neither were any of the dockers so I had to hard restart it by turning it off and on again to get it running again. The logs from last night are quite extensive but don't clear anything up for me. Can someone please take a look at the logs and diagnostics to help me find the root cause of the problem. Many thanks in advance. Best Regards, Marc unraid-diagnostics-20230913-0823.zip unraid_crash_logs.txt
  4. Thx @apandeyfor the hint. It worked. I changed the line in the file and after "Check for updates" all green again.
  5. @ConnorATXHave you managed to fix this problem? I have encountered the same the second time within a couple of days. First time "force update" helped, but now other container are affected. I'm on v6.11.5 already. BR, Marc
  6. Have you changed something lately? I don't stop Adguard during the backup since I started to use Adguard and it worked fine before. Only on the last two days the backup failed and I haven't changed anything. Backup three days ago was successfull. Dec 27 14:51:58 Unraid CA Backup/Restore: ####################### Dec 27 14:51:58 Unraid CA Backup/Restore: appData Backup complete Dec 27 14:51:58 Unraid CA Backup/Restore: ####################### Dec 27 14:51:58 Unraid CA Backup/Restore: Deleting Dated Backup set: /mnt/user/Backups/backup_unraid_appdata/[email protected] Dec 27 14:51:58 Unraid CA Backup/Restore: Backup / Restore Completed
  7. You can find them in my initial post already, extracted from the unraid logs for the last two runs, but here you go, the logs from the 3rd tab... [29.12.2022 14:00:01] Backup of appData starting. This may take awhile [29.12.2022 14:00:01] AdGuard-Home set to not be stopped by ca backup's advanced settings. Skipping [29.12.2022 14:00:01] Stopping bazarr... done! (took 6 seconds) [29.12.2022 14:00:07] Not stopping binhex-lidarr: Not started! [ / Exited (0) 6 months ago] [29.12.2022 14:00:07] Stopping binhex-radarr... done! (took 0 seconds) [29.12.2022 14:00:07] Stopping binhex-sonarr... done! (took 0 seconds) [29.12.2022 14:00:07] Not stopping calibre: Not started! [ / Created] [29.12.2022 14:00:08] Not stopping calibre-web: Not started! [ / Created] [29.12.2022 14:00:08] Stopping deconz... done! (took 1 seconds) [29.12.2022 14:00:09] Not stopping DiskSpeed: Not started! [ / Created] [29.12.2022 14:00:09] Not stopping Dozzle: Not started! [ / Created] [29.12.2022 14:00:09] Stopping duckdns... done! (took 4 seconds) [29.12.2022 14:00:13] Stopping duplicati... done! (took 5 seconds) [29.12.2022 14:00:18] Stopping endlessh... done! (took 4 seconds) [29.12.2022 14:00:22] Stopping GluetunVPN... done! (took 1 seconds) [29.12.2022 14:00:23] Stopping Influxdb... done! (took 0 seconds) [29.12.2022 14:00:23] Stopping iobroker... done! (took 3 seconds) [29.12.2022 14:00:26] Stopping JDownloader2... done! (took 1 seconds) [29.12.2022 14:00:27] Not stopping Krusader: Not started! [ / Exited (143) 3 weeks ago] [29.12.2022 14:00:27] Stopping mariadb_kodi... done! (took 4 seconds) [29.12.2022 14:00:31] Not stopping nordvpn: Not started! [ / Created] [29.12.2022 14:00:32] Stopping nzbget... done! (took 4 seconds) [29.12.2022 14:00:36] Stopping paperless-ng... done! (took 4 seconds) [29.12.2022 14:00:40] Stopping PhotoPrism... done! (took 0 seconds) [29.12.2022 14:00:40] Not stopping phpmyadmin: Not started! [ / Created] [29.12.2022 14:00:40] Stopping Redis... done! (took 1 seconds) [29.12.2022 14:00:41] Not stopping scrutiny: Not started! [ / Created] [29.12.2022 14:00:41] Stopping speedtest-tracker... done! (took 4 seconds) [29.12.2022 14:00:45] Stopping unifi-controller... done! (took 7 seconds) [29.12.2022 14:00:52] Stopping UptimeKuma... done! (took 4 seconds) [29.12.2022 14:00:56] Backing Up appData from /mnt/user/appdata/ to /mnt/user/Backups/backup_unraid_appdata/[email protected] [29.12.2022 14:00:56] Separate archives disabled! Saving into one file. [29.12.2022 14:00:56] Backing Up [29.12.2022 14:39:30] Verifying Backup ./adguard_home/workingdir/data/querylog.json: Mod time differs ./adguard_home/workingdir/data/querylog.json: Size differs [29.12.2022 14:51:20] tar verify failed! [29.12.2022 14:51:20] done [29.12.2022 14:51:20] Starting GluetunVPN... (try #1) done! [29.12.2022 14:51:23] Starting duplicati... (try #1) done! [29.12.2022 14:51:26] Starting duckdns... (try #1) done! [29.12.2022 14:51:28] Starting endlessh... (try #1) done! [29.12.2022 14:51:30] Starting nzbget... (try #1) done! [29.12.2022 14:51:32] Starting binhex-sonarr... (try #1) done! [29.12.2022 14:51:35] Starting binhex-radarr... (try #1) done! [29.12.2022 14:51:37] Starting bazarr... (try #1) done! [29.12.2022 14:51:39] Starting JDownloader2... (try #1) done! [29.12.2022 14:51:41] Starting deconz... (try #1) done! [29.12.2022 14:51:44] Starting iobroker... (try #1) done! [29.12.2022 14:51:47] Starting unifi-controller... (try #1) done! [29.12.2022 14:51:49] Starting UptimeKuma... (try #1) done! [29.12.2022 14:51:52] Starting speedtest-tracker... (try #1) done! [29.12.2022 14:51:55] Starting PhotoPrism... (try #1) done! [29.12.2022 14:51:58] Starting paperless-ng... (try #1) done! [29.12.2022 14:52:01] Starting Redis... (try #1) done! [29.12.2022 14:52:03] Starting mariadb_kodi... (try #1) done! [29.12.2022 14:52:06] Starting Influxdb... (try #1) done! [29.12.2022 14:52:10] A error occurred somewhere. Not deleting old backup sets of appdata [29.12.2022 14:52:10] Backup / Restore Completed
  8. which logs are you looking for? Which log tab do you mean?
  9. Since yesterday my appdata backup is not working anymore. I changed nothing, only the Plugin is updated automatically. Any ideas? Is this something expected at the moment? LOGS: Thanks in advance for any help. BR Marc
  10. No, but I have pinned the tab in my Edge Browser
  11. Had the same issue last two month running Unraid OS 6.10.3
  12. any chance the fix for the oauth2 issue with Jottacloud will be implemented in the beta release shortly?
  13. Danke für deine schnelle Rückmeldung. Da muss man erstmal drauf kommen. Nach dem Löschen der tmp Datei und des tmp Ordners unter /tmp/ war das Starten des Skriptes erfolgreich und so wie es aussieht lief es auch sauber durch. Vielen Dank noch mal für deine Arbeit rund um das Skript 👍
  14. Ich habe gerade das Skript in der neuste Version (v1.3) parat gemacht und wollte es ausführen. Dafür habe ich auch eine frisch formatierte (xfs) ext HDD fertig gemacht, nur leider bekomme ich folge "Fehlermeldung" direkt nach dem Start. Script is already running! Script Finished Sep 05, 2022 13:11.15 Full logs for this script are available at /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/Backup_Script_HDD_v1.3/log.txt Das "alte" Skript welches eine lange Zeit problemlos lief zeigt nun das gleiche Verhalten. Was mache ich falsch bzw. was habe ich übersehen oder vergessen? Hat jemand eine Idee? Vielen Dank im Voraus. Viele Grüße, Marc
  15. Looks like it is working, nice, thanks. FIREWALL_OUTBOUND_SUBNETS needs the local subnet where my Unraid sever is in, not the docker network, right?
  16. No, I haven't done this so far. Can you please explain a bit more detailed what I have to do. Thanks in advance @biggiesize
  17. Which config pieces from gluetun are you looking for, since it is really long!? Below the port mappings. GUI is working fine for them.
  18. Trying to setup nzbget and radarr running through GluetunVPN Container. As long if only nzbget is using the VPN container everything is working fine, but when I force radarr to use the VPN container as well it is not working anymore and Radarr cannot communicate with nzbget anymore. I already tried using external parameters (--net:conatiner:xyz) as well as setting up a new docker network. Any ideas?!
  19. Sorry guys, but I haven't had problems with this on any other of my server. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Would someone be so nice and could please write a step by step guide for setting up Unraid with ssh keys so login is possible without a simple password. Thanks in advance. Much appreciated.
  20. Looks like Unraid is unhappy with the format of the key files. Can you please share the command to generate a pair of keys from Unraid shell. Thanks in advance.
  21. why do I have to rename unraidbackup_id_ed25519.pub if I already have created authorized_keys with my public key in it. According to /root/.ssh/config the key pair unraidbackup_id_ed25519 belongs to backup.unraid.net. Sounds for me like the something the MyServer plugin created?! Sorry, all still a bit unclear to me.... 🙈
  22. hmm, I am not sure if I understand you right, but my private key I have generated along with the pub key is on my PC and I am using it in mobaxterm to login into Unraid. The pub key I have copy&pasted in the authorized_keys file. I used MobaKeyGen to generate Piblic and Private Key. I haven't had these issues with our servers so far?!
  23. Thanks for your quick reply @ken-ji! Looks good I guess, but even after "/etc/rc.d/rc.sshd restart" I am asked to enter my "normal" root password to login. root@Unraid:~# ls -al /root/ total 12 drwx--x--- 6 root root 220 Jan 2 22:14 ./ drwxr-xr-x 20 root root 460 Jan 15 21:39 ../ -rw------- 1 root root 494 Jan 17 18:41 .bash_history -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 316 Apr 7 2021 .bash_profile* drwx------ 3 root root 60 Jan 2 22:14 .cache/ drwx------ 4 root root 80 Jan 2 22:14 .config/ lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 30 Apr 7 2021 .docker -> /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/ drwx------ 3 root root 60 Nov 4 13:25 .freeipmi/ drwx------ 3 root root 60 Jan 2 22:14 .local/ lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21 Apr 7 2021 .ssh -> /boot/config/ssh/root/ -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 281 Jan 18 00:10 .wget-hsts root@Unraid:~# ls -l /root/.ssh/ total 20 -rw------- 1 root root 393 Jan 17 18:13 authorized_keys -rw------- 1 root root 86 May 4 2021 config -rw------- 1 root root 192 May 4 2021 known_hosts -rw------- 1 root root 387 May 4 2021 unraidbackup_id_ed25519 -rw------- 1 root root 82 May 4 2021 unraidbackup_id_ed25519.pub root@Unraid:~# ls -l /boot/config/ssh/root/ total 20 -rw------- 1 root root 393 Jan 17 18:13 authorized_keys -rw------- 1 root root 86 May 4 2021 config -rw------- 1 root root 192 May 4 2021 known_hosts -rw------- 1 root root 387 May 4 2021 unraidbackup_id_ed25519 -rw------- 1 root root 82 May 4 2021 unraidbackup_id_ed25519.pub root@Unraid:~# Is there anything else I forgot? Do I have to edit /etc/ssh/sshd_conf or is .ssh/authorized_keys for AuthorizedKeysFile okay? Is "/etc/rc.d/rc.sshd restart" enough or do I have to reboot my Unraid so passwordless login will start to work?
  24. Hi all, I'm running Unraid 6.9.2 and trying to setup passwordless ssh access to my Unraid server. For me this thread became quite messy over the years and I am unsure at which point we are now. I am trying to setup up @ken-ji's way and have put the authorized_keys file in /boot/config/ssh/root. Do I need to copy the sshd_config to the same location as well and change "AuthorizedKeysFile" to /etc/ssh/root? Am i totally wrong or on the right way? It would be very helpful if someone could write down the necessary steps again. Many thanks in advance.
  25. Any news on this? I see the same issue with the high CPU load on my Unraid Sysem (6.9.2) with MyServers version 2021.10.12.1921. A unraid-api restart helps, but after a day or two high cpu for the unraid-api process is back.
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