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Posts posted by Corrupt_Liberty

  1. 8 minutes ago, trurl said:

    nothing can move open files. You have to disable Docker and VM Manager in Settings.

    Docker and VM Manager were disabled at the time. That's not really the issue though as I was able to recover all of that from backup.  Everything is back up and appears to be running normally but this weird issue writing to the cache drive is a bit annoying.

  2. 16 minutes ago, trurl said:

    Was it exhibiting the behavior when you took these diagnostics?


    Unrelated, but your appdata has files on the array.

    Yes it was.  There are some remaining files from the Cache pool upgrade.  I originally followed an old tutorial that had me using the mover to clear the pool and then move it back after I recreated the pool.  This failed miserably.   I was able to recover my appdata from backup, delete the docker image and reinstall my apps without too much fuss.  

  3. I originally had 2 SSDs in RAID 0 for my Cache pool.  When the drives went on sale I decided to get two more and change the pool to RAID 10.  Ever since it has been exhibiting some strange write performance issues.  It starts writing just fine at 110-120 MB/s (limited by my network speed).  However, after a few GB are copied the speed drops to between 20-40 MB/s.  This never happened while I was using RAID 0 and can't for the life of me understand why it would start behaving this way now.  Is this an odd limitation of the btrfs file system?





  4. I just changed ISP to a fiber provider in my area (Metronet).  The only network change was to unplug the cable modem from my routers WAN port and plug in the fiber modem.  Everything else has been left unchanged including my forwarded port on the router for my Unraid server.  Unfortunately, I am now no longer able to access my server remotely.  When I load the My Servers page from my 5G tablet or phone it says Remote access is available but the site cannot be reached.  The My Servers plugin also says it is unreachable and I need to forward port 443.  This was done months ago and I've verified it is still active on the router.


    php /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/UpdateDNS.php -v


    (Output is anonymized, use '-vv' to see full details)
    Unraid OS 6.9.2 with My Servers plugin version 2022.05.24.1752
     Signed in to Unraid.net as Corrupt_Liberty
    Use SSL is yes
     Rebind protection is disabled for unraid.net
    Local Access url: https://hash.unraid.net
     hash.unraid.net resolves to
    Remote Access url: https://www.hash.unraid.net:[redacted]
     www.hash.unraid.net resolves to [redacted]

        "keyfile": "[redacted]",
        "plgversion": "2022.05.24.1752",
        "internalip": "",
        "internalhostname": "hash.unraid.net",
        "internalport": "443",
        "internalprotocol": "https",
        "remoteaccess": "yes",
        "servercomment": "Media server",
        "servername": "Kris-Server",
        "externalhostname": "hash.unraid.net",
        "externalport": "[redacted]",
        "externalprotocol": "https"
    Response (HTTP 200):


  5. 33 minutes ago, Skatman said:

    It's always a lovely feeling when something you write with the objective of helping people in a similar position to you, helps someone in a similar position to you.


    Glad it helped! This was a pain in the backside for me too, except I had 20TB of data to move haha.

    I was on the verge of abandoning Unraid altogether before I found your post.  You definitely saved me days of work.  My server has been humming along nicely ever since.   

    • Like 1
  6. 6 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

    Also note that on the diskspeed graph all the  WD SMR drives are not performing normally during reads, SMR doesn't affect reads, and they should perform similarly to the Seagates, but are much slower, which is common on those models after some time, disk6 is likely mostly factory clear, or it was wiped, speed is much higher because it's not reading the actual disk surface, it's also normal on those disks.

    Yes, Disk 6 is brand new.  Less than 200 hours on it now and almost no writes.

  7. 13 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

    Unraid is not RAID, it doesn't stripe writes, it writes to only one disk at a time, and with SMR disks writes speeds of 5MB/s are normal, I have some myself.

    Then wouldn't my performance improve when writing to the Seagate drives?  It seems to actually be faster when it was on the WD.  Now that it hit 1TB it has moved onto a Seagate disk and seems even slower, albeit not much slower.  Is this just a normal function of calculating parity?


    Also, I'm assuming that read speeds won't be this problematic.  What is the best way to test this before dropping $90 on Unraid?  I've already spent a week trying to set this up, I'd hate to waste the money too only to realize I'll be better off going back to Lubuntu with the old RAID card.

  8. 1 hour ago, JorgeB said:

    You're using SMR drives, and the WD20SPZX particularly is know to be a bad performer. 

    I understand I won't be getting the best performance from the WD drives.  I'm even okay with half the speed.  Before switching to unraid I had these exact drives in a traditional RAID 5 connected to the onboard P410i and was getting 40-60 MiB/s. Not to mention at present it is writing to a Seagate drive which is perpendicular recording.  I'm not expecting blazing fast speeds. Just better than 4 MiB/s.


    Once I'm finished dumping all my existing media on the array I'll be adding a TiB of SSD cache and will hopefully never be moving this much data to the array again so SMR should be a non-issue.  I just didn't want to hit the SSDs when I have 8TiB of media to get everything started.  At this rate my trial license will run out before I get a chance to actually test my PLEX setup with all my data. 

  9. No, disk one had a lot of reallocation errors the first time I attempted to copy files over.  I stopped the transfer and replaced the drive thinking it might be causing some issues.  It was several years old.  Rebuilding the drive only took 12 hours and that was completed before trying to transfer more files to the array. 

  10. This is my first time using Unraid.  I am currently running version 6.9.2 on an HP ML350 G6.  I have 2x Xeon X5675 CPUs and 72 GB ECC RAM.  I have setup an array with 8 2TB SATA disks 2 of which are parity drives connected with an LSI 9207-8i in IT mode.  I installed the plugin for Unassigned Devices and am using the Krusader Docker for initial file transfer.  I have the PLEX Docker installed also but it is not currently running.


    Now that I have the specs out of the way, I am attempting to transfer my media backup from an 8TB USB 3 HDD to my Unraid Array.  I am now getting speeds of 3-5 MiB/s with an expected completion of 6 days for a 2.9 TiB transfer.  Am I doing something wrong?  I see other posts complaining about 40 MiB/s.  I would be thrilled to hit that mark. 


    Any assistance would be appreciated.  Thanks.

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