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Everything posted by Aemstel

  1. Yes, the BEYIMEI controller works! Disk is clearing now That disk clear looks like it's going to take ages. Can I use the array while it's doing this? Update: for anyone considering getting this controller, be aware that it has a very bright blue LED that sometimes starts flashing. I think it happens when the drives are spun down.
  2. In the PCIe slots you mean? Nothing, just the MZHOU card. I'm using iGPU. Planning to try this one now: https://www.delock.com/produkt/90395/merkmale.html edit: changed my mind and ordered this: https://www.amazon.com/BEYIMEI-Controller-Expansion-Non-Raid-Converter/dp/B098QMGMF3/ref=sr_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=ASM1166&qid=1633703772&sr=8-6&th=1 When I've tried it, I'll report back here to say if it works.
  3. Thanks. I guess I'll send it back then and try a JMB controller.
  4. I got the MZHOU card you linked, but sadly it doesn't work. It's not even detected by my motherboard, I think. Can't find it anywhere in the bios. I upgraded my entire server (which I was planning to do anyway), so I got a new motherboard, but this one doesn't detect it either... The led on the card does light up showing one drive is connected to it, but I can't see anything in the bios or in Unraid. Am I mistaking that these cards are plug and play? Do I need to change some bios setting or something?
  5. Great, I was hoping for a short answer like this Thanks! Will go ahead with it.
  6. I find the guides pretty confusing. I want to replace my parity drive with a larger one on the same SATA port. Then add the old parity drive as a data drive on a different SATA port. This is because I have bought a MZHOU PCIe SATA Card 6 Port to add extra drives, and I feel like it's safer to have the parity drive on a mainboard SATA port (or is that nonsense..?). I wanted to do it like this: 1. Stop array and power down system 2. Remove old parity drive 3. Install new drive on the same SATA port as the old parity drive 4. Boot system 5. Assign new drive as parity 6. Start array and let it rebuild parity 7. Stop the array 8. Power down system 9. Add old parity drive to a MZHOU SATA port 10. Boot system and assign old parity drive as a data drive 11. Start array 12. DONE! That should work right? This seems like the simplest way to me, or am I missing something? Thanks in advance. Edit: also, if anyone knows, that MZHOU card has no drive size limit, does it? I want to use 14TB+ drives with it. Edit2: this edit comes very late, but just in case other people come across this post: that MZHOU card did not work in my system. I am not sure if it was a faulty card or if it simply doesn't work with Unraid. I sent it back for a refund.
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