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Everything posted by handspiker2

  1. Oh, that's not too bad! also TIL: the webgui has a public github!
  2. How long has that been insecure? Also how was that not caught by unit tests? "Login doesn't accept trailing characters" is a pretty rudimentary test case for a security system.
  3. There's been multiple security exploits found in the kernel and included software. The current generation of Intel CPUs don't work properly with the next generation scheduled to be release this fall.
  4. It wouldn't be so bad it the community had some visibility into what are they are working on or what the goals of the next release are. The current stable version is almost a year old. Hasn't even been any security patches in the last year. Being stable is great but even the unstable branch hasn't been updated months. The RC version changes largely seem focused on opening the door to a subscription model. Yay! A subscription for radio silence and rarely updated software!
  5. Also experiencing reset config on 4.4.0-1-02. The config file itself looks unchanged when comparing it to an early backup. Rolling back to the 4.3.9-2-01 tag seems to prevent the issue.
  6. Everything seems to suggest that the mover should be running much faster but the array drive is writing ~150kB/s. Prometheus shows low Read/Write but 100% I/O utilization. Yesterday I just left it running out any containers or VMs enabled without much progress. The last parity check completed at an average speed of 98.2MB/s. Any suggestion on debugging or increasing the write speed?
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