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Posts posted by Fantucie

  1. 5 hours ago, kjames2001 said:

    hi, i just installed the seafile app you uploaded, there's an extra ":" in "seafileltd:/seafile:latest" causing the docker pull to fail. just to bring it to your attention.

    Little edit, after have talk with squid, this Error will be fix in the past hours when your CA will be update, everything should be fine :) 

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, kjames2001 said:

    hi, i just installed the seafile app you uploaded, there's an extra ":" in "seafileltd:/seafile:latest" causing the docker pull to fail. just to bring it to your attention.

    Yes aleadry know that but it's not from me but from CA, I aleadry report and asked to Squid how I can fix that + there is a Warnings about that when you select the version ;) 

  3. 3 hours ago, Keek Uras said:

    Ok, thanks so this will not work as I would like. I wanted to add two folders to one user. Thank you for your assistance.



    After, in the main folder you can make other folder has your wish or drop file directly in

    That's totally at your wish after all ;) 

  4. 13 hours ago, Keek Uras said:

    Thanks. Could you give me some example of how to do this? The interface is not very intuitive. 



    In the admin panel of FileRun you go to User and create a new (The FileRun system is One Path only for One User) And you put here the files you have setup in unraid (ContainerPath) 


    Check path and everything is good

  5. 4 hours ago, Keek Uras said:

    Hello! I'm trying to add a second path for another storage location but I can't seem to make it show up in FileRun:



    Am I missing something? Thanks in advance!



    Heyn no it's same everything is good it's just that the path for FileRun is indivudual for user, you need (after save that) setup it in the admin panel of your FileRun ;) 

  6. 2 hours ago, CorneliousJD said:

    FYI for Filerun, a filerun/filerun:latest container/template already exists in CA.

    His/her version has no support, his/her version same to has missing thing in. (When I was trying to use it, it where just not working.)

  7. 27 minutes ago, Krashdeez said:


    Yes Thx i know, but that what i mean ist this :


    After create first time the docker. Go to to /mnt/user/appdata/phantomboto/ create a files named botlogin.txt then relaunch the docker. - Done

    After the relaunch, edit the docker and remove BotToken TwitchUserToken TwitchUserName ot it will be overwrite. - Done

    Go to the panel and follow the instruction in OAUTH setup on the WebUI - NoWebgui - Errorlog

    (1. Please enter the bot's Twitch username: [02-28-2022 @ 16:50:20.667 GMT] [ERROR] Failed to setup PhantomBot. Now exiting...)


    When i Save the Config i get


    BotToken: sggeh.....
    Twitch bot user OAuth token (https://phantombot.github.io/PhantomBot/oauth/)
    My Bot_Account


    TwitchUserToken: m9w25yn....
    Twitch caster channel OAuth token (https://phantombot.github.io/PhantomBot/oauth/)
    My User_Account


    TwitchUserName: Krashdeez
    Twitch caster channel


    When i Save this i geht the Startoperation :

    root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker create --name='PhantomBot' --net='br0' --ip='x.x.x.x' -e TZ="Europe/Berlin" -e HOST_OS="MyUnraid" -e 'TCP_PORT_25000'='25000' -e 'PHANTOMBOT_PANELUSER'='Bot' -e 'PHANTOMBOT_PANELPASSWORD'='xx' -e 'PHANTOMBOT_USEHTTPS'='true' -e 'PHANTOMBOT_USER'='sggeh.....' -e 'PHANTOMBOT_OAUTH'='m9w25yn....' -e 'PHANTOMBOT_APIOAUTH'='Krashdeez' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/phantomboto/':'/opt/PhantomBot_data/config':'rw' 'ghcr.io/phantombot/phantombot'



    Hello, I just put a patched version for the docker (remove the actual one you have) and wait 1-2hours untils the docker auto update, I just messed up a bit with one variables, but it's seems that there is a problem too with the AOUTH for the caster, aleadry make an report on the official waiting for fix .... sorry :/ 

  8. 2 hours ago, Encore said:

    sooo i need to say something :D


    no redis installed within the package - maybe you can integrate redis "as one in all solution"


    second thing, you need to say in the description that php artisan p:environment:setup is nessesary - without   emails will link to "localhost" 


    for example for new accounts : http://localhost/auth/password/1234567abcd


    or manually adjust the .env file in /var



    Ah yes, I was pretty sure to ahave setup it on the description but same it's missing mhh ^^' 
    I will fix that when I will be at home thanks for the report ! :) 

    • Like 1
  9. 8 minutes ago, Fantucie said:

    Hey 👋

    Normally you have a little step to follow for have the good install has the docker are a bit messy with the paths.


    But normally you have to create a twitch account for your bot and get his key at the links say under the variables same for twitch user.

    And totally under the last should be your twitch username ;)

    But like say, check the first page to look what configuration you need to do ;)

    For the twitch bot username it's the BotToken to have go to https://phantombot.github.io/PhantomBot/oauth/ and connect yourself with the bot account he will give you the token for the bot that you need past in this variables and for the twitch user token it's the same but you have to connect with your twitch account, and for the last variable use your twitch account name ;)

  10. 2 hours ago, Krashdeez said:

    Heyho whats Wrong With the "phantomBot" ? 


    I always geht 
    [02-28-2022 @ 12:34:32.565 GMT] The working directory is: /opt/PhantomBot
    [02-28-2022 @ 12:34:32.627 GMT] Detected Java running on Linux 5.10.28-Unraid (amd64)

    Welcome to the PhantomBot setup process!
    If you have any issues please join our Discord!
    Discord: https://discord.gg/YKvMd78

    PhantomBot has detected that your device is running Linux.
    Here's the setup guide for Ubuntu: https://phantombot.github.io/PhantomBot/guides/#guide=content/setupbot/ubuntu
    Here's the setup guide for CentOS: https://phantombot.github.io/PhantomBot/guides/#guide=content/setupbot/centos

    1. Please enter the bot's Twitch username: [02-28-2022 @ 12:34:32.781 GMT] [ERROR] Failed to setup PhantomBot. Now exiting...

    And Maybe your Config is wrong, 

    They are Different to the config after "Save" 


    Twitch bot user OAuth token (https://phantombot.github.io/PhantomBot/oauth/)



    Twitch caster channel OAuth token (https://phantombot.github.io/PhantomBot/oauth/)




    Any Ideas what can i do ? 


    Best regards


    Hey 👋

    Normally you have a little step to follow for have the good install has the docker are a bit messy with the paths.


    But normally you have to create a twitch account for your bot and get his key at the links say under the variables same for twitch user.

    And totally under the last should be your twitch username ;)

    But like say, check the first page to look what configuration you need to do ;)

  11. 4 hours ago, Crunch41 said:

    Hi, I've been trying to log into the panel but no matter what I do I can't get past the error "An unexpected error was encountered while processing this request, please try again."


    I have the panel on the br0 network and it does connect to the database to do the initial database seeding. 


    I've created my user as well but it seems no matter what I enter into the login page it will give me this error. I've tried clean reinstalls with no luck so I have no idea what the issue is, any help would be appreciated. I do have a discord at Crunch41#0001 if that makes things easier.

    Hello, first I have to ask what database are you using ? (MariaDB or other ?)
    And try with PhPMyAdmin to log into the database using what you have set for the panel ^^


    - Edit 
    The issues has been fixed on Discord

  12. 2 minutes ago, Encore said:

    i mean, its a security risk :D if u forward panel to WAN interface and "something happend" to the panel :D 


    a lot of users dont know the risk of priviliged mode, so my recommendation is to remove it as default setting :D:D - just my opinion 


    wings need it to interact with docker so this is o.k, bcs ptero mapped root to pterodactyluser 


    Yes I know this, and I was aleadry thinking of removed it personally, it's like I say only a habit from me on my test server that maybe why i dont care a lot but on official it could be problematic yes ;) 
    I will change it in the reposit, will be fix in the CA in 1hours/2hours normally 

    • Thanks 1
  13. 9 minutes ago, Encore said:

    quick quetion, why does the PANEL required privileged ??


    on the offical docker - just wings need priviliged (bcs docker management)

    Technically the PANEL dont need privilege, I just have setup it like that like all my other docker (maybe an habit from me who know ?) but you can remove it if you dont want to let it ;) 

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Necrotic said:

    A spaceinvader video on this would be awesome

    I didn't know him a lot or even a bit. And of what I have seen from his youtube channel, I dont think he will do something from my reposit sincerely but maybe with a bit of hope 😛 

  15. 2 hours ago, penalte said:

    I did everything now and still does not work, can you add me in discord? penalte#3030.

    It seem I cannot add you to my friend. Come on my support discord still in work ;) 
    Link not available for now

  16. 17 minutes ago, Encore said:

    which path exactly need i to mount for ssl -i use nginx proxy manager, the /live/npm-*****  directy or just /keys ?


    the fullchain dont name xyz.domain.tld.pem  -- they  names like fullchain.pem



    In the installation of the demons you need mount where is the key fullchain.pem and privkey.pem (they should be in a files namer /whereyoustockthem/YOURDOMAINSNAMES
    And you need in the docker install click edit and setup /etc/letsencrypt/live/YOURDOMAINSNAMES/

    • Thanks 1
  17. 29 minutes ago, penalte said:

    okay but if im connecting lan to lan why should I open the ports in the router if it is an internal connection, I will test the new path and report back in 1 hour, im at work. 


    thank you.


    Okay I have re tested. the connection work without open ports, it's because you have a bad set for you config files.
    You have to set /mnt/user/appdata/pterodactyldeamons/lib/volumes has data and be sure to have set the connection to "Use HTTP Connection"
    and put the config.yml in the mnt/user/appdata/pterodactylderamons/etc (If you dont have change the path.)

  18. 2 minutes ago, penalte said:

    okay but if im connecting lan to lan why should I open the ports in the router if it is an internal connection, I will test the new path and report back in 1 hour, im at work. 


    thank you.


    You still have to open port even in lan :/
    I personally while testing wasn't able to connect on my deamons on lan without openned them. 


    And for the path. It was saying above in the setup way for nodes ! ;) 

    Hope it will fix you error if not, I will try to be here for help (If I dont fall aslep has it's some late here in france)

  19. You have to setup the deamons on a custom:br0 and you have to open the port 8080 and 2022 for the IP of your deamons in your internet-box.
    After done that restart your deamons and recreate a nodes with setting the Daemon Server File Directory to /mnt/user/appdata/pterodactyldeamons/lib/volumes

    And normally everything will be good !
    If you still encounter an error please open your console on the WebPanel in your nodes showing the error.

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