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  1. Sorry for the confusion, it is working now. The problem was that the server did not show up for me only, because of Hair pin NAT issue which led me to believe it wasn't public.
  2. I did try this yesterday with my phone's hotspot but it was still failing, however I re-tested it today with a friend and they are able to see the server after adding it to their "Favorites" as my <public IP>:27015 It seems that might have been my problem all along. I misunderstood how steam server list works. It seems it provides the list to your client at which point your client checks if it can communicate to those servers. Since I couldn't connect to my own public IP it never showed my server for me. I can see my own server from another IP or using VPN. SEOS keywords below, please ignore Steam ARK steamcmd unofficial session not showing up, LAN works, friends can't see ARK server, port 27015, port 7777, can't see server but LAN works, portforwad but server not showing on listing, dedicated ark server not showing on listing
  3. Hi Ich, I've tried using the arkse docker and AMP docker both using steamcmd, but can't get the server to show up on the public steam server list. Using the ARKSE app with steamcmd on UNRAID v6.12.6. I currently have the network type set as "Host" to avoid any NAT'ing problems. I am able to discover the game in steam LAN tab as and in UNRAID console using "netstat -lptun" it shows it binding to port 7777 but NOT as "LISTEN". Not sure if this is a problem or not. I'm confident the portforwarding rules are set correctly as I have a minecraft server running in another docker and working, although those communicate over tcp. Active Internet connections (only servers) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name udp 0 0* 15771/docker-proxy udp 0 0* 15744/docker-proxy udp 0 0* 15722/docker-proxy udp6 0 0 :::7777 :::* 15779/docker-proxy udp6 0 0 :::7778 :::* 15750/docker-proxy udp6 0 0 :::27015 :::* 15728/docker-proxy Mikrotik Portforwading settings There seems to be traffic coming in on port 27015 and forwarding correctly to my internal server
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