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Posts posted by Niop

  1. 3 hours ago, binhex said:

    are you doing in app upgrades as in via the Syncthing UI?, if so dont do this!, it will break the container, instead wait for me to push out an updated version, you then 'check for updates' via unraid web ui, and if there is one available then upgrade, simply ignore any in app upgrade prompts.

    Yes, that is what I was trying to do. Sorry, I'm new to this.

    That kind of makes sense it could break the container if it did indeed update. 

    I will make sure it no longer attempts to update. Thank you for the response.

  2. When Syncthing attempts to update, I'm getting this error:

    2022-01-14 09:16:21: upgrading: open /usr/bin/syncthing3556983610: permission denied


    I will say, it appears that "syncthing3556983610" doesn't exist in that directory.


    Any ideas how this can be solved?


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