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Everything posted by snowborder714

  1. Here is a new diagnostic after starting the array. Yup, that's the same link I had found - thanks for the confirmation! tower-diagnostics-20200707-1448.zip
  2. I have found the wiki article for "Replacing a Data Drive". This is going to turn into a bigger project though as my parity drive is only 4TB so I'm going to want to swap in something much larger there so I can then swap in some larger data drives. Is there a recommended order of operations on how to replace both a dead data drive as well as the parity drive? I'm not sure if I should replace the data drive first (temporary), then the parity drive, then replace the data drive again with the larger one or if there's an easier way. Edit: It sounds like this wiki article will walk me through doing this "drive shuffle", correct? https://wiki.unraid.net/The_parity_swap_procedure
  3. Thanks for the reply and helpful info! I'll check the cable on disk2 and/or replace it with another one. I have acknowledged the notification and will monitor to see if/when it happens again and keep checking the frequency if it repeatedly happens. I tried running the short and long tests for disk3, but it won't get past "self-test in progress, 10% complete" before showing "Errors occurred - Check SMART report". I was able to have it fully run through the short test but the same error message appeared afterwards. I only found out about this stuff when I went to perform a reboot and it wouldn't boot into the OS. After I finally got it up to the point I could get into the UI, I saw that the one disk was disabled and the investigation started.
  4. I've got two devices that are experiencing issues and I'm not familiar with how to read and evaluate SMART reports. I've attached the diagnostics information. ST3000DM001-9YN166_W1F0WCE7-20200706-2337 disk3 (sdd) - Currently disabled ST3000DM001-9YN166_W1F16VWS-20200706-2337 disk2 (sdc) - Currently showing a thumbs down for SMART column in Array dashboard table with a hover note of "UDMA CRC error count: 1" tower-diagnostics-20200706-2337.zip
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