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  1. oooops i`m really sorry I was googling docker/bookstack support forms and came across this, never realised unraid was a product. apologies
  2. Hi all, I`m relatively new to docker so please excuse my ignorance. I am trying to run Bookstack with the Database being stored on my QNAP NAS, I thought this would be fairly easy but its proving difficult. I am deploying from the CLI with the below command: sudo docker run -d --name=bookstack -e PUID=1000 -e PGID=1000 -e APP_URL= -e DB_HOST= -e DB_USERNAME=root -e DB_PASSWORD=admin -e DB_DATABASE=bookstack-db -p 6875:80 -v /docker/appdata/bookstack:/config --restart unless-stopped ghcr.io/linuxserver/bookstack I have also tried having the DB port on the end of the DB_HOST variable as well as having it in a separate DB_PORT variable and both give me the same results. The user is the default db user and has full access to the db. Other things I have tried are deleting the project folder so it gets recreated, using different users but, I seem to have the same results in that it deploys ok and is running, on initial deployment it also creates all the tables in the database. I can browse to the URL and I get a login screen, I login with the defaults and I just get a blank screen. Reading the troubleshooting tips it suggests this is usually down to permissions on the uplad and cache folders, I have changed them to everyone having permission and still have the same behavior. I read somewhere I might need to deploy with no db setting and have all in an environment file but, I cant find any environment file or where it should go. Can anyone offer any help or advice as I have been looking at this for nearly a week now Thanks
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