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  1. We all said that we did had passwords on our tight vnc servers. this is your base line for reproduce our connectivity issues.. i have 300 vnc servers... do you think i will connect to each one of them and disable the 1 out of 3 security wall i have to connect to my clients in order to solve a problem that did not existed before??? also i mentioned that if i try to leave the password blank (from my end on guacamole admin panel) and try to connect to the client, then it asks me to enter the password and when i do then i get the disconnect. (also i use as external port not the default but another port and from the client's end i reverse proxy to the proper one, and i had no problem so far) hope that helps.
  2. I have the same issue after a docker update i could no longer connect to my vnc servers and i have tried everything, even new container with fresh install. Before the update i was able to connect to my local network and remote VNC servers. also, i confirm that with RDP i can connect without a problem i have installed vnc to windows 7, windows 10 & windows 11 machines and i could not establish any connection at all via VNC after the update 22/03/2023 (or 21/03/2023). i have the same errors as mentioned in previous post guacd[171]: ERROR: Unable to connect to VNC server. guacd[171]: INFO: User "@c" disconnected (0 users remain) guacd[171]: INFO: Last user of connection "$d" disconnected guacd[24]: INFO: Connection "$d" removed. I have noticed (if this can help you narrow down the problem) that on my saved connections i have the password saved, so i tried to remove the saved password and see what will happen. well it did ask me to enter the password but after the password i get disconected and got the above error in the log.
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