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Report Comments posted by wildfire305

  1. I got it!!!


    That share was incompatible because I had sharenfs feature turned on. After turning off that feature AND rebooting, I now have access to the files.


    root@CVG02:/mnt/snapshot/rsnapshot# ls
    alpha.0/  alpha.2/  alpha.4/  beta.0/  beta.2/  beta.4/  beta.6/
    alpha.1/  alpha.3/  alpha.5/  beta.1/  beta.3/  beta.5/


    So officially the "BUG" is unraid 6.12 is not compatible with sharenfs zfs feature.

    Which probably isn't something that needs to be fixed, just use the NFS share in the share created by unraid.


    Thanks again for integrated ZFS support and continuing to make what I consider to be the most flexible of all the home server operating systems that caters to all tech levels.

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  2. 2 hours ago, JorgeB said:

    Please the post output of:

    zfs mount


    root@CVG02:~# zfs mount
    snapshot/rsnapshot              /mnt/snapshot/rsnapshot
    snapshot                        /mnt/snapshot
    snapshot/NVR                    /mnt/snapshot/NVR
    snapshot/cachemirror            /mnt/snapshot/cachemirror

    This is where I originally had them mounted before upgrade to 6.12.

    They have now also been mounted in /mnt/user/* by 6.12 although that doesn't show up in zfs mount or regular mount.

    Those are the shares created by unraid 6.12. For example, when I go into the folders in /mnt/snapshot/cachemirror or /mnt/user/cachemirror - the same files appear in both.


    It's the rsnapshot one that is blank.

  3. 2 hours ago, Squid said:

    Does stopping / starting the array fix it?  (Or try using 100)

    Would rebooting count towards this? If so, I've rebooted about four or five times since I made the setting. I looked at my notification logs (slack app) and it also notified me at 71% and every percent past 90. So the zero setting doesn't work as the note mentions. This is also a pool device and not part of the main storage array. I used the pool instead of unassigned devices so I could have more control over sharing.