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  1. Federation is a premium feature. Just the icing on the cake.
  2. Alternatively, a method to import rocket.chat's chat history into Matrix. I know that's probably a tall order.
  3. So, rocket.chat's putting more and more features behind their enterprise paywall (I mean, user roles are now a paid feature?!). Now, with their arbitrary 25-user limit for the community edition, my group has decided to move on. I've begun to migrate to Matrix. We've been using rocket.chat for close to four years, and I'm trying to make the transition as painless as possible. Has anyone had any luck federating their rocket.chat instance with their Matrix home server on Unraid? There's a built-in Matrix bridge -- I'm wondering what that configuration would look like for an RC and Matrix server hosted on the same Unraid machine.
  4. Thankfully, I managed to resolve my database error by re-scanning my libraries. I can no longer reproduce. After updating the container, I ran into this issue again; the container would crash a few minutes after starting with the same "SQLITE_CONSTRAINT: UNIQUE" error. I'm not sure what's causing this so I'm not sure how to provide steps to reproduce it. This is probably a one-off; some rogue podcast gumming up the works. I created a backup file (awesome feature by the way). I removed and deleted the container, image, and appdata folder. Then I re-added the container using my template, let it rebuild the appdata folder, and restored from my backup. It seems to be holding steady -- but I'll report any changes.
  5. I successfully updated and remigrated, but the JavaScript heap error kept the container from starting. I was able to work around the issue by adding a variable to the template with the following information: Config Type: Variable Name: NODE_OPTIONS Key: NODE_OPTIONS Value: --max-old-space-size=8192 Default Value: --max-old-space-size=8192 Description: node.js memory allocation This provides js with a little extra memory. I'm not sure if it's a great solution, but this works for now. Edit: Protip -- I solved additional problems with the application by performing a re-scan of all my libraries once I got the container up and running. It's lookin' as though she's stabilized, now. Fingers crossed.
  6. Anybody having js errors preventing the container from starting? Started with the latest update... Logs: <--- Last few GCs ---> [1:0x1478552a43f0] 9465 ms: Scavenge 4046.9 (4113.7) -> 4046.6 (4124.5) MB, 6.1 / 0.0 ms (average mu = 0.857, current mu = 0.648) allocation failure [1:0x1478552a43f0] 9505 ms: Scavenge 4053.6 (4124.5) -> 4053.9 (4124.7) MB, 7.0 / 0.0 ms (average mu = 0.857, current mu = 0.648) allocation failure [1:0x1478552a43f0] 9518 ms: Scavenge 4054.4 (4124.7) -> 4053.5 (4147.2) MB, 11.2 / 0.0 ms (average mu = 0.857, current mu = 0.648) allocation failure <--- JS stacktrace ---> FATAL ERROR: Reached heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory Config /config /metadata [2023-07-16 15:01:58] INFO: === Starting Server === [2023-07-16 15:01:58] INFO: [Server] Init v2.3.0 [2023-07-16 15:01:58] INFO: [Database] Initializing db at "/config/absdatabase.sqlite" [2023-07-16 15:01:58] INFO: [Database] Db connection was successful [2023-07-16 15:01:59] INFO: [Database] Db initialized with models: user, library, libraryFolder, book, podcast, podcastEpisode, libraryItem, mediaProgress, series, bookSeries, author, bookAuthor, collection, collectionBook, playlist, playlistMediaItem, device, playbackSession, feed, feedEpisode, setting
  7. Yep. I'd also be interested in this.
  8. I did see that AVX is now required. I was lucky enough to have a CPU that supports it. Perhaps it can be enabled in BIOs?
  9. And the template will pull down the latest Mongo (in my case 5.0.10) if the defaults are used. I can confirm it's working with Rocket.Chat.
  10. I don't know if this'll help anyone else, but I finally did manage to get this template working on Unraid 6.10.X and above coming from a previous installation. I did a mongodump/newimage/mongorestore: Stop any image that may make writes to the DB Console into the MongoDB image, and perform a "mongodump" (this will create a "Dump" directory and dump all database data) Stop the current MongoDB image -- it won't be required to start this image again Manipulate the appdata folder to avoid it being overwritten (I used Krusader and renamed the mongodb folder to mongodb.old) Using the "Add Container" option on the docker tab, spin up a new MongoDB image by selecting the Mongodb template from the dropdown All your variables, paths, ports, etc. should be preserved using this method This will create a new mongodb appdata folder Stop the new MongoDB image (both are stopped at this point) Copy the dump folder and config/key files from the old mongodb appdata folder to the new one. Spin up the new MongoDB image Console into the new image, enter mongodb and initiate (with these commands): mongo rs.initiate() Exit mongo by typing "exit" Run "mongorestore" Watch your database being rebuilt After all that, you should be able to start up any images that use Mongo. I'm sure there was an easier way, but this worked and didn't take too long.
  11. Adding the argument "directConnection=true" to the end of my MONGO_URL variable seems to have resolved the error. Should look something like this now: mongodb://rocketchat:<password>@<localhost>:27017/rocketchat?directConnection=true Still trying to research the ramifications of passing this argument -- but RC seems happy and we're making writes to the DB. Please, if anyone smarter than me can pipe up, I'm all ears. For now, I'm assuming this is alright.
  12. Updated my image today and now I'm seeing RC can't connect to the database (mongodb 5.x). Can't resolve the (previously working) address. Ideas?
  13. Since updating to Unraid 6.10.X, MongoDB permissions are incorrect and the image is failing to start. I'm getting the following errors: {"t":{"$date":"2022-05-28T04:04:51.311-04:00"},"s":"I", "c":"STORAGE", "id":22315, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Opening WiredTiger","attr":{"config":"create,cache_size=31635M,session_max=33000,eviction=(threads_min=4,threads_max=4),config_base=false,statistics=(fast),log=(enabled=true,archive=true,path=journal,compressor=snappy),builtin_extension_config=(zstd=(compression_level=6)),file_manager=(close_idle_time=600,close_scan_interval=10,close_handle_minimum=250),statistics_log=(wait=0),verbose=[recovery_progress,checkpoint_progress,compact_progress],"}} {"t":{"$date":"2022-05-28T04:04:51.880-04:00"},"s":"E", "c":"STORAGE", "id":22435, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"WiredTiger error","attr":{"error":13,"message":"[1653725091:880148][1:0x14d1fef44c80], connection: __posix_open_file, 808: /data/db/journal/WiredTigerLog.0000000436: handle-open: open: Permission denied"}} {"t":{"$date":"2022-05-28T04:04:51.886-04:00"},"s":"E", "c":"STORAGE", "id":22435, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"WiredTiger error","attr":{"error":13,"message":"[1653725091:886897][1:0x14d1fef44c80], connection: __posix_open_file, 808: /data/db/journal/WiredTigerLog.0000000436: handle-open: open: Permission denied"}} {"t":{"$date":"2022-05-28T04:04:51.893-04:00"},"s":"E", "c":"STORAGE", "id":22435, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"WiredTiger error","attr":{"error":13,"message":"[1653725091:893607][1:0x14d1fef44c80], connection: __posix_open_file, 808: /data/db/journal/WiredTigerLog.0000000436: handle-open: open: Permission denied"}} {"t":{"$date":"2022-05-28T04:04:51.895-04:00"},"s":"W", "c":"STORAGE", "id":22347, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Failed to start up WiredTiger under any compatibility version. This may be due to an unsupported upgrade or downgrade."} {"t":{"$date":"2022-05-28T04:04:51.895-04:00"},"s":"F", "c":"STORAGE", "id":28595, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Terminating.","attr":{"reason":"13: Permission denied"}} What permissions do I need to set for this to start working again?
  14. Since the 0.16.2 update, invite links are redirecting to */accounts/signup/ with the message "Sign Up Closed." Is anyone else having this issue? Edit: maxkowalski's ENABLE_SIGNUP fix below resolves the issue.
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