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Report Comments posted by Port22_Login_root_ScanBot

  1. *1.) I have a reported error within Log as follows ;> Mar 21 22:14:47 Dell cache_dirs: ERROR: excluded directory 'VM\ backup' does not exist.

    *>    1.) >Question, Is this the correct location to edit, (this simple test1), a potential backslash VM\ syntax error and replace with this corrective action VM/ ? <(is the solution for the potential missing directory "VM/backup" or "VM/ backup")?


    I will try this edit from this GUI menu bar > Tools > Unraid OS > Config File Editor > Editing: /boot/config/plugins/dynamix.cache.dirs/dynamix.cache.dirs.cfg


    options="-e "Appdatabackup" -e "CommunityApplicationsAppdataBackup" -e "VM\ backup" -e "appdata" -e "isos" -l off"


    options="-e "Appdatabackup" -e "CommunityApplicationsAppdataBackup" -e "VM backup" -e "appdata" -e "isos" -l off"

  2. *>      B) >Question, do I need to be concerned about the data in the cache drive pool? Is the cache drive pool a copy or is the original data moved from from disk to cache and then become volatile data to corruption?


    Found it, the first mistake I made was to begin at the forums discovering years of potentially confusing out dated material.



    Creating a cache-pool adds protection for cached data. If you only assign one cache device to the system, data residing there before being moved to the array on a schedule is not protected from data loss. To ensure data remains protected at all times (both on data and cache disks), you must assign more than one device to the cache function, creating what is called a cache-pool. Cache pools can be expanded on demand, similar to the array.


    [Edit] Still does not solve, why it appears no data is in the cache drive pool, only 30.4MB is on the cache drive?