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Posts posted by leprechaun17

  1. Hello,


    I have the same problem to replace my usb drive. Formatted it with RUFUS and no luck. Tried the trick to load Kubuntu as an ISO image with RUFUS and then wiping it and replace it with my USB backup. Still same issue that windows cannot update the MBR when running the make bootable.bat.

    Can anyone help here?

  2. Hello Unraid team,


    I attempted to transfer my HDDs and USB from my PC Unraid server to my new Dell Poweredge R710 server.

    I was able to get Unraid started on the R710 server but the allocation of the HDD (same allocation as the original PC server) was not recognized ( I was getting a wrong disk error message). All HDDs are configured as RAID 0 and setup as individual virtual disks. I did not reinitialize the HDDs since I do not want to lose the data. 

    Any idea on how to transfer the server?

  3. Thanks Trurl,


    Disk 1 is full hence the unwriteable error.
    Regarding docker.img size was related to a Home Assistant unsupported installation issue which is now resolved. I will change back the image size.

    So I stopped the array again and unassigned disk 3 and I am still not able to start the array again.

    See attached diagnostics file with array stopped and disk 3 unassigned.tower-diagnostics-20210819-1135.zip

  4. Hello, since upgrading UNRAID to version 6.9.1, Handbrake container starts with no errors (that I see...) but when I load the GUI through Chrome, I get a Server Disconnect error message 1006. Any ideas?


    March 21st update:

    So the issue is associated with Google Chrome blocking port 80 due to a malware attack issue. When loading the Handbrake GUI through Microsoft Edge, it works properly.

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