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Posts posted by onetx

  1. Thank you very much for your contribution.


    The current version already has a KEEP_LAST_BACKUPS variable that allows you to delete old backups.



        # Optional: Keep the maximum number of exports defined. A maximum of X exports will be retained, the oldest exports will be deleted.
        # - KEEP_LAST_BACKUPS=5


    Another alternative to using a cron schedule is to use the  "User Scripts" plugin and configure the script with a scheduler.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Welcome to OneTX Template Support Thread



    All questions/issues related to getting any of my images running on Unraid can be asked here.

    If you think a template needs improvement, feel free to post that here too.


    = OneTX  Templates Repository =
    GitHub - https://github.com/0neTX/UnRAID_Template


    = Templates:=

    1.  MrMarble/teledock / Teledock: A simple telegram bot that allows a telegram's user to control a docker service.

                        Template repo: https://github.com/0neTX/UnRAID_Template/tree/main/teledock

                        Project repo: https://github.com/MrMarble/teledock/

                        Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/mrmarble/teledock


           2. 0neTX/Bitwarden_Export / Bitwarden_Export: Backup your Bitwarden Account or your Vaultwarden  (public or self-hosted) to your system.

                        Template repo: https://github.com/0neTX/UnRAID_Template/tree/main/bw-export

                        Project repo: https://github.com/0neTX/Bitwarden_Export/

                        Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/0netx/bw-export




    == Contact Us ==

    If you require support or have any questions you can contact us at [email protected].


    We really appreciate your support in any shape or form.



    • Thanks 2
  3. Hola,


    Despues de actualizar mi Qnap 453B-Mini a Unraid 6.10.3 me ha dejado de funcionar el programa 'panq' para el control de ventiladores.


    He investigado varios foros, y plugins, por ejemplo el QNAP-EC (https://github.com/Stonyx/QNAP-EC)


    Consigo leer la velocidad del ventilador y la temperatura, pero no modificar la velocidad del ventilador (PWM) como hacia con la antigua versión de 'panq'.


    Parece que hay que compilar panq con las librerias actualizadas de Unraid, pero lo he intendado hacer en el propio Unraid y en un Ubuntu 20.04 sin conseguirlo.



    ¿Alguna Ayuda?





    Psdta: Gracias a los compañeros del canal de telegram Unraid_es



  4.  Hello!

    I have installed Unraid 6.9.2 on my TS-453B-mini to try it.


    The problem is when I try to assign the disks to the array, I see that it does detect only 2/3 hard disks I have.

    Unraid doesn't detect all hard drives disks.

    I have tried to:


    - Disable intel virtualization technology in the BIOS.

    - Modify the file /boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg including the option iommu=pt.

    - Install plugins:

    Unassigned Devices 2022.02.27b

    Unassigned Devices Plus 2021.12.12


    But it still doesn't work.


    Any suggestions?


  5. Hola!

    He instalado Unraid 6.9.2 en mi TS-453B-mini para probarlo.


    El problema es al intentar asignar los discos al array, veo que no me detecta 2 de los 3 discos duros que tengo.

    He probado a:


    - Desactivar la virtualización en la BIOS.

    - Modificar el fichero /boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg incluyendo la opcion iommu=pt


    Aún así me continua sin funcionar.


    ¿Alguna sugerencia?




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