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Posts posted by c0d3m0nk3y

  1. Thanks for this. Finally let me upgrade a project I use across multiple systems now that I'm not limited to 3.9

    It did take a little more than just installing the packs to get everything properly wired up. So if anyone runs into any issues, take a look at my install script



    for p in $(find ./*.txz)
      installpkg $p

    if [[ -f /usr/bin/pip ]]
      rm /usr/bin/pip

    ln -s /usr/bin/pip3 /usr/bin/pip

    if [[ -f /usr/bin/python ]]
      rm /usr/bin/python

    ln -s /usr/bin/python3.12 /usr/bin/python

    pip install --upgrade pip
    pip install --upgrade pipx



    That loop installs the python 3.12 package I downloaded from here along with the glibc and openssl packages from 


  2. On 6/19/2023 at 9:03 PM, VJO said:

    hello everyone, this being my first attempt in installing mac vm, following SIO's  youtube video, but i am struck in installation where it says "an internet connection is required to install macOS", what i have missed ?

    For anyone coming across this issue, for me it was caused by the "Machine" setting, it worked when I set it back to Q35-4.2

  3. After upgrading to 6.11.5, I lost the nvme-cli package because it is no longer available in the Nerd Pack plugin. I needed it because I am managing my fan speeds with a custom script as Fan Auto Control does not fulfill my needs.


    I managed to manually install it and thought I'd document it, as the steps I took work for any other missing package you can't get through the Nerd Pack plugin


    Acquiring the package:

    1. https://packages.slackware.com/ or https://slackware.pkgs.org/ have repositories of official Slackware packages
    2. You need the Slackware version of your Unraid instance to find an appropriate repo. You can get that by running this in your shell.
      cat /etc/os-release 


    3. Find and download the package you need, if multiple options are provided, you're going to need a file with extension txz
    4. In your shell run the following command
      upgradepkg --install-new package-file.txz


    This installation is not permanent, you will need to install any packages after reboots. I suggest you setup a script in User Scripts set to "At First Array Start Only"

  4. I've got my own auto transcoding script I use on my linux machine and would like move the process to my server, but I'm running into an issue when running HandBrakeCLI using an NVenc profile. When using the same video and profile in the GUI it works fine, but when I run HandBrakeCLI directly I get an error "[hevc_nvenc @ 0x14b6a589c6c0] Cannot load libcuda.so.1"


    I've run into this error before on my linux machine but in that case the profile didn't work with either the GUI nor HandBrakeCLI and it was a problem with my installation, but that's clearly not what's happening here.


    Has anyone else run into this and found a solution?


    Example script

    HandBrakeCLI --preset "H.265 NVENC 1080p" -q 28.0 -i "/storage/path/video.mp4" -o "/storage/path/video-nvenc-cq28.mp4" --start-at seconds:375 --stop-at seconds:2351


    Edit: I also tried including "--preset-import-file /config/ghb/presets.json" used in the script found at "/run/s6/services/autovideoconverter/autovideoconverter"

  5. I needed ack and prename installed in the system bin, along with some of my own. So I cleaned up the code and decided to share. This only requires vanilla python v3+.


    What it does:

    1. For each item in the dictionary _scripts - If script is missing , or older than a week (can be changed on line 27), it will download it from the url defined in the dictionary item
    2. For each *.sh or *.pl file in the script's directory - Copies it to /usr/bin/ and enables execution permission


    Python Script

    import os
    import subprocess
    from datetime import datetime
    from datetime import timedelta
    def shell(cmd, check=False) -> str:
        res = subprocess.run(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, check=check)
        return res.stdout.decode('utf-8').strip()
    def curl(url, scriptName):
    	shell(f'curl {url} -o {scriptName}')
    _scripts = {
    	'prename.pl': lambda k: curl('https://gist.githubusercontent.com/javiermon/3939556/raw/b9d0634f2c099b825a483d3d75cae1712fb9aa31/prename.pl', k),
    	'ack.pl': lambda k: curl('https://beyondgrep.com/ack-v3.5.0', k)
    _scriptExt = ['.sh', '.pl']
    _bin = '/usr/bin/'
    def run():
    	oneWeekAgo = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=7)
    	for k in _scripts.keys():
    		sp = './' + k
    		if not os.path.exists(sp) or datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(sp)) < oneWeekAgo:
    			print(f'Updating: {k}')
    	for f in os.listdir(os.fsencode('./')):
    		fn = os.fsdecode(f)
    		fns = os.path.splitext(fn)
    		if fns[1] in _scriptExt:
    			print(f'Copying: {fn} -> {_bin}{fns[0]}')
    			shell(f'cp {fn} {_bin}{fns[0]}')
    			shell(f'chmod +x {_bin}{fns[0]}')


    Bash Script

    • I suggest adding to UserScripts with Schedule set to "At First Array Start Only"
    • Change "/mnt/user/projects/scripts" to wherever you save the python script
    • Change "installScripts.py" to whatever you name the python script
    cd /mnt/user/projects/scripts
    python3 installScripts.py


  6. So it's suddenly working now. I believe it was a cable issue. To plug it in for my VM I just plug into the front ports. For Unraid host it's all the rear ports and I use an extension cable. I'm a dumb dumb and didn't think to rule that out til today when I reconnected it to grab that screenshot and it wouldn't mount at all. As soon as I plugged directly without the extension everything worked.


    Thanks for the help, and sorry for the bother

  7. 49 minutes ago, spl147 said:

    Have you passed sr0 and sgx to the container?

    I have. I also tried adding the ":latest" tag to the repository field to make sure it was grabbing latest since I noticed after posting that although last updated on CA is 2/22, on DockerHub it shows the last update as 2/28, but that didn't resolve the issue either

  8. Running into an issue and haven't found anyone running into it on this forum


    I've tried multiple blu-ray and DVDs but any disk I load, gives me a ton of errors that look like...

    'Posix error - no such device' occurred while reading '[My bluray name and model #]' at offset '[some number]'


    From what I'm seeing on the MakeMKV forums it's an issue with AACS host certificate. It's a usb drive. LiteOn BD-RE Slimtype EB1, and I don't have this problem when plugging into a usb port passed through to a VM with the latest version of MakeMKV installed.


    The last release of MakeMKV was on 2/27, just 5 days after your last update. Is it possible that version has this fixed? Could you update it please?

  9. Is it possible to use a GPU configured for passthrough to VMs by Docker containers when no VMs are running, without changing IOMMU bindings or rebooting?


    Based on my research it seems this isn't possible, but I figured I'd ask in case I'm misunderstanding something.


    I can't run a 2nd GPU in my system and only use my GPU for my gaming VM. I'd love to be able to setup automated video encoding that only runs when that VM is shutdown. I already built the container for this, only diff is it checks whether other containers are runnning. If I can figure out how to use the GPU when the IOMMU group is bound, then it's only a small change to make it only run when the VM isn't running


    My backup plan is a Linux VM that runs the scripts then shuts down when complete, but I'd rather not have to architect another solution

  10. On 4/7/2021 at 8:18 AM, lnxd said:

    Oh my god.. Not only is this container amazing, I got it to work! ☺️


    For anyone interested, it's not too difficult. I had to set some permissions, clone the source and build the vnc-version but it works.



    Can you give us more details please? I have MacInABox setup as an AirMessage server but hoping this container will be a bit lighter weight

  11. Had the same issue. Way around it for me was to go into a "XML View" and remove the entire "hyperv" element. Had no problems myself, but be sure to backup your original XML.


    This is what I removed

          <relaxed state='on'/>
          <vapic state='on'/>
          <spinlocks state='on' retries='8191'/>
          <vendor_id state='on' value='none'/>


  12. 48gb


    I use a VM on it for dev work and started with 32GB total (4x8GB), 28GB assigned to my dev VM. Ran perfectly fine for almost a year til I had to work with some MatLab stuff that REALLY needed the extra 4GB I was used to having. Luckily found a 2x16GB kit that was the same brand, speed, and timings as my original 4x8GB, so managed to end up with a matched set without needing to blow nearly $400 USD on a 4x16GB kit

  13. Sorry if this has been asked, I searched through this and other posts and haven't found a solution.


    I setup a Valheim container but I've lost all world progress except map discovery.


    Initially I had renamed the world using geekstrom.de and it was a full reset, as if it started from a new seed. I took the renamed world and added it locally and it was fine, everything exactly as it was before the rename.


    Then I copied the original files from my world (before the rename) to the container. With those world files I have my original world, with all the biomes exactly as they were, even have the same map discovery, but it's as if it was brand new. I woke up where my house should be but my house isn't there.


    What I did, in order:

    • Installed plugin from CA
    • Left all values as default
    • Ran container to let it download everything and made sure no errors in logs
    • Stopped container
    • Copied RenamedWorld.fwl and RenamedWorld.db to /mnt/user/appdata/valheim/.config/unity3d/IronGate/Valheim/worlds
    • Set value for World Name in container settings to RenamedWorld
    • Started container
    • Successfully connected but world was completely different
    • Stopped container
    • Deleted all Dedicated.* files
    • Started container
    • Same issues
    • Stopped container
    • Copied RenamedWorld.fwl and RenamedWorld.db to local Worlds folder
    • Successfully started session and everything is exactly as it was in UnmodifiedWorld
    • Copied UnmodifiedWorld.fwl and UnmodifiedWorld.db to /mnt/user/appdata/valheim/.config/unity3d/IronGate/Valheim/worlds
    • Set value for World Name in container settings to UnmodifiedWorld
    • Started container
    • Successfully connected, world is laid out the same as if run locally but no progress, it's as if it was new from the same seed
    • Stopped container

    Does something else need to be copied, or match exactly for this to work?


    Unraid 6.9.2

    Valheim 2021-09-17 0.202.19 (local install)

    Don't see server version # in logs, but I installed the container from CA today (2021-09-23 ~2:00pm EST) so I assume I have the latest version

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