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Posts posted by lamp

  1. Opened my unraid today and noticed this message in fix common problems.

    Your server has detected hardware errors. The output of mcelog has been loggeg. Post your diagnostics and ask for assistance on the Unraid forums.


    Can someone please assist? There was an unclean shutdown a while ago, not sure what the cause was, I just came home to find the server powered off.  Thank you in advance for assistance!


  2. Support for Cryptgeon_redis docker container


    Application Name: cryptgeon_redis

    Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/cupcakearmy/cryptgeon

    Github: https://github.com/cupcakearmy/cryptgeon


    I have not created this application, I have merely changed the required database to Redis from memcache.

    Please post any questions or issues related to this docker container in this thread and I will try my best to answer.


    Support thread style adapted from Djoss

  3. 16 hours ago, Djoss said:


    What the browser is showing exactly ?

    So, it's very odd, but cloudberry has just started working fine again. At the time, the SSD was hot cos transcoding was happening as well, so I wonder if that had anything to do with it. But irrespective, the issue seems fixed.

  4. Hi, this has been working flawlessly for a while but today I tried to open the webGUI and I get no response. Here are the logs if that helps. I'm happy to prove other port mappings if that helps. Any assistance would be appreciated.


    04/08/2022 02:47:14 Got connection from client
    04/08/2022 02:47:14   other clients:
    04/08/2022 02:47:14 Got 'ws' WebSockets handshake
    04/08/2022 02:47:14 Got protocol: binary
    04/08/2022 02:47:14   - webSocketsHandshake: using binary/raw encoding
    04/08/2022 02:47:14   - WebSockets client version hybi-13
    04/08/2022 02:47:14 Disabled X server key autorepeat.
    04/08/2022 02:47:14   to force back on run: 'xset r on' (3 times)
    04/08/2022 02:47:14 incr accepted_client=1 for  sock=10
    04/08/2022 02:47:14 webSocketsDecodeHybi: got frame without mask
    04/08/2022 02:47:14 rfbProcessClientProtocolVersion: read: I/O error
    04/08/2022 02:47:14 client_count: 0
    04/08/2022 02:47:14 Restored X server key autorepeat to: 1
    04/08/2022 02:47:14 Client gone
    04/08/2022 02:47:14 Statistics             events    Transmit/ RawEquiv ( saved)
    04/08/2022 02:47:14  TOTALS              :      0 |         0/        0 (  0.0%)
    04/08/2022 02:47:14 Statistics             events    Received/ RawEquiv ( saved)
    04/08/2022 02:47:14  TOTALS              :      0 |         0/        0 (  0.0%)


  5. On 7/18/2022 at 8:56 AM, Djoss said:


    Same thing, try to load the previous Docker image version, or the one before, to see if the speed returns to normal.

    Hi, I'm on version 1.21.3 and I'm still having the exact same problem. This time with a different show. Can you please advise?

  6. Ok ya I just want to chip in here that mine took forever to rip a disc (friends on blu-ray). Like 3-4 hours for some reason. It would spin up to 3x ish, then stutter at 0.1x for a good long while, and then move the bar ahead by 5% or so, rinse and repeat. But then I tried the same disc with makemkv on windows and it ripped the whole thing in 10 minutes at a steady 7-9x. My docker image used to be pretty on par with the windows program in terms of speed. This isn't my windows machine being way faster, this is the docker having slowed down considerably for some reason.


  7. 5 hours ago, denishay said:

    Hi Lamp!


    did you find it in the end? I am facing exactly the same problem now. Can't find that is doing this

    It was something from my desktop hammering the login. Iirc at the time it was a word doc I was editing off the NAS and the auto save was probably going nuts. It's typically some process in the background that's to blame. Hope that helps. If you're having a really hard time, try to shut down the computer and login via phone. (Not ideal, I know)

    • Confused 1
  8. 36 minutes ago, Djoss said:


    This is not something currently supported.  However, could you rip directly to the watch folder ? Is it smart enough to not start the transcoding until file is "stable" ?

    Thank you for the quick response. No unfortunately I don't think it can know a "stable" file. Either ways, thanks for all you do! I will continue manually moving/starting dockers

  9. Ok so we've been working totally fine since moving to USB 2.0. I'm loving the autorip features.


    Unrelated question, is there any way to get this container to run a script after the disc is ejected? To move files into the tdarr watch folder so it can transcode? Thanks in advance.

  10. So it looks like it's some sort of USB 3 boondoggle. The drive has been working rock solid since I moved it to USB 2.0. whether this is because of insufficient power delivery on my 3.0 ports, I don't know. Thanks for the assistance gang.

  11. I have a weird problem and hope someone can help. The docker itself works flawlessly when it's fine but my issue is that unraid keeps bouncing my bluray drive to different sr and sg numbers in /dev. So midway through a rip, the docker loses the drive and doesn't know where the device is.

    Then I have to go back into the docker extra parameters and point to the "new" device location. Does anyone know how I can avoid playing whac-a-mole with my drive? Can I assign a particular letter to it somehow? Any assistance is appreciated, thanks in advance.


    Here's a screenshot of my last few sg_map commands,

    more details - I have the drive connected to a USB 3 port.


    Screenshot 2022-05-25 235048.png

  12. I just got this warning on my server. It's one of my 4TB hard drives (disk 1). I noticed that the general advise is to either check the SATA connectors or keep an eye on it to see if errors persist. I am attaching my diagnostics file to see if I also fall into that category. Could someone that knows what to look for check out my diagnostics and let me know what's going on? 

    I ran a short SMART test and no errors were reported, I'm running the extended test now.

    Thank you in advance.



  13. Hi there, good morning. Thanks for the awesome plugin!

    I set my own script to run as a cronjob this morning but it didn't execute. I had it set to run custom and cron time 30 2 * * TUE

    (2:30AM on every Tuesday). Not sure why it did not execute this morning. Was my cron format wrong? Can you please advise?


    Thanks in advance.

  14. On 8/21/2021 at 6:42 PM, ljm42 said:


    There is something on that windows machine that is making repeated calls to the server. You need to find it and stop it :) 


    PROPFIND is somehow related to webdav, if that helps.

    Apologies for the delay in responding.

    Do you have any tips on how I might find what's making the calls from my windows machine?

    Thank you. I don't have any webdavs setup from my unraid server.

  15. Hi all, I know the NGINX 503 error has been talked about in the forum however, my case doesn't seem to fit the existing posts.

    When I try to login to my UNRAID GUI, I get the NGINX 503 error but a couple of refreshes allows me to login.

    However, when I open my syslog, I see this error repeated every 2 seconds.


    Aug 21 15:56:35 Beancloud nginx: 2021/08/21 15:56:35 [error] 2104#2104: *629093 limiting requests, excess: 20.234 by zone "authlimit", client:, server: , request: "PROPFIND /login HTTP/1.1", host: "beancloud"
    Aug 21 15:56:37 Beancloud nginx: 2021/08/21 15:56:37 [error] 2104#2104: *629103 limiting requests, excess: 20.158 by zone "authlimit", client:, server: , request: "PROPFIND /login HTTP/1.1", host: "beancloud"
    Aug 21 15:56:40 Beancloud nginx: 2021/08/21 15:56:40 [error] 2104#2104: *629116 limiting requests, excess: 20.085 by zone "authlimit", client:, server: , request: "PROPFIND /login HTTP/1.1", host: "beancloud"


    The offending IP is my windows machine. Can you please advise?

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