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Posts posted by Themors

  1. On 3/27/2020 at 7:31 AM, zeus83 said:

    Hi guys, I've recently setup a Hive OS VM and ecountered a couple of issues during this. So I've decided to prepare a quick start guide. This guide won't explain you what Hive OS is and used for, neither it will show how to setup your Hive OS account and crypto wallets. There is a lot of guides on this on the web.



    The only prerequisite is you have to setup your Hive OS account and properly configure at least one farm and worker. You can go through the guide here or just google any appropriate guide you like.



    1. Download the latest Hive OS GPU image here . You should then unpack it and put into your isos share temporarily. For me it was a 7Gb file named [email protected] .
    2. Normally this image file is supposed to be written to the usb stick, but we instead just use it as our VM disk. You need to copy the image to your VM share.
      cd /mnt/disks/vm/
      mkdir hiveos
      cp /mnt/user/isos/[email protected] hiveos/vdisk1.img
    4. Now let's create a VM itself which will use our Hive OS disk image. Use Ubuntu template because Hive OS is ubuntu based distro.
    5. There are however a couple of issues we must to address. First change the bios to SeaBIOS. I wasn't able to boot the system with default OVMF bios. Second it seems that Hive OS doesn't contain the Virtio drivers normally found in Ubuntu and most Linux distros. I could overcome this with setting Primary vdisk bus to SATA . As for CPU and memory don't assign much resources to it. 
    6. hiveos-vm.thumb.PNG.cabdd3be4c98f825ed21980fa35d1f83.PNG
    7. You have to pass your dedicated GPU as well because Hive OS isn't much useful without it. 
    8. hiveos-vm2.PNG.7221a1b96084b1c1bac3b2d2cf7f567a.PNG
    9. Switch to XML view to change the network adapter, because as I told before there are no Virtio drivers preinstalled in Hive OS. I chose rtl8139 and it worked fine for me. You must remember that whenever you edit anything using the form view the XML part would reset and you'll have to add that part once again.
    10. hiveos-vm3.PNG.8fc44cd0a60943c1ada0e46ef5f58e9c.PNG
    11. Now we are ready to start our VM. Once VM is started properly you need to figure out it's assigned IP. I use my router admin page for that.
    12. Then we need connect to our VM and finish the worker configuration. Since we passed through GPU and didn't configure the VNC we'll use Hive OS integrated shellinabox. Open https://YOUR_IP:4200/ in a browser. Default login is user password 1 . If everything is ok you'll see a welcoming screen like this.
    13. hiveos-vm4.PNG.fe9cc2d23b3b3d37d77533d37125e05f.PNG
    14. Your GPU must be present and identified correctly.
    15. It's now time to finish our Hive OS worker setup. Type firstrun and follow the instructions to enter your worker RIG_ID and RIG_PASSWORD .
    16. hiveos-vm5.PNG.89c0902d80c46beb8336dbd5ddc8d6c3.PNG
    17. You'd better reboot your VM after configuration finished.
    18. After completion you might check your Hive dashboard to see that the worker is online and assign a flight sheet to it.
    19. hiveos-vm6.thumb.PNG.7e961a3cd4c00c2978918f6f158cad94.PNG



    How do I use ubuntus template??



  2. Hello, I was looking at Unraid and I am not sure if I can do what I want to. I want to have 2 pcs from one, in one of them I want to run ubuntu with almost all my procesor cores and storage while in the other one I want some cores and all the power my gpu can give me. Can I do this with unraid?


    I want to use this 2 OS at the same time in different displays

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