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  1. Wishing to know this as well
  2. I have a wireguard as backup solution which works with the array not started, so I can always use my phone to remotely connect and start it. Then Tailscale starts. seems fine but I worry if the container will be outdated at some point.
  3. I am having the same issue, I want to switch to the plugin version of tailscale but I can never get it to run properly... so I have to stick with the docker version which works flawlessly
  4. This has been occurring to me as well. The system is now no longer able to start the array, only in maintenance mode. Mounting the cache drive in read only and getting all the data off it works. Will reformat the drive and try again.
  5. Thanks for your time and effort 🙂
  6. I hope that you can update this app, I would like to be on the current version as well.
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