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  1. Thanks @JorgeB for helping me.
  2. Ok, last post (i hope). That did it for me. My drives were automatically pre assigned to their respective slot in the array settings. I had to reassign the cache devices and when i started the array everything came back (docker + VM) I had to do the key migration though it did not work live for me (pasting the url, error 4) i had to paste the downloaded file into the config, but that worked.
  3. Ok, as weird as it can be, the login issue was on the browser cache i guess, going incognito worked. I'm still on if you have an comprehensive list of what is bare minimum
  4. Alirhgt thanks, i tried that. My exact steps were : make fresh install using last stable release (using a new usb stick) drag and dropping (in config folder of the new install) entire pools folder, entire shares folder Trial.key (i guess it's the key eventhough im not on trial anymore) EDIT: I found the "Plus" key docker.cfg Booting up using the key I was greeted with the web login page but after filling the "new password" impossible to get in, loggin in just "reloaded the page" Can you be more explicit about "the bare minimum" ? I mean, is there an exhaustive list of the bare minimum files ? Im worried about my shares too, as they are scatterred accross all disks. EDIT 2: Adding context
  5. Hi I had the "corrupted flash device" for some time but i ignored it and at one point I had to reboot the server and it got stuck. Hopefully i did a flash backup end of january (which is recent enough for me) I took a new USB key and tried, using the Unraid USB Flash Creator : from a local image (using the downloaded zip file of my backup) -> stuck booting with something about DHCP (which i think i was not using) from a fresh install, deleting config folder and pasting the backup config folder -> booting but webserver nginx 404 and safe mode (no plugin no gui) empty, cant access my array (nothing on /mnt/ Also, on fresh install with old config folder, the server name is generic Tower not the one i gave my server in old config ... I'm a bit lost, I don't know what to do.
  6. i think, yes. to my understanding the container starts, runs and stops until you want it to do it again.
  7. i'm pretty sure it's normal as you should cron schedule start it because it syncs at startup i think
  8. Thanks for your input. What is even weirder is that the LAN changed again and is different from the one in the URL of my browser (respectively and ) I went back to bridge bc it was not working with my br0 custom config "Networks": { "bridge": { "IPAMConfig": null, "Links": null, "Aliases": null, "NetworkID": "79f5544ae5492e3e1171bdafead6b64ba23437d8778508bcedd1ae88178a98d6", "EndpointID": "b9888b0fc0d3da4b9969883b5750b1a983f3d66acad1b8f764f435ee9bf9baf0", "Gateway": "", "IPAddress": "", "IPPrefixLen": 16, "IPv6Gateway": "", "GlobalIPv6Address": "", "GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0, "MacAddress": "02:42:ac:11:00:17", "DriverOpts": null } } Alright, thanks for the advice, i do have knowledge basic knowledge and i "only" had emby port and wireguard opened (my mom won't go through the hassle of vpn just to watch movies) I came here to have help setting up the br0 connection for the container and to have some more help understanding my issue here
  9. Hello, thanks for answering. I am not proficient in networking at all, so i'd love to keep the install the simplest it can be. My host machine has .83 so i guess rules are different for my ISP, also the ones assigned to my devices at home look like ipv6 ... (i need to double check when im home and correct if needed) I used bridge network for the emby container. An im using 6.9.2. What i dont understand is : How are remote requests able to reach my container on the WAN ? is there a table in the router ?
  10. Hello, i moved out and i received a new internet box. Im going on the router interface to forward the port for emby but it appear im on ipv6 now. No big deal, im looking up solution for this but it appear that my emby docker is As far as i know this looks like an ipv4 public address. So it looks like that it wont cut it. I've looked through this but : i dont know how to make an ipv4 dchp pool that wont collide with my router pool (i have an SFR ISP, french company) if i want to give an ipv6 address in custom br0 in the docker template, i dont know wich one to give for it work remotely I think i might be missing something, help would be greatly appreciated Also im not sure about which part of the config is wrong (be it the unraid part or the emby part or even both) Thanks in advance
  11. Hello, i'm having troubles accessing my shares from my chromebook. From windows and linux (through VM) no problem. (except for the reccuring windows shennanigans where it requires you to click multiple times for it to access the share). I recently acquired a Chromebook and i wanted to use the unraid shares, for ... obvious reason of shared content. The share i want to access is on server and is called Library, the share is public. I, naturally, tried to have it work the simple way : It found nothing. I tried solutions from old threads such as using the name of the serve rinstead of the IP, not working either. Here is the config of SMB share in unraid : Out of despair i also tried creating a new user, chromebook with a password, and accessing the share as this user (which has r and w access on the share), no success either. Any help or advice?
  12. I can provide some updates after fiddling the whole afternoon: The problem is too big, i'm starting by solving the linux vm one. My card (i switched the 660ti for some lower consumption nvidia card, GT216) and they only support legacy. So switching to UEFI for unraid is out of the picture. The (linux) vm is starting but nothing comes out of the HDMI, the logs are not suspicious. (i've added the diagnostic) When i switch back to VNC i have the "guest display not initialized (yet)" and it's driving me crazy. I tried solutions from this but none worked (either changing memory size or recreating vm) I couldn't find how to install qm though. kamuy-huci-diagnostics-20211008-1807.rar
  13. Ok, so. I'll try one more time and post diagnostic afterward but : I cannot boot from UEFI, i got stuck with the startup.sh script error thing. I fear this is the issue ... but sometimes when i start with VNC and the GPU, i have both screen (client and GPU output) working. And right after the install finished when i keep only the gpu nothing shows up and logs are ok. When i go back to VNC only, i have the "guest display not initialized (yet)" error which is pissing me of alot.
  14. Ok, i'll try everything you said. But i have few questions : With only nvidia, how do i know why it failed (if it does) i tried before with omvf, i switched to seabios, bc a friend of mine managed to have a nvidia card working like this. why do i have to dump NVIDIA.GTX660Ti.2048.120709.rom if it works on linux ? Thank you for your leads, i'll try them when i get back home.
  15. Thanks a lot @yogy, enabling NFS made it all work again. (i enabled myServers and tweaking the DNS might have had an impact)
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