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Posts posted by TwistedCarnivore

  1. I was getting ready to upgrade to 6.12.11 and ran the update assistant. Not quite sure of what to make of the output from the script.


    Disclaimer: This script is NOT definitive. There may be other issues with your server that will affect compatibility.

    Current unRaid Version: 6.12.10 Upgrade unRaid Version: 6.12.10

    NOTE: You are currently running the latest version of unRaid.

    Checking for plugin updates
    OK: All plugins up to date

    Checking for plugin compatibility
    Issue Found: unbalanced.plg is not known to Community Applications. Compatibility for this plugin CANNOT be determined and it may cause you issues.
    OK: All plugins are compatible

    • Upvote 2
  2. Upgraded a little while ago and having similar problem as Lonewolf147


    I created a new pia config file to ensure nothing was screwed up there. 


    sh-5.2# iptables -S
    -A INPUT -p udp -m udp --sport 53 -j ACCEPT
    -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --sport 53 -j ACCEPT
    -A OUTPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
    -A OUTPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT

    Command execution.txt supervisord.log.txt

  3. unbalanced installs and runs fine after the upgrade. fix common problems does not show any issues after installing unbalanced. upgrade assistant still shows and error with unbalanced after the upgrade. Must be something in the upgrade assistant causing it to report that problem.

    Disclaimer: This script is NOT definitive. There may be other issues with your server that will affect compatibility.
    Current unRaid Version: 6.12.8 Upgrade unRaid Version: 6.12.8
    NOTE: You are currently running the latest version of unRaid.
    Checking for plugin updates
    OK: All plugins up to date
    Checking for plugin compatibility
    Issue Found: unbalanced.plg is not known to Community Applications. Compatibility for this plugin CANNOT be determined and it may cause you issues.
    OK: All plugins are compatible
    Checking for extra parameters on emhttp
    OK: emhttp command in /boot/config/go contains no extra parameters
    Checking for disabled disks
    OK: No disks are disabled
    Checking installed RAM
    OK: You have 4+ Gig of memory
    Checking flash drive
    OK: Flash drive is read/write
    Checking for valid NETBIOS name
    OK: NETBIOS server name is compliant.
    Checking for ancient version of dynamix.plg
    OK: Dynamix plugin not found
    Checking for VM MediaDir / DomainDir set to be /mnt
    OK: VM domain directory and ISO directory not set to be /mnt
    Checking for mover logging enabled
    OK: Mover logging not enabled
    Checking for reserved name being used as a user share
    OK: No user shares using reserved names were found
    Checking for extra.cfg
    OK: /boot/config/extra.cfg does not exist
    Issues have been found with your server that may hinder the OS upgrade. You should rectify those problems before upgrading


    • Like 1
  4. I ran the update assistant twice a little while ago and got the same results.  Removed the plugin and update assistant ran clean. Updating unraid now and will try and add unbalanced when it finishes.

    • Like 1
  5. Getting ready to upgrade unraid from 6.12.6 to 6.12.8. I ran the update assistant and got this error concerning unbalanced

    Issue Found: unbalanced.plg is not known to Community Applications. Compatibility for this plugin CANNOT be determined and it may cause you issues.

    Is this going to cause problems on the upgrade?


    • Like 1
  6. 12 minutes ago, iXNyNe said:
    docker exec -it nextcloud touch /config/www/nextcloud/config/needs_migration
    docker restart nextcloud

    Then rescan using the link in the Nextcloud admin status page.


    That should fix the integrity check. Running the occ command should not be needed, and without the steps above it won't fully fix the issue.


    Did that again. It shows upgrading in the log when the container starts, but still showing same 10 extra files in integrity check. I did run all the occ commands that he showed in the discord post, and that didn't help either. 


    Guess I just have a persistent poltergeist. Probably just wait for the next version to roll out and see what happens then . 

    using keys found in /config/keys
    Initializing nextcloud (this can take a while) ...
    Upgrading nextcloud from ...
    Setting permissions
    Nextcloud is already latest version
    Initializing finished



  7. 11 hours ago, HHUBS said:

    For anyone who has still integrity check errors, you need to run:


    occ integrity:check-core (for the core extra files)


    occ integrity:check-app <app name> (for the apps extra files be sure to remove first the app extra files in the volume).


    No need to do anything.

    See my reply here https://discord.com/channels/354974912613449730/1006323310742736987/threads/1122845714972692500



    No joy.


    root@snafu:~# docker exec -it nextcloud occ integrity:check-core
      - EXTRA_FILE:
        - core/js/tests/specs/appsSpec.js:
          - expected: 
          - current: cf1ff76b5129943a1ffd6ea068ce6e8bc277718b9d0c81dccce47d723e1f290be20f197b6543f17f3b2ac78d8d4986354db4103de2b5e31c76e00e248984605b
        - core/l10n/et_EE.js:
          - expected: 
          - current: 55e09a16c917b20c1bba2d5458aab6d4eb4c9a80a0480c7ca309db67a522c83682264d12fcfe6eb54d4120d04b4b90249a03d268b3adf2e7046db8a6229ce586
        - core/l10n/et_EE.json:
          - expected: 
          - current: 675629231727e9b6bc16463489466626476ae9571c5179c78c881e599e3ea991cec4dd9931c3c53bd731f8e0c57312fd31c6503a0b633a579c6bc9a71b5ecb3e
        - dist/files_trashbin-files_trashbin.js:
          - expected: 
          - current: 24e537aff151f18ae18af31152bcfd7de9c96f0f6fdcca4c1ad975ece80bb35a2ab7d51c257af6a9762728d7688c9ba37a5359a950eb1e9f401d4b9d875d92b2
        - dist/files_trashbin-files_trashbin.js.LICENSE.txt:
          - expected: 
          - current: 2e40e4786aa1f3a96022164e12a5868e0c6a482e89b3642e1d5eea6502725061e2077786c6cd118905e499b56b2fc58e4efc34d6810ff96a56c54bf990790975
        - dist/files_trashbin-files_trashbin.js.map:
          - expected: 
          - current: 65c2a7ddc654364d8884aaee8af4e506da87e54ae82f011989d6b96a625b0dbfba14be6d6af545fa074a23ccf2cc29043a411dc3ac1f80a24955c8a9faa28754
        - lib/private/Files/ObjectStore/NoopScanner.php:
          - expected: 
          - current: 62d6c5360faf2c7fca90eaafa0e92f85502794a42a5993e2fe032c58b4089947773e588ad80250def78f268499e0e1d9b6b05bc8237cc946469cd6f1fb0b590c
        - lib/private/Updater/ChangesResult.php:
          - expected: 
          - current: d2e964099dfd4c6d49ae8fc2c6cbc7d230d4f5c19f80804d5d28df5d5c65786a37ea6f554deacecad679d39dbba0d6bd6e4edadca292238f45f18f080277dad0
        - lib/public/WorkflowEngine/IEntityCompat.php:
          - expected: 
          - current: ea1856748e5fcf8a901597871f1708bdf28db69d6fa8771c70f38212f028b2ff744b04019230721c64b484675982d495a2c96d1175453130b4563c6a61942213
        - lib/public/WorkflowEngine/IOperationCompat.php:
          - expected: 
          - current: 6c09c15e9d855343cc33a682b95a827546fa56c20cc6a249774f7b11f75486159ebfe740ffcba2c9fa9342ab115e7bf99b8c25f71bb490c5d844da251b9751ed

     Restarted nextcloud and rescanned, still show the extra files.

  8. 3 hours ago, iXNyNe said:


    Also, I forgot to mention an important detail about the file integrity fix that has been released (entirely my bad!)

    docker exec nextcloud touch /config/www/nextcloud/config/needs_migration

    Then restart the container.


    The reason is the fix is only meant to run when you upgrade from a previous version (which includes the migration process that moved nextcloud's files inside the container). This will make the container think it needs to perform an upgrade and cleanup the integrity check files, and nextcloud will recognize it's already up to date and carry on fine.


    Ran the command and restarted the container. Still showing the extra files.


    Would manually deleting the files hurt anything?

  9. 1 hour ago, Patrick_W said:

    I have the same problem.
    Docker image is up to date, but still the integrity errors.



    I also have the error with the "missing indices".


    I was able to fix this normally with the command "sudo -u abc php /config/www/nextcloud/occ db:add-missing-indices". Unfortunately this does not work anymore either.



    Please he


    docker exec -it nextcloud occ db:add-missing-indices


    Worked this morning.


    • Thanks 1
  10. 2 hours ago, iXNyNe said:

    Yes to anyone still seeing integrity checks. Post your container logs. Also make sure you've pulled the latest image using the check for updates button in the docker tab in unRAID and applied the update.


    Checked for updates, and none showing.

    Technical information
    The following list covers which files have failed the integrity check. Please read
    the previous linked documentation to learn more about the errors and how to fix
    - core
    		- core/js/tests/specs/appsSpec.js
    		- core/l10n/et_EE.js
    		- core/l10n/et_EE.json
    		- dist/files_trashbin-files_trashbin.js
    		- dist/files_trashbin-files_trashbin.js.LICENSE.txt
    		- dist/files_trashbin-files_trashbin.js.map
    		- lib/private/Files/ObjectStore/NoopScanner.php
    		- lib/private/Updater/ChangesResult.php
    		- lib/public/WorkflowEngine/IEntityCompat.php
    		- lib/public/WorkflowEngine/IOperationCompat.php
    Raw output
        [core] => Array
                [EXTRA_FILE] => Array
                        [core/js/tests/specs/appsSpec.js] => Array
                                [expected] => 
                                [current] => cf1ff76b5129943a1ffd6ea068ce6e8bc277718b9d0c81dccce47d723e1f290be20f197b6543f17f3b2ac78d8d4986354db4103de2b5e31c76e00e248984605b
                        [core/l10n/et_EE.js] => Array
                                [expected] => 
                                [current] => 55e09a16c917b20c1bba2d5458aab6d4eb4c9a80a0480c7ca309db67a522c83682264d12fcfe6eb54d4120d04b4b90249a03d268b3adf2e7046db8a6229ce586
                        [core/l10n/et_EE.json] => Array
                                [expected] => 
                                [current] => 675629231727e9b6bc16463489466626476ae9571c5179c78c881e599e3ea991cec4dd9931c3c53bd731f8e0c57312fd31c6503a0b633a579c6bc9a71b5ecb3e
                        [dist/files_trashbin-files_trashbin.js] => Array
                                [expected] => 
                                [current] => 24e537aff151f18ae18af31152bcfd7de9c96f0f6fdcca4c1ad975ece80bb35a2ab7d51c257af6a9762728d7688c9ba37a5359a950eb1e9f401d4b9d875d92b2
                        [dist/files_trashbin-files_trashbin.js.LICENSE.txt] => Array
                                [expected] => 
                                [current] => 2e40e4786aa1f3a96022164e12a5868e0c6a482e89b3642e1d5eea6502725061e2077786c6cd118905e499b56b2fc58e4efc34d6810ff96a56c54bf990790975
                        [dist/files_trashbin-files_trashbin.js.map] => Array
                                [expected] => 
                                [current] => 65c2a7ddc654364d8884aaee8af4e506da87e54ae82f011989d6b96a625b0dbfba14be6d6af545fa074a23ccf2cc29043a411dc3ac1f80a24955c8a9faa28754
                        [lib/private/Files/ObjectStore/NoopScanner.php] => Array
                                [expected] => 
                                [current] => 62d6c5360faf2c7fca90eaafa0e92f85502794a42a5993e2fe032c58b4089947773e588ad80250def78f268499e0e1d9b6b05bc8237cc946469cd6f1fb0b590c
                        [lib/private/Updater/ChangesResult.php] => Array
                                [expected] => 
                                [current] => d2e964099dfd4c6d49ae8fc2c6cbc7d230d4f5c19f80804d5d28df5d5c65786a37ea6f554deacecad679d39dbba0d6bd6e4edadca292238f45f18f080277dad0
                        [lib/public/WorkflowEngine/IEntityCompat.php] => Array
                                [expected] => 
                                [current] => ea1856748e5fcf8a901597871f1708bdf28db69d6fa8771c70f38212f028b2ff744b04019230721c64b484675982d495a2c96d1175453130b4563c6a61942213
                        [lib/public/WorkflowEngine/IOperationCompat.php] => Array
                                [expected] => 
                                [current] => 6c09c15e9d855343cc33a682b95a827546fa56c20cc6a249774f7b11f75486159ebfe740ffcba2c9fa9342ab115e7bf99b8c25f71bb490c5d844da251b9751ed


    Screen shot of nextcloud admin page



    error.log nextcloud.log ngnix error.log snafu.tarfu.xyz-diagnostics-20230705-1339.zip

  11. 1 hour ago, iXNyNe said:

    Correct. If you pull the latest image release yesterday those integrity issues should go away the next time you restart the container.

    Installed the upgrade last night, not showing any upgrades available, restarted and still showing the extra files. Not too worried about it, will check again when the next upgrade comes out.

  12. It did upgrade and runs fine. Security check shows code integrity issue. 


    Technical information
    The following list covers which files have failed the integrity check. Please read
    the previous linked documentation to learn more about the errors and how to fix
    - core
    		- core/js/tests/specs/appsSpec.js
    		- core/l10n/et_EE.js
    		- core/l10n/et_EE.json
    		- dist/files_trashbin-files_trashbin.js
    		- dist/files_trashbin-files_trashbin.js.LICENSE.txt
    		- dist/files_trashbin-files_trashbin.js.map
    		- lib/private/Files/ObjectStore/NoopScanner.php
    		- lib/private/Updater/ChangesResult.php
    		- lib/public/WorkflowEngine/IEntityCompat.php
    		- lib/public/WorkflowEngine/IOperationCompat.php

    Looks like files that don't need to be there any more.



  13. I normally upgrade from cl as my connection sucks and the web interface normally times out in the middle of the upgrade. I tried to upgrade nextcloud from cl and got this error.


    root@snafu:~# docker exec -it nextcloud updater.phar
    OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: unable to start container process: exec: "updater.phar": executable file not found in $PATH: unknown


    Any suggestions?

  14. I have an issue with scrutiny causing read errors on spundown drives. If scrutiny tries to do a smart read on a drive that is spundown, unraid shows a read error. If it goes on long enough unraid will eventually deactivate the drive. After a drive is deactivated unraid starts seeing phantom drives and the drive mappings get totally screwed up. The phantom drives seems to be a known issue with scrutiny. Turning off spindown and the problem goes away. Somewhere the drives aren't getting the message to spin up prior to scrutiny trying to do a smart read. I think the problem is in scrutiny but hopefully this will help someone else having the same problem.

  15. I just wanted to thank you for an excellent plugin. I installed it on an R720XD, Unraid 6.10.3 pro and no problems at all.


    I did notice 1 weirdness when I put a drive in the wrong spot and then put the correct drive in that same spot. The the drive being replaced disappeared and wasn't on the list of available drives. Force Scan All and it reappeared in the list. ID10T error on my part, but it did freak me out a bit. Not really a bug, just unexpected behavior.


    Will it pick up a pcie ssd card? Planning on adding one to this system and would be nice if it shows up.


    Have a beer on me.

  16. Thought I would post the trials and tribulations I have gone thru to get this container working. Hopefully it helps someone else that might have similar problems. 


    First Dumb Mistake

    PostArgs: && docker exec -u 0 NAME_OF_THIS_CONTAINER /bin/sh -c 'echo "umask 000" >> /etc/apache2/envvars'

    Not being a wizard with docker, I installed the container twice with NAME_OF_THIS_CONTAINER. Finally figured out that it should be replaced with the name of the container, Nextcloud, unless you have changed it to something else. In my defense it was late at night and I was tired.


    Slow Connection Trap

    I kept having problems with the initial setup timing out. Sometimes nextcloud would start but things were missing or it wouldn't start at all. After numerous reinstalls, and lots of research I found out how to fix that problem.


    Modify the file appdata/nextcloud/nextcloud/lib/private/Installer.php


    Change the line $timeout = $this->isCLI ? 0 : 120;  to  $timeout = $this->isCLI ? 0 : 1200;


    If you upgrade nextcloud that file will probably be overwritten so the change is a workaround, not a permanent fix.


    Last Problem

    This one is also related to slow connections. After the container is installed Nextcloud shows running, but it is not ready to configure. If you try and run the initial configuration before it downloads everything it needs you'll get all kinds of weird errors, mostly concerning database tables that are missing. Before you run the configuration page check the log from the docker tab.

    If all it says is Initializing nextcloud ... wait for it to finish.


    The log will look something like this when it is ready.

    Initializing nextcloud ...
    Initializing finished
    New nextcloud instance
    AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message
    AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message
    [Thu Oct 07 17:05:36.561689 2021] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 1] AH00163: Apache/2.4.48 (Debian) PHP/8.0.11 configured -- resuming normal operations


    Now you can run the configuration and everything should work fine.


    Hope this helps someone else that is pulling their hair out on a slow connection.

    • Like 1
  17. I have 2 servers in different locations on the same domain.

    Server 1


    ## ddclient.conf





    pid=/var/run/ddclient/ddclient.pid # record PID in file.


    use=web, web=checkip.dynu.com/, web-skip='IP Address'







    That one works fine.


    Server 2

    ## ddclient.conf







    use=web, web=checkip.dynu.com/, web-skip='IP Address'







    Every time it runs I get 2 message in the log.


    WARNING: file /var/cache/ddclient/ddclient.cache, line 3: Invalid Value for keyword 'ip' = ''

    FAILED: updating xxxxx.xxxxx.xyz: badauth: Bad authorization (username or password)


    I even copied the config from server 1 to server 2 and changed the domain to the correct one for the server and still get the errors. Both servers run the same version of unraid and the same version of ddclient. I removed the docker container and all configs and reinstalled it but get the same results.


    I am at loss as to what to check next. Any ideas would be helpful.

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