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  1. Yeah I had a good reason for encryption at the time and had good backups of my irreplaceable data. I've rebuilt now without encryption and if I do use it in the future I'll probably limit it to the data that needs it instead of encrypting every drive... live and learn. Luckily, I learned my lesson about backups many years ago. Thanks for trying to help!
  2. I have no backups of the luks headers, so it seems that I'm screwed. I'll be starting fresh. Thanks for responding, JB.
  3. I forgot to mention that after the drives came up as unmountable I immediately removed the Adaptec card and connected the drives back to the motherboard controller. So, they are currently in the original physical configuration.
  4. Running 6.9.2 I had an array of 6 drives (2 as parity) on the onboard SATA controller, and needed to add more drives so I installed an adaptec 71605, plugged everything up, and configured the card as HBA. After booting Unraid and starting the array the parity is happy but all data drives would not mount. I've read through many threads, these two in particular, and adding to the mess is that these drives were encrypted. I attempted to start the process mentioned in the first thread. Removing one data drive and starting the array did not successfully emulate the missing disk. I attempted to mount the pulled drive, scan file system, etc, but nothing worked. I also put that drive back in the array and performed a rebuild. The rebuild completed successfully, but it now shows "Unmountable: not mounted". Since I'm not a linux guy I'm reaching out for help. I do have backups of the important data but there's another 20tb+ of data that I'd love to recover. Here is the current state - Disk 4 was the one I tested and rebuilt. I did not attempt xfs-repair -L on any drive. server-diagnostics-20210522-1625.zip
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