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Posts posted by GregBobery

  1. I'm getting the same thing, I can get it to boot if I do a full power down wait 30 sec then plug back in. But if I reboot from the gui it just hangs here forever and if I hit enter to reboot as it says it again just does the same thing. Or it'll not even detect the usb any more. I've tried every bloody bios setting imaginable even tried switching back from uefi to legacy with no joy. Running 6.10.3



    On 12/17/2021 at 7:57 AM, trurl said:

    This can happen on any system of course. Have you never had to checkdisk on Windows, for example?


    Depends on the cause. If things are working well, the Errors column on Main should always be zero for every disk. If not you should investigate.


    Do you have Notifications setup to alert you immediately by email or other agent as soon as a problem is detected?


    Okay so i have restored all my files and everything seems to be working fine, however last night i got a couple of warning notifications in regards to some SMART errors (See Below). So am i to assume this drive is going to shit itself again, should i look into something like unbalance to move everything to a different drive before this happens?




    I ran an extended test see results attached  ST4000DM004-2CV104_ZTT088XX-20211220-1828.txt

  3. 1 minute ago, trurl said:

    How exactly did you do the filesystem repair? If you did it from the webUI then the correct device would have been used and parity maintained. If you did it from the command line, and didn't repair the md device, then parity would have been invalidated.


    You can check your lost+found share to see if there is anything there you can figure out yourself. That is where repair put the stuff it couldn't figure out.


    Yes i ran it through the web UI with option -L


    I checked the Lost+Found Folder and its just full of random folders with nothing in them


    1 minute ago, trurl said:

    You didn't mention rebuilding so I assumed you didn't do that. Parity typically can't fix corruption since it should be in sync with whatever is on the disk, including the corruption.


    So essentially i have to a restore from offsite to get my files back?



    Also, why is this happening. Its the second time.

  4. So i woke up the other day to a warning about an unmountable disk, I log into the UI and Disk 1 is showing Unmountable no filesystem.


    I have seen this before and ran a file system check with option -L which brought the disk back online, i then ran a parity check which found and corrected about 800 errors.

    It is now a few days later and i have started to notice some of my files are missing.
    Now i have daily revisions back up off site, so i am not so worried about lost files I'm just at a loss as to why my disk has done this (this is the second time) and why i have lost files in the process and if so why did the parity not rebuild and fix this?


    Unraid 6.9.2


    I have attached DiagnosticsGregBobery-diagnostics-20211217-0639.zip

  5. 1 hour ago, ich777 said:

    Are you sure that there is no folder /dev/video?

    What does happen when you issue: 'ls -la /dev/video*' or 'ls -la /dev/video0' from a Unraid terminal (not the container terminal)?

    Oh yes, ls -la /dev/video0 shows one result.


    Thanks for the plugin :)

    • Like 1
  6. Just now, ich777 said:

    No because the V4L module is integrated in all of them but the modules for USB cams are only in the LibreELEC package.


    Have you got a friend with a different USB camera that you can borrow for testing?


    If it's recognized there should be a directory /dev/videoX


    I will see if I can find my USB camera but I really don't know what I've did with it or where I've put it...

    So this is really odd but its working.


    i can pass /dev/video0 into my container and it works. however there is no folder called/dev/video0.


    im confused but im happy also

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, ich777 said:

    Bad news, I can't find my USB Cam so I really can't test it... :/

    Damn it, there's nothing else you suggest I try??


    Maybe the other driver packages??

  8. Just now, ich777 said:

    No because that's something completely different.

    I'm not very into USB cams but I will try it after the weekend if I can find my USB cam. :D

    Aha that would be wonderful thank you :)


    Can I try a the kernal helper container??

  9. Just now, ich777 said:

    Have you got any other USB camera at home other than the Razer Kiyo that you can try?

    Unfortunately not, ive successfully passed it into a VM if that helps?


    Anything else I can try

  10. 4 minutes ago, ich777 said:

    Please post your diagnostics, this plugin wasn't designed to support USB Cameras but it does for the most time.


    On the DVB plugin page you can't get anything since it displays only DVB card.


    Okay, Hopefully we can get it working.


    It's showing it need video4linux which i heard the LibreELEC supports



    I'd appreciate any help


    PSB system diagnostics




  11. Running Unraid 6.9.2


    Installed the plugin, rebooted (cold boot)


    getting this


    End state is I have a USB webcam im trying to pass into an Octoprint container (which shows on lsusb)


    I Run ls /dev/dvb (directory not found) /dev/video0 doesn't exist either.


    I feel i haven't done something. Any help would be much appreciated

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