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  1. I am playing only some games virtual in single player mode cause of chance being banned. I have build a gaming VM platform with unraid 6.92 to play together with my little daughter games like project cars 2 or sth. like for her age online or COOP. Basically gaming VMs are being used to teach my daughter siting beside me, how to use this for learning with a computer, internet, social media, and also online gaming. Cause of this I decided for a two way multiboot setuo, VM gaming and physical gaming, my Gaming PC works in both worlds physically and virtualized on unraid. Cause of getting banned I only play games in COOP like Star Citizen, Elite Dangerous, to fly together around with my kid in one ship i.e. Till now I have not been banned, but I also will not to take the risk. So I do it very carefully with online games especially shooters If there is an opportunity to get VMs not banned officially while being a VM, then this will be a huge effort for Gaming in nowadays Cloud-World. Working on multiple VMs without just rebooting the system is a nice feature nowadays and I am so fascinated about this feature for over 4 years.
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