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Everything posted by maltman

  1. Switched to 6.9.1 today, WOL was unstable / not working. Server went to Sleep immediately. Maybe its a bug with S3 Sleep. Downgraded to 6.8.3 - everything works like a charm.
  2. Solved the problem, but dont ask me how. I did several BIOS resets, took all GPUs out. Couldnt activate IOMMU Groups for a while, some forth and back. It had something to do with the VMs and their passthrough GPUs. Now everythings back running.
  3. Hey guys, yesterday i transfered my Server to a new case with a new PSU. Added two more GPUs and a new HDD. System booted as always. After a second shutdown problems came up. Had lots of Kernel Panics, VFS not mountable etc. Re-flashed my Stick multiple times, saved and restored config. System is now rebooting on 6.8.3 in safe mode, i can start the array in maintenance mode. But in regular mode my RAM gets 50% usage or more but docker and VMs are disabled. Running MEMTEST at the moment, change some settings at BIOS (C-Stage, PSU idle control) Diagnostics attached. tower-diagnostics-20210319-0830.zip tower-diagnostics-20210319-0831.zip
  4. The third NVME isnt mandatory, its just already here. The X570 setup would be x8x8x8? Any specific recommendation? I dont need wifi, usb-c, 10gb lan etc. Just lanes
  5. Hey Guys, i´ve set up my first two Unraid Servers, super happy with it. Now i need to build a new Workhorse-Machine. Requirements: 2x Video editing VMs (Premiere Pro & After Effects) 2x Office VMs NAS Whats already there: Ryzen 7 3700X 1x 1660 Ti 1x 1650 3x NVMe 1TB (2 for Cache, 1 for VM Storage) 1x HDD WD 12 TB for Parity 1x HDD WD 10 TB for Storage 1x HDD WD 8 TB for Storage My problem is to find a 570x Mainboard which features enough lanes for two GPUs + the Hyper Card. There some special interesst boards like the ASRock X570 Creator. x8 is enough for both GPUs, but the Hyper Card needs Bifurcation x4x4x4x4. I am aware that the Ryzen 7 does not provide enough cpu lanes. But since the cost of the project is secondary, I would also use a threadripper if necessary. Thanks!
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