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Posts posted by HG2-Server

  1. The only solution who worked for me is to install a XPenology-VM on Unraid.

    In Unraid, I created NFS-Shares.

    In XPenology I created Remote-Mount-Folders with the Unraid-NFS-Shares

    and shared them via SMB in XPenology.

    I also activated Bonjour-Protocol that MacOS recognizes the Server in the Network.


    Now I can browse through my Server-folders and files like local data, it´s very quick.

    For example: With direct connection to Unraid SMB one Folder with 7.000 mp3´s

    need 4-6 minutes just to display all files, or it brakes down and I have to restart

    Finder or better log out and log in. Now it takes 15-20 seconds!


    I don´t know if OMV or TrueNas will also work, maybe I try it just to compare,

    but my actual setup works perfect.


    You can also use FTP, also very quick, but Finder has no good FTP-Integration.

    For me I use FTP only for uploading big files to Unraid. It´s faster than SMB.





    Bildschirmfoto 2022-09-15 um 14.49.16.png

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