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Johnny Utah

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  1. Attempting to use the FreePBX Docker: Is there a trick to getting this to work? I downloaded this docker and and did not change any of the settings from default. It will not start for me at all. Was there something I was supposed to do or a setting I was supposed to change before starting this up?
  2. Figured out my SSL error. Just user error. I had put HTTPS for my Ka it’s URL in the docker setup. Changing to HTTP fixed it. However, I am now trying to get it to scrap metadata for individual comics with Comicinfo. It gives me an error that the file types are unsupported though. My comics are cbr or cbz format so it shouldn’t be an issue.
  3. I am receiving the following error in the logs when trying to use Komf with Kavita: 22:09:33.602 [RxCachedThreadScheduler-1] ERROR org.snd.mediaserver.kavita.KavitaEventListener -- kotlin.Unit javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Unsupported or unrecognized SSL message Any idea what might be causing this?
  4. I am receiving the following error in the logs when trying to use Komf with Kavita: 22:09:33.602 [RxCachedThreadScheduler-1] ERROR org.snd.mediaserver.kavita.KavitaEventListener -- kotlin.Unit javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Unsupported or unrecognized SSL message Any idea what might be causing this?
  5. Having the same issue now. Very Frustrating!! Hope there is a solution soon.
  6. I would like something like this too. I have alot of old ISO's and BIN/CUE's that I would like to be able to burn without a VM started.
  7. Recently I have been unable to access my Nextcloud dashboard from any browser. It just shows a white page with the first letter of my username in a circle at the top right. I cant do anything from here. I am using this with NginxReverseProxy which has worked in the past until, like I said, just recently. No changes were made otherwise other than maybe automatic updates. Any way to fix this or did a recent docker update break the app?
  8. I am wondering is this was ever resolved? I now get the below error in my libvirt logs myself. virNetSocketReadWire:1803 : End of file while reading data: Input/output error
  9. I just started getting this error again. I have fixed it by uninstalling and reinstalling a couple times already. Why does this keep happening?
  10. As the title says I am getting quite low FPS and stuttering on my Windows 10 gaming VM. Here are my server bare metal specs: CPU: Intel W-2175 14-Core GPU: MSI 3060ti OC RAM: 64GB 2666mhz For the VM I have set it to use 4 cores and 8 threads for the CPU. It is using 24GB of RAM. It is passing through the 3060ti and a USB pcie card. Using an older 1080p 60hz monitor. The VM is running off a 200gb VM hard drive image but all domains are on a 1TB Samsung Pro Nvme. When running the Heaven benchmark I am getting right around 4000. I have seen other 3060ti users getting upwards of the 7000 mark. When running Minecraft there is constant stuttering when moving. Same with Fortnite. Cyberpunk is getting around 20fps on high at only 1080p. I feel like maybe I am forgetting some setting in setting up the VM or some thing? Was hoping I could get some pointers on some best practices for ensuring a gaming VM is set up for the best possible performance.
  11. Same issue here. Been having several issues with the My Servers plugin as of the last couple weeks.
  12. "Sign In before your Unraid.net SSL certificate expires" I woke today to find this error in the top right of my Unraid GUI. I sign in and it accepts my credentials and all but the error does not go away. Everything was working yesterday and there have been no changes otherwise. IS this an error on the Unraid side or has something changes on my end that I need to fix?
  13. Pretty Sure it is all the VMs doing this. Anytime I open one (Win 10, Ubunutu, OS X) it shoots out that error. This has only been since the 6.10 update that I have been noticing this.
  14. I am receiving the following error after an update to 6.10 RC1: HanServe wsdd2[12442]: error: wsdd-mcast-v6: wsd_send_soap_msg: send: Cannot assign requested address I am not sure which docker, vm, or plugin would be causing this? Any ideas from the anyone where I may start to look for a fix?
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