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  1. hello i want to use two vm in unraid and access both from outside network can some one help me configure the network
  2. have attached my daignostics please check my drive failed jarvis-diagnostics-20210819-1447.zip
  3. shared the diagnosticsjarvis-diagnostics-20210809-1215.zip
  4. have shared u the diagnostics file pleasejarvis-diagnostics-20210808-1856.zip tell me what to do
  5. earlier i had a 250 gb ssd i replaced if with 1 tb to same pool but after formatting its not showing its full capacity haev attache jarvis-diagnostics-20210726-1750.zip
  6. Have added hard drive to the array and one of the drive showed error please advise jarvis-diagnostics-20210720-1911.zip
  7. https://www.ebay.com/itm/114658637560?hash=item1ab22ff6f8:g:RmwAAOSwu7RgFaza What about this one Actually only one set is available of the earlier one
  8. Please check the cable model and confirm me with if it will work or notin 92118i card for hdd
  9. please help me configuring it to use maximum speed
  10. i have a 10gbs network connection all over but i speed is not contant please help me getting full speed i m
  11. I don't know but shall I order them and give a try
  12. https://www.amazon.in/dp/B013G4FEGG/ref=cm_sw_r_wa_apa_glt_fabc_RSJMY9J1VPFNNC4HDZZ1?psc=1 Can this connector cable be used
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