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Posts posted by Wintersdark

  1. 50 minutes ago, Me_Benjo said:

    This makes me glad I kept my p2000....  It just works.

    Less so me.  I sold my old 9th gen system when upgrading to my new 12400 system and transitioning to Unraid ("It all just works! It's amazing!" they said - sure, it's great, except for the lack of a heads up about this).  Over a thousand dollars in hardware and a full week of misery transfering 80tb of data and it runs worse than the old Pentium :(


    It'll be better eventually of course, and Unraid is otherwise awesome, but I really hope that gets fixed quickly.

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  2. 5 hours ago, NightOps said:

    Using this same method of enabling QS, I was able to run about 9 days before I would have a complete system lockup..  Hopefully you get better results.  I am using the Z690-P D4 and the i5-12600k.  As soon as I took the iGPU out of Plex and Handbrake, then suddenly I had 0 issues... and I've been running for about 90 days with no lockups.

    I had... 2, 3 days before my first lockup?  Something like that.  It's highly random seeming; I'm not sure if it's contributed to by a certain sort of activity (as I don't know what was happening when it locked up) and because such a hard lock of the whole system endangers a lot more than just Plex, I wasn't really interested in testing to figure out what exactly was the cause.  

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  3. 52 minutes ago, Brandon_K said:

    I feel like a complete moron here, but admittedly I have limited experience with linux outside of Unraid.  I've been banging my head against a wall for a bit here.

    I read through this thread 15 times and I seem to be missing some obvious step, or my limited knowledge of linux is hindering me.  I see the bit about "Extra Parameters" (which I don't have with binhex's build). And I see;

    root@Tuna:~# cat /boot/config/modprobe.d/i915.conf
    #options i915 force_probe=4692
    blacklist i915

    But I have no idea where that goes?

    Can you (or anyone else) give a condensed / step by step version on what needs done to get QS working under Unraid / Plex?  I would be much greatful!


    The #options i915 force_probe=4692 is commented out so it does nothing.  The blacklist i915 line is the functional one.


    You want blacklist i915 in the file "/boot/config/modprobe.d/i915.conf" (it's on the flash drive, but from unraid command line that'll take you there. 


    You can use, from the command line:


    echo "blacklist i915" > /boot/config/modprobe.d/i915.conf


    To do it.

  4. On 2/24/2022 at 6:34 PM, veezer said:

    Just to add my experience to this; I’m running an i5-12400 with an Asrock H670M Pro (DDR4 and 1Gbe Intel Ethernet). Everything seems to be working great on 6.10rc2, including networking and iGPU passthru to dockers.  Plex is able to do hw transcoding except HDR tone mapping does not work, which appears to be a bug that’s still present since Rocket Lake days. Jellyfin is able to do hw transcoding just fine with HDR tone mapping enabled. 

    Overall, I’m happy with this setup which was a fairly inexpensive upgrade these days from my i7-3770 system. ($170 CPU, $140 MB, $90 32GB) and idles ~ 40W at the wall with 8 HDD, 2 SSD, and one LSI 9211-8i, which is about 10w lower than my old system. MB also has a PCI gen4x16 for a GPU in addition to the gen3x16 HBA slot, 6 fan headers, and 2 Gen4 NVME slots.  


    How did you get Plex hw transcoding?  I'm running on a very similar setup with an i5-12400 and a Gigabyte Z690 (ddr4, 2.5gbe).  I have connectivity on the LAN (though I'm only connecting to a 1gbe network, so I can't confirm 2.5.  


    But while I can get the iGPU to be recognized, plex will not hardware transcode.


    root@Tuna:~# ls -al /dev/dri
    total 0
    drwxrwxrwx  3 root root       100 Mar 13 18:51 ./
    drwxr-xr-x 16 root root      4440 Mar 13 18:54 ../
    drwxrwxrwx  2 root root        80 Mar 13 18:51 by-path/
    crwxrwxrwx  1 root video 226,   0 Mar 13 18:51 card0
    crwxrwxrwx  1 root video 226, 128 Mar 13 18:51 renderD128


    root@Tuna:~# cat /boot/config/modprobe.d/i915.conf
    #options i915 force_probe=4692
    blacklist i915

    Tried with and without forceprobe and blacklist.


    Pulling up a Plex docker console (linuxserver.io docker container):

    # ls -al /dev/dri
    total 0
    drwxrwxrwx 3 root root        100 Mar 13 18:51 .
    drwxr-xr-x 6 root root        360 Mar 13 18:55 ..
    drwxrwxrwx 2 root root         80 Mar 13 18:51 by-path
    crwxrwxrwx 1 root video1 226,   0 Mar 13 18:51 card0
    crwxrwxrwx 1 root video1 226, 128 Mar 13 18:51 renderD128


    From Plex's logs when attempting to transcode (this is an h264 file):



    aaaaand it just falls back to software decode.  But the 12400 isn't really meaty enough to handle a lot of software decodes.


    Running 6.10.rc3.


    Edit: Finally got it.   



    in the container Advanced View "Extra Parameters" field did the job.  Now, to see if it crashes.


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